
Whitebeards son in AU

Yuno died after living his life to an old age, due to sickness. His Grandson got hi! to watch the first episode of One Piece together, and since then he got hooked. even till his death over 20 years later he still waited each week for the new Chapter. After he died he got the chance to Reincarnate into any World he wants. He even got to choose perks, which were not restricted in Quantity, but Quality. One of his wishes, was to be Reborn as the biological son of Whitebeard and to be born just after the ROCKS pirates got defeated by Roger and Garp. But did really go everything as planned? Follow Yuno on his way to fullifile his dream in his own way. ................................... Will be slow romance ,.................................. DISCLAIMER: I neither own the Characters or Storyline of One Piece, only my own OC and some of my own additional plotlines.

Icekid · Tranh châm biếm
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36 Chs

18. Talking with Crocus

It took me another week to reach my destination.

Which was faster than I thought. This was because there was no other encounter with other pirates and I could even take advantage of one storm with a bit of luck. So it sped my journey up a bit.

In the distance I could already see the massive landmass, the Red Line.

And in its creaks was a stream that came rushing into to Grandline from the top.

I slowly came ever so close to the light tower, that was my destination.


After I docked my ship and went towards the lighthouse. Its door opened and out came a man with a weird beard, that looked a little like Whitebeard beard, but upside down, not so long but way thicker. It was also on his chin instead of a moustache.

„You should be Yuno, no? The one Rayleigh told me about."

„Yeah that's me, Uncle. And thanks for the help."

„Haha no problem, I heard you were brought by Roger, and if he brought you, then you are for sure someone special. Looking at you, I can already see what that is."

„Is it really that obvious, that Whitebeard is my father?"

Sigh I can't believe all those people could see who my father is with a single look.

I mean my face was completely different. I came more after my real mother in this regard. The only thing I had in common with my father, was my blond hair and my height. But in one piece there are a lot of people that are tall. I mean even giants exist here.

„Haha kid, don't worry, people who have never seen your father fight for real won't make the connection. It isn't something about your looks but more about your aura. But even that alone won't be enough, but then this aura coupled with your looks, makes it then clear as day."

Aura? Does he mean Conquerors Haki? But I didn't awaken it yet no?

„What do you mean uncle? Can you enlighten me please?"

The doctor looked at me, while still standing in front of the door.

„Alright. But first let's go inside and have some snacks."

Afterwards he entered the lighthouse again and beckoned me to follow him. The insides of the lighthouse weren't that big, so we easily reached the living area were he showed me a place to sit, he then went into another room, the kitchen I presume and soon came put with a tray filled with all possible snacks.

Fruits, nuts, some bread and cheese. There were also 2 cups and a bottle filled with wine.

„Well, it looks like Roger and Rayleigh didn't tell you. Why I don't know but the Aura I was talking about is Conquerors Haki."

So it is indeed so. But when?

„Seems like you know about Haki. But you look confused about you emanating your Haki? It isn't uncommon for you to be unaware that you have awakened your Conquerors, if it often happens unconsciously and if there are no weak people or beasts around you then there are no real visible changes.

As for your situation, well it is neither rare nor common. You are currently constantly emanating your Conquerors Haki. This is based on your lack of control, which is common, but what's rare is, that you are constantly using it. And that it seems like you aren't running out of it. This means your Conquerors Haki is very strong.

As for why you are constantly emanating it, I don't know, it could be everything, you being constantly on edge, or angry, desperate anything like this. So you have to ask this yourself. And don't look at me like this, I can't help you with that, as I don't even know why you are constantly using it. Neither can I teach you how to control it, as I don't have Conquerors Haki myself.

And don't worry only people who posses a certain decree of strength, posses Conquerors themselves or are very sensitive to such things through constant exposure can sense it. And nearly ever person, that falls under these categories, are currently roaming the new world. And even if you were to meet these people, in order to identify you, they would have had to have faced Whitebeard in a fight, where he went all out, or be present at that time and be able to stay calm enough to remember his aura.

And there are only a handful such people besides the Whitebeard pirates or Roger Pirates. One such examples are the remnant of the ROCKS Pirates or the marine hero Garp. And the possibility to meet them in one of the blues is nearly zero.

Ah! Except if you are going to the execution site of Captain. Then you will probably meet a few. The only ones you should be carful of though are, Garp, as he is a marine and his son, Dragon, as he was present at some of the clashes of Garp and your father. As for the remnants of the Roger Pirates that may attend, don't worry about them, as they all can keep their silence, and no one in our crew really had any beef with your father. There was only a healthy rivalry."

Wow so much information.

But to think I already awakened my Conquerors Haki. Well I can already guess when it happened, as for why I'm constantly using it? Well I can guess that too. To bad Crocus can't help me with my control.

As for why Uncle Roger or Uncle Rayleigh didn't do so? Probably because I didn't ask them to help train me. And I even told them, about my plans of Haki training with Master. So that is probably the reason right?

Well doesn't matter I have to think of a way to reign it in.

But nows not the time.

Me and Crocus then chatted for a while, he was lonely too. Being all alone for a year in this hell hole.

A few hours I then asked him for what I came for.

„Uhm, Uncle Crocus. The thing that would help me with crossing between the four blues?"

„Ah! Yeah I totally forgot. It's simply such a nice think to chat with a kid like you. Here take these."

He then handed me two items a token, that looked like a fish scale and a whistle.

„Don't loose these things, especially the scale as it's the last I have. And please return it to me once you come to the Grandline again.

For pirated to return to the Blues, there are only three ways, and all are connected to one being. The king of Carps.

The king lives around reverse mountain somewhere. And to summon him or some of his children, one has to use the whistle. Which I have a few, and I normally use one of them whenever pirates want to return to one of the blues, of course only after a small fine.

Next one has three options.

One, this is for the normal weaklings. They have to pay the king a certain percentage of their treasures. Different services have different prices. For 50 percent of the wealth, the children will simply shoot you up to the top of reverse mountain, but the rest of where you end up or if you can even get safely back, or be instead again swept down the mountain into the Grandline is up to your luck.

Next for 75 percent of your treasures the children will safely bring you to the sea that you want, but there is still a risk, as they will leave your boat at the edge of reverse mountain and just one moment of carelessness could end up in the strong sea stream picking your ship up and sent you back into the Grandline.

And the best for 90 percent of your treasures, is also the safest. As the king and its children will guarantee your safe passage into the blue of your choice.

The second option is using your superior strength to convince the king to bring you over safely.

And the third Option is showing one of these scales. It is a scale of the King of the Carps himself and represents, you having good connections with either the king or a person who has a good relationship with the king. As such you also have to pay nothing for the safe transport to the blue of your choice.

The whistle is usable everywhere around reverse mountain, no matter on which side you are."


Is sure a treasure. Instead of paying an exorbitant fee one gets to their destination for free and I can use it multiple times. With this I'm able to travel the four blues more easily.

I really have to thank the uncles.

Even though I already have gotten what I came here for, I still didn't leave immediately. I choose to stay for one more day. I would still make it in time. And even have a bit of time. And I didn't want to leave Uncle Crocus alone again. I wanted to accompany him for a bit more.


The day after tomorrow

I choose to set sail just in the morning.

Just before the giant stream, that came crouching down from beyond the clouds, I loudly blew the whistle.

And after just a few moments, the water in front of me started to turn and toss, as a giant head of a carp came out of the water.

He simply glanced at me, as if waiting for something.

I then showed it the scale, Crocus gave me.

The Carp looked at it, then at the lighthouse and after a short pause nodded.

Then I heard a low voice.

„You may pass. Children bring this young man wherever he wants."

Huh what's this? The carp can talk? I don't have the voice, so the carp must have the ability to talk normal human tongue.


The next moment before I could continue to marvel I suddenly felt my ship ascending.

I rushed to the railing and looked down.

Around a hundred carps, each around two to three meters long were lifting my boat up. But that was all they did, as if waiting for something.

Ah right my destination!

„Please take me to the East blue."

And sure enough the carp began to move towards the stream and with seemingly ease brought my ship against the currents.

First upwards against the currents, then down against the currents.

The moment I was of the top will be something I will never forget.

I was so high up, I had the feeling as if I were the king of the world. As I could see so far.

And even though indistinct I could even see small black dots in the distance of the blue seas, they should be islands.

Wow its so beautiful. One day I want to come back, but then not only for a moment. But for longer.

I want to climb the redline and enjoy this moment forever.