
Cheating Boyfriend

I laid in the cornfield waiting for my true love to come and find me, as i peeked up over the corn that surrounded me I saw him… I saw him kissing Julie Robin.

Ok maybe it wasn't in a cornfield and MaYbe he wasn't looking for me.. But he was still my boyfriend and I still caught him kissing her. My boyfriend's name is Michael, but I call him Mikey. Today was his birthday and it was after school, that me and my best friend, Lizzy, was about to surprise him with a cake that me and her hand-made.

We snuck up behind some bars and before we popped out, Julie Robin skipped up to him and put her arm around him and kissed him. At first i thought she forced a kiss on him and i was about to go kick her butt! But then i realized…. He started kissing her back.

Me and Lizzy stood there frozen, when i came to my senses I gripped the cake tightly and walked up to Michael and yelled, "Michael!" As he turned around I slammed the cake into his face, slapped Julie Robin, did a hair flip, and then grabbed Lizzy's hand and walked away.

Yes, I looked so freaking confident, and brave, and just completely awesome!, but as soon as we were out of there site, i started freaking out. "Lizzy! What am I gonna do!? Omg omg omg.." I started pacing thinking of things, such as: Moving away, Running away, Staying hidden, Never coming out of my house.

"Miya! Chill out! Everything will be fine! You don't have to do nothing, just stay away from that prick! If he or Julie comes near you again! Believe me, I'll deal with'em!"

I slightly smiled and said "You're such a great friend Lizzy... I can't believe i slapped her…"

Lizzy laughed and said "Believe me! She had it coming!"

I laughed a little and said "Yeah she did, but… Her dad is pretty rich.. As soon as he hears about this, he'll come straight to the school and demand to have me expelled!"

Lizzy laughed and said "Ohhh then we can move to the high school down the rode! We can finally sign up for baseball since we'd be new!"

I laughed and said "Lizzy you're really optimistic. Yeah that's kinda a good thing but as soon as my mom hears I'm expelled she'll murder me before I even get a chance to go to the school!"

Lizzy seemed like she was thinking but then said "Uhh yeah.. I'm out of happy things to say. You're doomed."

I laughed and said "Oh that cheered me up. I guess it doesn't really matter… Oh no! What if Julie tries to fight me! What if Michael tries to confront me!" I started pacing again.

"Don't worry I'll be with you the whole time so we can deal with it together. Nothings gonna happen anyway. Everyone knows Julie Robin is wayyy too girly to be able to fight."

I thought for a second and then shook my head "Yeah." We both started laughing. Then I saw red cheeked Julie Robin yelling into her phone next to Michael. She then smirked and hung the phone up and gave Michael a kiss. "Grrrr that little-" "Ms. Miya I'm hoping you weren't just about to curse." My eyes widened a little then turned around with a smile.

"Whaaaaat! Mrs. Lemonting you know I'd neverrr." She smiled and said "Ok Miya. Now you girls better get home before you're parents start to worry."

I sighed and said "Ok Mrs. Lemonting," Then I mumbled "Haha wait till she finds out about my crazy day…"

So I deleted my other stories and tried a different approach. If you actually read this far please tell me lol. I can never tell if someone's actually reading my stories....

Queen_Of_Jewelscreators' thoughts