
WHO Did it Better?

Aki and Orison compete to create the better short story. WHO did it better?

WhoDidItBetter · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Prompt: Goblin Stuck In A Toilet

Story 1: The Silly Little Goblin

The goblin walked into the bathroom with a full bladder, needing to use the toilet. Now, the goblin was very small and the toilet was very large, so when the goblin got onto the toilet he fell in. "Oh, noes!" The goblin exclaimed as he fell, his arms and legs getting stuck under the seat. His thoughts ran with worry and fright as he struggled with all his might to get out of the toilet.

But no matter how hard he toiled, he could not get free. "Helps me!" The goblin cried out in fear as he heard the front door open. He heard steps come closer and soon they stopped outside the door. "Helps me! Helps me pleases!" The creature screamed out once more. After hearing the goblin's cries, a human quickly opened the door and saw the poor, silly creature stuck under the seat.

He walked over to the toilet and released the creature and placed him on his feet, then spoke to him sternly. "How many times do I have to tell you?" The human asked. "Don't use the toilet that's too large!" He finished.

"Me's is sorrys..." The little green creature spoke. "But me's wills certainly learns!" He finished. The human sighed and gave him a pat on the head.

"Alright, just don't get stuck again." The human spoke.

Story 2: Goblin in Need of Rescue

A human took me in when I was a baby, as my parents were killed protecting me from a dog. I am a goblin, it's rather unusual for a goblin to live with a human, however, I love and appreciate my human, Tex.

Tex always leaves me with plenty of snacks and drinks before heading off to work. Today, Tex forgot about something very important... I am a very small creature, and as such, I have my own toilet. This toilet is a toddler training toilet, that much be emptied, but Tex forgot to empty it and it is totally full.

Sooooo, I decided to use the human toilet. I climbed up, did my business, stood up on the seat, pulled my pants up, and turned to face the flush lever. After a moment of thinking, I jumped, grabbed hold of the lever, and the flushing commenced. I released the lever and landed safely back on the toilet seat.

I started to turn to get off the toilet, and I slipped started to fall. I grabbed the lid trying to catch myself, but I fell with the lid closing behind me. Now, I'm cold, I'm wet, and hungry, waiting for my human to rescue me again, just like when I was a baby!