

All the planets in this universe are like every human being. Because the human body is adorned with many micro-organisms and cells just as we humans adorn this earth. The human body functions healthily because many microscopic organs and cells do their job properly. Similarly, the earth will be healthy only when humans do their job properl.

Daoist8FVFXm · Kỳ huyễn
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humans think "we are the best in this world".is it correct? No, because in human body many organs are there to keep our body at good condition. similarly humans also the organs of earth.but we only aren't organs of earth,in every this world many lives are hear.all creatures are keeping the world at good condition.now we assume one thing that, world have a specific organ. that is human. the human organ is working more for keeping the world at good condition.but some human organ don't do their work properly, due to that sometimes the world goes to bad condition.

hey reader I think you got the moral of story. yeah, I am speaking about global warming. the effects of the global warming is ecosystems through temperature rises, water shortages, increased fire threats, drought, weed and pest invasions, intense storm damage and salt invasion. And the more CO2 gas damage the ozone.

so, human wouldn't work properly the skin(ozone) of earth will be damaged by human.


Human should mind one thing that he isn't only living in earth, many creatures were crrated by God.So, all are equal.