
who's my dad???

Jivi_0825 · Kỳ huyễn
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50 Chs

like the mom


some one came near to the Venn's bed and look at her she is sleeping peacefully the person look at her and said

???:" beautiful....."😳he whispered slowly. he put something on near the bed and walk to the window. he stop and look back to thee Venn last time.

???: you make my night???" 😊the smile under darkness and (sigh) he jump from the window

Venn POV

i woke up by the alarm. (yawn)

" i should get up and ready for the work" 🥱i get up from my bed to turn off the alarm and see there some money on the table and my bracelet with a note i turn off the alarm. i read the note

on the note

"good night.....and close the window next time ;⁠-⁠) " i got scared and check my window and really it was open...

"ooh God"😱 i lock it but it but when i lock again and pulled a little it was open by a little force i think it was broken. i turn the note i see...

"your idiot thief"😉 ooh God did he just came here last night what if he do something with me i look at money and my bracelet

" he just here to return the my money" 🤔i really need to change this place i checked all the places and went into the bathroom

meanwhile in heaven 😇

baby was sleeping and the God was watching the baby 😴

God : this kid called her mother....i can tell he like her already.....what a cute baby" 😇

baby: old man save my mother"😓

he said in sleep

God : i take my words back this kid is full of naughtiness"😒

venessa's POV

i walk on the road while listening some of my favourite music....i think i should tell James about that creepy guy....i walk into the shop and see James smiling at me 😃

James: hey Venn!! go change fast i want to tell you something" 🤗

" ooh really okay I'll there in minute "😲

James: I'll wait here!!"😃

i change fast and went to him i can tell he is little nervous by the way he tapping his one foot on the floor he always do when he was nervous i tap his shoulder

" hey where our boss James"😄 he turn and smile 😃

James: aah he is not coming today"😌

"really!!!! grate i am so happy. today no one's gone shout at me wooww" 😉

James: yeah....well i have to tell you something Venn" 😄

" oh yeah tell me " 😄i asked him. he look took a long breath

James: well.....i-i am d-dating a-a girl and her-"😓

"WAIT WHAT "😱 he look at me and get curious and shocked

"when"😱 as far i know him he don't know any girl if he know he had told me before he was sacred to tell me

James: uumm....last week i met her"😓

"WHAT.....and you are telling me now"😰

James: no Venn i just confirm that i feel for her "🙄

" but-"🙄 before i say something someone enter to the shop

" welcome sir "🙂 i ignore James. Because the coustomer start coming so we don't get chance to talk i can feel he is looking at me everytime but i just ignore him

"here your order ma'am"🙂 i serve the last order

and go to the changing room. after some time i put my bag on my shoulder and start walk to the door

James : hey.....Venn wait i just lock the shop and come with you okay" 😄 He didn't even listen just go to change and i was now waiting for him. he came back check everything think and lock the door and start walk towards me

James: look Venn i am sorry-"😅

" it's alright jamei i am happy for you"😄 i said with smile

James: really....Venn "😨

"yess James i am happy but i am sad also because you didn't tell me "😒 i said him he just smile 🙂

James: i- i am sorry Venn " 😔aawww now he is looking like baby

"it's okay jamei.....so what's her name"😄 i ask him and he look little nervous😰

James: aah her name is cassey " 😅

" ooh nice name by the way James you told me last night that you friend is waiting for you.....it's her right"😏 i wiggle my eyebrows at him

James: aah- yes yes that's her" 😅he said then we just laughing and talking then we see my house we stopped by a side

"i can't believe that you have a girlfriend" 😃

James: i also don't believe Venn "🙄

"ooh really i should also start find boyfriend for me then we will go on a double date"😉

he look shocked what I say😨

James: okay okay see you tomorrow Venn i have to go now" 😅

"okay okay bye "😄 i wave at him and turn around

to enter my house when i close my door

"ooh i forgot to tell him about that creepy guy "😰

i will tell him tomorrow i look at the time it's. 5:30 ooh i should buy some vegetable.

meanwhile in heaven 😇

baby : o- Mr. God that means he love someone and James is not my father?? i thought he is. gone be my father "😱

God : i am not sure about the father but that James is laying to venn "😇( god sence James intentions but god don't want to make baby sad so he doesn't say to the baby anything)

baby: WHAT!!! BUT WHY????"😱 ( baby was shocked)

God : i don't know but he is lying"😇 ( god said )

baby: but you are god right you know everything"😒( baby ask and give a doubtful look to god )

God : look kid i told you already i know about the humans feelings we can sence there emotions but we can't tell what there intentions. they are smart and know how to mask there real faces "😇 ( god said )

baby : that means James is a bad guy who lie to my mother"😰 ( baby was scared for the mother)

God : i can see you like her already!!"😇 ( god smile at the baby)