
13. Meeting Roger



Where am I?

I felt groovy and kind of weak as I inspected my surroundings. I was in an unfamiliar environment. It was a small wooden room, really simple, a bed, a desk and a chair was all there was in it.

But something unusual that I noticed was that the from was moving.

Slowly up and down, from right to left and form left to right.

It was as if I was on the ocean.

Ah! The ocean! I'm on a ship.

But how did I get on a ship?

Usually granny simply…



As I remembered what happened before I passed out I shot out of the bed I was lying on and out of the room. Outside the room was a small corridor, that only led to my right and at the end was another door. In my a send minded state I simply followed the corridor and opened the door.

I wasn't sure what I was doing, I only knew that I had to find granny.

She can't be dead. She can't be!

As I opened the door, I stood now on the outside, obviously the corridor led outside.

I was right, I was on the sea. And the ship, was really small. The door I just exited, was the only door that let to the insides of the ship.

And when I was outside I saw a man. Someone I never expected to meet. And someone that brought me out of my crazed state.

Puh, fortunately I was brought out of this state, I didn't want to have a fight with myself again.

Yes I returned to my calm and mature state. And now that I remembered everything, I also remember arguing with myself. Or more precisely my old mature self, with the new me, who acts more like my bodily age.

I wasn't even aware that, I had two personality's. And I don't know what consequences this has, or if I still have two personality's? This has to be researched later.

After the relief of finding out about my second personality, the pain and sadness of the loss of granny hit again. It was a pain, like I never knew before. Like someone had cut my heart out, very slowly, while I remain alive and can't do anything against it. It was a pain, far worse than knowing my mother died and sacrificed herself for me.

After all I didn't even know my mother, but granny… she was like my actual mother. She brought me up, and gave me everything I have today.

And now?

Now she's gone…

While I was still grieving, the man that stood before me and with his back to me turned around.

„Ah, Kid you are awake. Took you long enough. We have already sailed for two days."

He spoke as he came closer and when arriving in front of me he circled me and looked me up and down.

„You sure a similar to him. Your hair, your aura, and that stupid height and bodily strength even though you are so young. Just who are you?"

He sure is like I thought he would be, like a big child. A big and super powerful child.

Well that's right in front of me stood the one and only pirate, that completed the Grandline, the pirate, who began the great pirate era, the pirate king, Gol D. Rodger.

Now I have to quickly think about, how I should go about this. Should I go with my old plan? Or a new one?


Think. Think. Think.

Ah screw it I will go with the flow.

„Ah what the hell old man. Isn't it rude to ask for someone's name without introducing yourself. Also where are we? Why am I here? And most importantly where is my gra… mother?"

„Wahahahaha. You are right brat, how forgetful of me. I'm Rodger. Gol D. Rodger. And for your other questions, well you are obviously on my ship. The next island we will reach should!d be… ah! Daiose Island.

Why you are here should also be obvious. I took you with me when I left Sekeki Island. As for why I did that? Well you really resemble an old friend of mine, so I thought it would be good to first take you with me to keep this old man company for a bit, if you don't want to you can leave on Daiose Island.

And for your mother, well if you mean the woman you were hugging when I found you, then I have to bring bad news. She is dead. My condolences. She is currently inside the life boat over there, I already prepared a seafarer funeral. And if you hadn't woken up by tomorrow noon I would have had no choice but to do it without you. But now that you are awake we can start with it anytime you want."

Sigh, that's Rodger for you, he sure is carefree. Just taking Simone with you, because they seem similar to a friend. I assume he thinks of Whitebeard, and yeah also my face is completely different, I think I resemble him a bit in other aspects.

For wanting to leave him at that Daiose Island or whatever? No chance. If he is okay with my company I would be stupid to decline.

Then I turned to the lifeboat that he pointed to and walked over.

Inside the lifeboat were many flowers and greenery. For granny she lay peacefully on a carefully stacked wooden platform. There were no traces of blood on her, and the white dress she wore, seemed new. Rodger must have bought it, cleaned her and put it on her.

He really was a considerate man. I don't know if I had the strength to make all these preparations for her funeral.

As I thought about it I couldn't help but cry.


While I was quietly mourning and going over my last fourteen years with granny, Rodger simply stood beside me and waited for me to be ready.

A while later…

I cleaned my tears and gave Rodger a strong nod.

He seemed to understand and let the lifeboat into the sea. Afterwards he wordlessly handed me a burning torch, who knows from where and then stood aside.

„Mother, don't worry, the blood debt with those bastards will be played in due time. But please be patient, Yuno will first need to get stronger. So don't worry anymore about me, as I will prioritise my safety. The safety, you and my whole family brought to me with your lives."

Finishing my last words for mother Aria, I threw the torch on the lifeboat, which soon catcher on fire.

Furthermore, a wave of will was released after I finished my words.

Also I wasn't aware of it but, this wave of my will was even stronger than the last time.

I stood there for nearly two hours, just looking out to sea and reminiscing about mother Aria, my real mother, and even the tales mother Aria told me about my grandfather.

After I came to me again I looked around and found Rodger still standing besides me, on the spot as before.

Rodger is really a different kind of man. Truly worthy of the Pirate king title.

I bowed to Rodger out of deep respect.

„Thank you Uncle Rodger."

I decided in that moment against my original plan.

„Wahaha there is nothing I did deserving your thanks. Now come come, let's sit together and chat with this old man."

He guided me over to the front of the deck, where a table and two chairs stood.

„Come sit, kid, and tell me a bit about yourself."

I nodded and sat opposite of Rodger.

„Well my name is Woo D Yuno. Or wait I don't want that anymore. I will now be only known as Yuno!"

Although I saw Rodger frown a bit at that, soon after I told him a bit more about why I decided he understood and nodded.

I told him everything about myself, how I grew up, about how my biological mother died, how I grew up, meeting Master, my training, everything I knew about hidden clans, and how Granny met her end after failing to save grandfather, how he took his own life in order to not endanger me and I told him that I didn't know my father, after which we then read the letter of my mother to my father together.

„Hello dear Newgate,

Although I don't know if you can remember me, after all we were both very drunk on that day, on that island.

And I also didn't expect our one night stand to result in this.

I wanted to let you know that I am currently pregnant with your child, I don't tell you that in order for you to take responsibility, but I thought you had the right to know.

I'm a member of a hidden clan, so you will probably never be able to find me or our child as soon as I return. But since my father is currently away I can't return yet.

I also want to let you know that the World government is after our child.

The reason?

The child is the child of you, the mighty pirate Whitebeard and one of the four great Hidden Clans. This could have very far reaching political consequences, once this comes to light. Not to mention the potential it will have.

But don't worry the world government will never get our child, as even in the worst case scenario I will have my Maid Aria bring him away, while I buy them time. She will know what there is to do.

She will also be the one that has brought you this letter, so you better thank her for being our child's guardian.

That is all.

I hope you are doing good.

Yours faithfully,

Woo D. Rena"


So that's how it is.

I can't say I was never even a bit resentful towards my father, especially after mother Aria died. But now knowing he probably didn't even remember mother, I can't really blame him anymore, now do I?

„Well as expected, you are the son of that giant brute. But, sigh. You really had it hard in your youth kid."

Rodger had some rare hint of seriousness on his face.

That is something I didn't see on him in the show, where he was always smiling.

But this is now my real life, and not a show. I should life it to its fullest. Even if just for mother Aria.

„Well kid we are nearly at Daiose Island. So what do you want to do? Wanna stay? Or leave on you own?"

Well is that even a question?

Of course I would.,.