
Who Is God ?

"The God...Humph. Like I believe in hyprocrite like that 'God'." He said to himself in anger. "SELIS !!!!!" He scream in pain after seeing her died in front of her. "S-Sohan....Be Happy." The Last Words was so painful to hear. How can he be happy without her ? After the death of his parents, Only she's left for her and now she's gone too. "It's useless for me to leave. Humph." He said to himself in irritated voice while walking his way to his home. "That Boy !? Hey ! Move ! DAMN IT !!" He said in anger and run towards him and push him away. But. He was hit by a car and fall on the ground while his blood spread all over the place. "Now....I Feel...The Pain... You Bear For Me....Selis." He said while looking towards the sky. "What a Useless life it was." He muttered his last words....Then Die. __________ "Huh !? Where Am I ?" Despite being death, he got a chance...To get Reincarnated. "What ? You're God ?" He said in anger. "Why ? Why But ?" He said with tearly eyes after hearing about the reason why he died. "I Will Give You A Change to Meet Your parents and Your Love Selis once again but..." He look at him in amaze as he said. "... You're Reincarnated as A Godly Warrior." He completed then he Reincarnated in the another world with the power of a Godly Fighter. To Protect the World From Evils....And To Find His Family....He Will Do It. "It's so soft...What is it ?" He look there then widen his eyes in shock. "I-I-I AM REALLY SORRY !" "YOU PERVERT !!" The Princess punches him in Embarrassment. "What ? I Have To Marry The Princess !?" He said while making a shocked expression. "This is the Bonus of Reincarnation." The Servent of God Tells him. "You're..." The King Of Monster Clan said in shock. "Yeah... I'm the Godly Warrior. Sohan Satakino." He said then he stabbed his sword through the king's chest. "Every Evil...Must Die." He said while looking towards the cloudy sky. Note:- The artwork does not belong to me and if anyone knows the artists of this work, please let me know and I will credit them.

Demigod_of_All · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

I Finally Get To See You After That Long Time... Mother

Selistina went towards the door and said before leaving.

"Well, I'm going now. Get changed then come to the front gate."


Sohan responds with a gentle smile.

Selistina smiles back then went towards her room.

As she left, Sohan makes a serious expression and think.

"It might be dangerous. But I had to protect her too."

Then he sighed and muttered to himself while making a little tired expression.

"I don't know when this Country will be free from every evil."

Then he changes to his usual clothing. Then went outside and while walking towards the front door of the castle. He sees Alix on the balcony of a room.

"Huh? What he's doing there ?"

He muttered to himself while looking at Alix.

He walks towards Alix.

"I understand, My Lord."

Alix muttered while looking towards the sky.

Then he joins his hands and bows his head.

"What are you doing, Alix ?"

Sohan asked him as he sees him praying.

"Sohan !?"

Alix responded surprisingly.

"Huh? What's Up ?"

Sohan asked confusingly.

"It's Nothing. I'm just praying."

Alix said with a smile.

"Praying? Are you a Believer ?"

Sohan said with a little laugh.


Alix said with a little smile then look towards the sky and said.

"... Everyone who believes in My Lord is Believer."

Alix said in a gentle voice.

"Hum...Then I'm also a Believer then."

Sohan said with a smile.

"Well... You're more than that."

Alix said in a low voice while looking towards the sky.

"Huh !?"

Sohan responds confusingly.

"By the way, where are you going this early ?"

Alix asked while changing the topic.

"Oh! Yeah. I and Selistina are going to the Festival Of Victorious Light."

Sohan said in an ethusiastic manner.

"Oh. I see. Good to see that."

Alix said with a smile.

"I have an idea. Let's go with us."

Sohan said with a smile.

"Huh? But Why Me ?"

Alix asked.

"Um...Well, You know. If there's any danger out there then how can we manage it without your help ?"

Sohan asked while trying to act helpless.

He thinks that if Alix will be there then he will solve the upcoming danger easily.

"Hmm...I also can able to see that."

Alix muttered to himself while making a serious face.

"Um... Alix ?"

Sohan said confusingly while looking at Alix.

"Okay. Let's go then."

Alix said then smiles.

"That's good."

Sohan said then smiles. But at the same time, he thinks.

"Now, I don't have to worry too much about that upcoming danger."

Then they both walk towards the front gate.

Selistina whose standing there look at Sohan with a smile.

"Sohan! Here !"

She said while waving her hand.

Sohan waves his hand too with a smile on his face.


Then Selistina sees Alix with Sohan.

She turned around while making an angry face and muttered to herself.

"Alix too ?"

Then she tighten her fist in anger and muttered again.

"That Sohan...."

Sohan reaches where Selistina is standing.

Selistina looks back with a fake charming smile.

"Hey, Sohan !"

"Selistina. I invited Alix too. Is that alright ?"

Sohan asked with a little smile.

"Yeah. Yeah. Of course."

Selistina said while trying to control her Anger but at the same time, she think.

"That Idiot...I thought I can spend some time with him together. But..."

Alix move forward then said in a gentle voice.

"Good Morning, Princess. It's my pleasure to go with you two."

"Yeah... That's good. I guess."

Selistina said while giggling.

"Well, let's go then."

Sohan said with a smile.

"Oh! Sohan. Look a mosquito."

Selistina said.

"Huh? Where ?"

Sohan said as he turn around but.


He was punched by Selistina in her belly.

He falls some distance away.

Alix Understand that Selistina is jealous.

*cough* *cough* "W-Why did you punch me ?"

Sohan asked confusingly while trying to get up.

"I told you there was a mosquito, that's why. Humph."

Selistina said in little anger then went outside while pouting.

Alix smiles and mutters to himself.

"Princess wanted to spend time with Sohan alone..."

Then he look at Sohan and sighed then muttered again.

(sigh) "But why don't he understands that ?"

Sohan gets up while muttering to himself in confusement.

"Did I do something wrong ?"‍

Then he walks outside with Alix.

They all walk towards the Market area, which lies before the festival area.

"Good Morning Princess, Hero.

Good Morning Princess, Mr. Hero.

Look at the Princess and the Hero.

Where are they going?

To the Holy Festival Of Victorious Light, I think."

People around the market greet Selistina and Sohan and gossips too.

"Why they're calling me Mr. Hero ?"

Sohan said while looking at them in little nervousness.

"Because You Are A Hero, Dummy. What else do you want them to call you ?"

Selistina said in a little angry voice then asked while walking towards the Festival area.


Sohan responded as he begins to think about it.

"...What about the Prince ?"

He said while making point-type eyes.



Sohan responds when Selistina punches him on his head as she said in anger.

"Then You Will Be My Brother, Idiot."

"Wait! Your Brother, How ?"

Sohan asked surprisingly because he thinks that the husband of a Princess is called Prince (which is true in most cases.)

"Huh !? You Don't Know ?"

Selistina asked while making a surprised face.

Alix sighed while placing his right palm over his eyes then he move towards Sohan and said in a gentle voice.

"It's True that the husband of a Princess is called as 'Prince'. But it's not true here on Light Shines."

"What do you mean ?"

Sohan asked still confused over it.

"Let's take an example, Just supposed you and Selistina got married and have two children, one is a boy and another one is a girl..."

Alix is explaining but because he could finish explaining, after hearing 'have two children', both Selistina's and Sohan's face turned bright Red in Embarrassment.

"Ahem. Ahem. I'm just giving an example."

Alix said in an impartial voice.

"Y-Y-Yeah. I know... It's not that I'm Embarrassed or Anything."

Selistina said then laugh a little while trying to overcome her Embarrassment.

"Y-Yeah. Me too."

Sohan said then he laughs too.

Alix shows a fake smile while thinking.

"It's all written on your faces."

Then he began explaining.

"...So, the boy will be called as Prince and the girl will be called as Princess. So, that's why in the Light Shines... Husband Of a Princess is given a title as 'Hero' instead of Prince."

Alix Completed explaining.

"OOOOOOH! Now I understand."

Sohan said while understanding the concept.

"Humph. Let's go already."

Selistina said in little anger.

"Humph. He is really an Idiot."

She muttered to herself while pouting.

"Yeah. Hey, Wait! You're walking so fast, you know."

Sohan said then speed up a little.

"You're the slow one. Walk fast."

Selistina said in little anger then walks faster.

"Oh Come On."

Sohan said then move faster.

Alix who was left behind, look towards them and muttered to himself while smiling.

"Oh My, Seems like I'm the one who was left alone."

Then he walks towards them.

Soon, they entered the festival area.


Sohan responds while looking around.

Alix smiles at them.

They see the area covered with lighting lamps attached to the walls, Colourful ribbons, many food stalls, and Shopping stalls with many different items. There are so many rides like Carousel, Log flume, Bumper boats, Rockin' Tug, Sky coaster, Rock-o-plane, Ferris Wheel. Some people are showing magic too.

Selistina step forward and move around and look at Sohan and Alix and said with a proud smile.

"Welcome to the Festival Of Victorious Light"

Sohan smiles then he looks at the rides and thinks while making an amazing face.

"This type of rides...."

Then he look at Alix and whispered.

"Hey, Alix! This type of ride even exists in this world ?"

Alix smiles and said.

"Yeah...This World has developed enough technology and magic and others but still not competing as compared to your world."

"I See."

Sohan said while looking around.

"What are you two mumbling about ?"

Selistina asked in a little annoying voice.

"It's nothing. Hehe Hehehe."

Sohan said with a smirk.


Selistina said then pouted while closing her eyes and diverging her face.

"Seems like I, unfortunately, did something wrong."

Sohan muttered to himself while showing a fake smile.

Suddenly, Someone smiles evilly at them from the dark.

"Ah !"

Sohan notices something.


He screams then run towards her and push her towards him.

"WHAT !?"

Selistina responds shockingly.

In an instant, Sohan take out his sword from the scabbard and block the attack of that Assassin lady


Their Swords conflict while giving some sparkling.

Sohan gritted his teeth while trying to protect himself from his sword.

That Assassin lady smiles at him while pushing her sword forwards while his sword is blocking the attack.


Sohan scream then he pushes that lady backward.

Lady jump back and said with an evil smile, only her mouth is showing.

"Ara~ Seems like You're really strong. No wonder, You defeated both Fiend and Algestia."

"Fiend... Algestia....? You're... You're from Monster Clan ?"

Sohan asked her in surprise.

"Sure I'm."

She said in a sly voice then giggles.

"Selistina! Alix! Protect the people here."

Sohan said in alert while looking at them.


Both Selistina and Alix responded in serious voices.

"It's Strange. Alix always comes to accompany me but what's the matter all of a sudden ?"

Sohan muttered to himself while making a serious face.

"But dear Hero...I think you also have to know that..."

The Assassin lady said in a little disappointed voice.

"Huh ?"

Sohan responds as he looks towards her.

He widens his eyes in shock as he sees her just in front of him.

"....That Don't Space Out During A Fight."

She said with a sly smile then kick Sohan on his stomach.


Sohan responds as he instantly falls some distance backward and hits a fruit stall.


The Fruit stall is destroyed by the force and dust appears there.

"Sorry~ If It hurts."

The Assassin lady said with a gentle smile then giggles.

"SOHAN !!"

Selistina scream in panic then about to run towards him.


Alix stop her while putting his left hand over her right shoulder.


Sohan responds confusingly.

But she became silent when she sees him looking at their fight while making a serious face.

"Well, it didn't hurt that much."

Sohan said with a smile.

He appeared behind that Assassin lady.

"Wha !?"

That lady responds but before she can react to it.

Sohan attacks a winding punch at that lady with his hand.

He didn't touch her but the wind flow punch her.


She screams then fall onto some other stall and that stall gets destroyed too because of the force. Dust is scattered in that place.

"He did it."

Selistina said with a confidential smile.

Alix smiles as he understands what gonna happen next.

"I now understand that it was you who spying on us this morning."

Sohan said with a cold face.

"Even if you're from a woman, I won't hesitate to spar with you because you're from Monster Clan."

He said with a proud smile while pointing his sword towards that destroyed stall where that Assassin lady is fallen.

She gets up while removing the dust around her clothes.

"I Was Careless back there."

She said in a serious voice.

Dust disappeared and the lady is seen. But her hood has been destroyed.

"Ah! My Hood."

He muttered to herself while placing her hands over her hair.

Sohan froze in shock after seeing the appearance of that Lady.

That lady is incredibly beautiful. She has long Red-colored shining hair, she is of average height, her skin is so fair and Her body is slim. She has Red shining eyes just like Sohan.

Sohan widens his eyes in shock.

"This time you won't able to attack me."

That Lady said with a smile.

But Sohan didn't do anything but still stand there like he's frozen because of shock.

"Hum...? Why he's not doing anything ?"

That lady muttered to herself while looking at Sohan in a suspicious look.

"What's the matter with him? Why he's not doing anything ?"

Selistina said in Worriedness.

Alix smiles and said.

"Just wait and see what will happen."

"Huh ?"

Selistina responds confusingly.

Alix smiles because he already knew why Sohan is not moving.

Soon, tears start flowing out from Sohan's eyes.

"What !?"

"Huh !?"

Both Lady and Selistina respond surprisingly.

Sohan smiles and said.

"I Finally Get To See You After That Long Time..."

He look at that Lady and said with a gentle smile with teary eyes.


After hearing that, both Selistina and that lady scream in shock.

"MOTHER !?!?"

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