
White Tiger's Evolution

Reborn as a tiger, in a post-apocalyptic wasteland world.

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18 Chs

Human invasion! Fierce tiger father

In the post-apocalyptic wasteland world, the strong in human society are respected, and the global biological evolution and mutation of human beings are no exception.

A few humans have awakened to extraordinary powers and possess various strange abilities. Such people are called awakeners.

The Awakeners are the strongest group in the human camp, and each of them has a very high status in human society.

The level of power almost determines power, status and wealth.

As for the vast majority of human beings who cannot become awakened ones, they can only consume genes extracted from various creatures if they want to gain powerful power. Such people are called mutants.

The status of mutants is second only to the awakened ones. Although they can continue to become stronger in some way, the upper limit is very low, and only a few mutants can reach high places.

Half of the upper limit of mutants depends on the genes of which creatures are taken, and the stronger the creature's genes, the stronger it is.

The Crescent White Tiger can be said to be the top batch of the first-order genes. With good luck, it is not a problem for the mutants who take it to cultivate to the third-order!

For the humans in these small gathering places, being able to catch the Crescent White Tiger is a fortune!

The communication between humans was all heard by Ye Qian.

"Damn, it really came for us."


A fierce expression instantly appeared on Ye Qianhu's face, baring his teeth and growling.

"How to do?"

A strong sense of crisis quickly enveloped Ye Qian's heart. He looked at the humans in front of him. There were a total of five people with guns in their hands!

Four of them had been seen in the cub's original memory, and they were the same group of people who panicked and fled and shouted Crescent White Tiger more than ten days ago.

And the person named Hai Ge is probably not simple, there is only one more person who fled last time, but this time they dare to take the initiative to approach, indicating that they have the strength to deal with the tiger mother.

Ye Qian looked at his younger brothers and sisters, who were sleeping like dead pigs, and sighed in his heart. Maybe he still has a chance to escape, but he can't do it. He can't leave them and escape alone.

It's even more impossible to escape with them, these little guys are too slow

Did he take the initiative to lure this group of humans away?

But humans aren't that stupid! ? They know there are four cubs!

What should I do!

Ye Qian thought quickly, but in this case, it seemed that the only way out of danger was to hope that this group of humans wouldn't discover their hidden location.

"Don't make a sound, little guys!"

Ye Qian was lying still at the entrance of the cave, praying in his heart that his younger brothers and sisters would not wake up. He heard the sound of human footsteps getting closer and closer, and his whole body was almost tense.

Nervous, apprehensive, restless.

At this moment, he once again deeply realized the importance of the power of this world.

"Brother Hai is here, but the tiger may no longer have a fixed nest. We may need to spend some time looking for it."

An evil smile appeared on the corner of Hai Ge's mouth: "Oh, don't look for them, they are at the entrance of that hole."

At the entrance of the cave, Ye Qian's tiger eyes widened instantly, and he felt that the whole tiger's hair stood up, and his mood and emotions sank to a low point!

They are exposed!

When others heard it, they hurriedly aimed their guns at the hole.

Brother Hai sneered: "Hehe, don't be nervous that the tiger mother is not here."

How is this possible...

Is this guy human?

Ye Qian was surprised. He could clearly smell the human scent at a distance of fifty meters. At this distance, the other party knew the situation like the back of the hand?

"Great! Brother Hai looks like we are lucky!"

Brother Hai smiled, and if he could, he wouldn't want to fight an adult female tiger: "Don't shoot, take the cub back alive."


Several people stepped up and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Ye Qian knew that he couldn't hide, so all he could do now was to delay as long as possible and hope that the tiger mother would come back in time, otherwise, if she was arrested and sent to the human camp, she probably wouldn't want to come out alive.

Listening to what genes they have in their mouths, perhaps being caught would be worse than death.

Ye Qian jumped out of the cave decisively and immediately called the tiger mother with the loudest sound she could, hoping to hear it.


Under the moonlight, Ye Qian roared in the sky.

"It's calling the tiger mother!"

One of the humans took out a piece of meat from the bag, and while everyone approached cautiously, they tried to attract Ye Qian's attention with the meat.

Because Ye Qian's crescent white tiger is already a certain threat to ordinary humans, and if it runs away, it is not very easy to chase.


The young master is a tiger, not a dog!

Ye Qianhu's face darkened, he felt insulted.

But he was not impulsive because of this, and began to slowly back to the left to try to lead the humans out of the hole. He was going to try to escape quickly to see if the group of humans would catch up.

But Brother Hai's next sentence made Ye Qian instantly dismiss his thoughts.

"If this cub is going to run, I'll go after it,

You caught the remaining three. "

Several people are still slowly approaching them, waiting for the distance and timing to subdue the tiger cub in an instant. If the cub rushes over at once and is surprised and chooses to run away and have to chase, it will be very troublesome.

And Ye Qian had already guessed the thoughts of this group of humans, he slowly stepped back without running, you enter! I'm back!

Now he can only buy more time to entrust the tiger mother to come over as soon as possible, is almost back as usual.

But the human race soon ran out of patience and was ready to rush over to grab it, but at this moment, a huge roar of a tiger sounded, and it seemed to resound throughout the jungle!


At this moment, Ye Qian's tense heart finally let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's a tiger mother!"

"The tiger mother is back!"

With the roar of the tiger, the humans suddenly panicked, and hurriedly raised their guns and aimed at the surroundings.

Brother Hai was very calm. He immediately burst out with amazing speed to capture Ye Qian. At the same time, a huge black shadow quickly strung out from the grass on the left.


Ye Qian could clearly see the appearance of this crescent white tiger, it was not a tiger mother!

It has a body that is a little bigger than a tiger mother, and has almost grown to the limit of a mutant tiger like the Crescent White Tiger. .

It was Ye Qian's irresponsible tiger father!

Furthermore, he appeared!


The tiger father jumped high and flashed his sharp tiger claws towards Brother Hai, who reacted quickly and stepped back to avoid the attack.

The next second, Hai Ge, a human, actually made a wolf-like howl.


His body began to expand rapidly, and his muscles became stronger and stronger. The expanding body directly burst through his shirt, and countless dense gray hair growth covered the human skin.

The facial features and the body are rapidly deforming!

Especially the head, turned into a wolf head!

Under the Moon Pass, a human being turned into a half-human, half-beast werewolf!