
Who Are You? (English Ver)

"Whose name is your name?" asked Nasya to someone she didn't recognize. Nasya is a 17-year-old girl looking for someone named "Juan". Juan is the guy he met at the playground. Juan is also Nasya's first love, do you think they'll see each other again? Or has Juan forgotten about Nasya? Don't forget to read it!

Daoisto7MAgL · Lịch sử
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3 Chs


Three months ago...

Today was the first day I went to medical school at one of xxx campuses, and here also I found a new friend named Berly and Cika they were both very kind and considerate.. Even though sometimes I trouble both of them, but they never get angry. The reason I went to medical school was because I wanted to be a doctor from a young time. Before I graduated I had often joined competitions such as LCC, O2SN and several competitions related to science lessons, Math, English. I used to hesitate to choose a major but now I'm pretty sure I won't regret it, I'm going to reach my goals and I'm going to find Juan.

{Nasya Pov-FlashBack End}

Berly: Sha! Come here, let's...

Cika and Berly wave

Nasya: Hay!

Nasya runs towards Berly and Cika suddenly a man accidentally bumps into Nasya.? I'm sorry I was so unintentional!!

Nasya: Ah yes gapapa I also ga clay.

? I'm going to have to go. See you later~

Nasya's heart suddenly pounded unharmously even though the person had gone quite far but Nasya still saw it.. Suddenly Cika embraces from behind.

Cika: Cute also tu guy.

Berly: Yes!

Nasya : Eum

Cika: How long do you want to find Juan?

Bely: Yes. It's better to forget! That was also the case five years ago.

Nasya: Hmmm ywdh lh.

Eventually they went to the Team Zone play. Then Nasya saw the guy who hit her. Thennasya went to the man and invited acquaintances.

Nasya: You were the one, right? Know my name Nasya!

? : Yes, my name is San

Nasya: Salken ~ oya where did you go to college?

San : In Univ XXX (intentionally make gini)

Nasya: Ha? One college?

San: Yes? I just moved here so I just moved here tomorrow.

Nasya: What are you majoring in?

San : Medicine

Nasya : SAME!!!!

San : Haha iyaa

Eventually they played together. Tomorrow comes

Lecturer : Children know this *** **** transfer from XXX.

Nasya : Ha?? From XXX?!!