
Who Life

One day, when Hulaif is bored, scrolling on his computer. He found one website that he should answer the pop quiz. When he just answered all the questions. He nailed all the questions as the answers showed that he got them all right. Suddenly, his computer screen became as if someone was hacking it. Then, when he just realised he was in out of nowhere. He does not know what happened to him. But he realised that he was in a world full of modern civilization. Published minimum one chapter per month. If lucky got more. So, pray to author to make the story faster.

Sheeronicle · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Routine in the cell

"Hey! You. Yes, I mean you, new boy. " I just realised someone tried to call me from another cell.

"Yes, what is it?"

"How did you end up here?"

"Before you ask me, how did you end up here?"

"Me. Hahaha... It was a long story, but I will shorten it. I was here because of smuggling. Looking at you. You might be the leader of some gangs. What kind of gang is it? " From what he said, I thought that he was kind of friendly.

"Ah, I am a normal human and I am not a part of any gang."

"Hmm... Since I have told you about me, how about you?" He wanted to know about me.

"I got caught because I did not have an identity card."

"Hah! So you are a spy, is it? " Why do people here always call me a spy?

"No, I do not know what you said."

"Sometimes, secrets should not be told to anyone. I understand your problem. "

"So, how long have you lived here."

"It's been almost three months since I was here."

'Kriiing... kriiing...' I heard some kind of sound. I think it was a kind of bell. It was deafeningly loud, as if your eardrums were about to burst. After a moment, that sound just stops. Then, my cell just opened. I felt a bit puzzled.

"Oh, new boy. You are still new around here. Let me tell you something. Here in this prison, we can get out of this cell around two times per day. You can leave the cell one time in the morning. You need to get breakfast and then go to work. Then, you can get out in the evening to have recreation, supper, and work. "

"Woah, is that a routine here?"He nodded. "Please. Don't call me new boy. I have a name and it is Hulaif. "

"Wait!! Who lives? Who just lived?" He laughed about it.

"Whatever, just call me Hulaif."

"Oh, okay, who lives. My name is Jiyad. Nice to meet you. "

"Yeah, nice to meet you." I shake his hand.

"Please follow me and don't lose sight of me."


Then, I followed Jiyad to the dining hall since it was already evening right now. "

"Okay, so you can eat everything here, but be fast. The strong are at the top, while the weak are at the bottom. So, make sure you are not weak enough. "

I went to line up for the food. It was a long line, and I needed to wait around 10 to 20 minutes. I lost sight of Jiyad for a while. As I arrived at the counter, I was told, "sorry kid, we are out of food here."

"Wait!!! They said there was enough food for all the prisoners here. "

"Yeah, you need to hurry. There is someone who cuts the line and takes two meals."

"Is it conceivable?"

"Nah, we don't really care about it. We are just doing our job only. "

"So, there is no food for me?"

"Yeah, no food."

I felt let down because it was the whole day I did not eat anything. I just drank some water that was still prepared for us. I looked for Jiyad, but then I heard something that made me feel angry.

"Do you know the new boy? What was his name again? I think it was who lives. He was too kind. Because of him, I got double food today. " The person that I heard was Jiyad. I felt betrayed and I think it was my fault for this thing to happen. I trust people too much. Ah, there is still next time. Next time, there will be no trusted people here.

With a mixed feeling of being betrayed and tricked, I went to the outside and took a fresh breath. Even though, on the outside, it looked like the same thing from the inside. I sat on the bench and started to think about how I was going to survive here. I just got an idea, but do not know if it will work or not.

As time passed, I and the other prisoners were moved to the outside. We, as prisoners, become labourers for free in this city. If it is looked up in the hierarchy, we are treated as slaves. For the time being, we are instructed by someone to build some kind of building.

When I look closely, it looks like a pyramid to me. From the outside, it's nearly 90% finished. For the inside, I do not know yet. Maybe I will know it if I enter it soon.

"Okay, all of you. Please line up and move faster. We need to finish the outside tonight so that we can focus on the inside tomorrow. Okay. So move now. "

"Hey, new boy. You are in my team. " One tough guy with a crew hairstyle just approached me.

"Okay, sir."

"Don't call me sir, just call me Arul, and you?"

"Call me Hulaif."

"Oh, okay, Who Life. What a weird name, but I will respect your name. " I am a bit confused as to why people here can't spell my name properly.

"So, what should I do?"

"You just need to follow me. I want to introduce you to the work here. " As I followed him, we entered the pyramid to take something. I do not know what it is, but I just follow the flow. He took some kind of device.

It looked like remote control, I think it is used to control something useful. Maybe, it was to control some kind of technology here.

"Hey, Arul. What is that device? " He looked at me.

"Oh, you mean this." I nodded. "This is a remote to control the hand of a giant to lift the blocks." You can say, this is the easiest way to do work. "

"Oh, so all of this time you all used this kind of technology to move the blocks to build the pyramid?"

"Yeah, it is."

"Then why do you all need more workers?"

"Hmm... good question. It is because technology uses soul power. It absorbs the soul energy to use it. If we use one worker, the technology will absorb all of that life force. So, that person will die. But, if the technology uses soul energy from many workers, the harm can be decreased."

"Oh, I understand it."

As we exited the pyramid, Arul led all of the people with the device. He switched on the switch and the giant hand just moved and lifted the block. As the giant hand moved, I could feel my energy being drained. Then, the block is put on the pyramid. The step is repeated until all of the blocks are combined, our work for that night was done early.

It was a tiring day to do the job. It is because of the use of soul energy. Even using a bit, it was like you were doing some kind of heavy work for the day. That is why they do it with so many workers. I am lying down on the bed in the cell. I just realised that my gadgets cannot be used here. Also, the choker that they installed on my neck is quite troublesome. I think my gadget can't function because of this choker. For now, my smartwatch can show the time only, and the smartphone can't be open.

The officer here says that the choker will choke us if we do not follow their rules. If I am not mistaken, their rule is kind of like this;

1. The prisoner must follow what the officer says.

2. Do not open the choker.

3. If prisoners die in the prison, they will die.

4. Prisoner problems are their problem if they are not involved with their work.

5. Don't attempt to escape.

6. Don't fight with the officers or anyone else besides the prisoner.

7. An officer can follow the request of the prisoner, but there are some conditions.

That is the rule they apply here, so they don't care if the prisoners get beaten by other prisoners here. I have to be careful around here. Making a simple mistake will lead to the worst scenario. Because I was too tired, I just closed my eyes and slept.

'Kriiing, Kriiing... ' It was morning, and as I woke up, I heard the bell of the prison sound. I moved quickly as the door of the cell was opened. When I was at the canteen, there were only a few prisoners there. It might be in the morning. People might just wake up and slowly become conscious. So, there are fewer people here. I moved quickly to the counter and took the food. As I took the food, I found Arul eating at some point alone. Because there is no friendly relationship with anyone yet, I sat in front of him.

"Good morning Arul, may I sit here."

"... sure." For a few minutes early, it was quite silent. I need to start the conversation.

"How long are you staying here, Arul?"

"It was quite a long time until I couldn't remember it."

"What is your case for being here?"

"I... attempt the murder of my village people." I get goosebumps just thinking about it."I know, you might feel scared of me. Everyone here is scared of me. You can go now. " I tried to relax and feel his feelings. I can feel the sorrow of being alone for quite a long time.

"Sorry Arul, but I'm following my rules. I believe people can change, and I believe that people around me can change. Everyone can change, so I will be your friend from now on. "

"Don't feel sorry for me. I have committed too many sins. " His voice started to change.

"As long as you realised you committed the sin and wanted to be a better person, it was good enough for you."

"Is it?"

"Yes, it is." I think I can be a motivator right now. As we were having a good conversation, someone came and asked me something.

"Hey! You are a new boy who just entered yesterday. Give me your food. I have a gang. If you care about your life, give me the food. " With the food that is still in his hand, he demands more.

"Wait... what? Do you want my food, but I only have this? The other was eaten. Are you sure? "

It looks like he is angry. "Do you see my face?" I nodded. "Just give it!"

"Well. How about we play one game? If you win the game, you can have it, but if I win, you should answer my questions. "

"Hmm... If I win, you should give me all your daily food."

"Okay, sound confident. That is the deal. "

"So, what will we play?"

"We will play rock, paper, scissors. There will be 3 rounds of winning. If you win three times, you win. "

"Oh, okay." It looks like he agrees with me.

As I stood up, we started the first round. "Eh, do you know what we did to write something on it? Okay, so we start. "

"ROCK! PAPER! SCISSORS!" We both said it.

I win the first round as he shows the paper, I show the scissor. "Now for the second round, do you know what kind of thing that will get drowned in water easily?" He does not answer.

"ROCK! PAPER! SCISSORS!" We both said it for the second round.

I win this time as I show the paper and he shows me the rock. "Hey! This is the last round. Make sure you keep your promise. " He is quiet, I can tell that he does not care whether he wins or loses. I will make him more regretful because of not taking this seriously.

"ROCK! PAPER! SCISSORS!" For the final round for me, we said it.

I showed him the rock, while he showed me the scissor. Then, I won this game with three straight wins. "So you lose right now."

"Impossible, you cheat!"

"I am not cheating. It's just my talent for playing this game. As you lose right now, you should know your place. Who sent you here and why did you choose your member gang? List three benefits for all of your members.

"Ah, like I care if I lose this fight with you!" He tried to punch me. As he punched close enough to hit my face, Arul caught it and then hit him on his face. He fell down and kneeled.

"He wins it with honour. You should follow what he wants. The deal is a deal. "

"You two bastards. Gang attacked them. " Nothing happens. His friends do not help him but just look at him with disappointment. "How could you let your leader down like this."

"Who said you are our leader and can't answer his question? You are a disappointment. "

"Look, you have been betrayed. Now, answer my question. Who talked to you about me?" He looked at me with a sharp eye and felt pain from the blow.

My story is just ongoing, If you have any idea? Comment it and let me know. Your idea might appear in my story.

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