

Ian Denomic has lived his life doing exactly how his wanted too. With enough money, looks, and privilege. Nothing has ever stopped him. One night changed everything though. Saving the life of what he assume was a in need of rescuing maiden turned it all upside down. Being harassed and dying in the middle of a festival Ethan, Viscount of De Clare prays to know what the hell has he done to deserve the amount shitty luck in life. From that to being rescued by a stranger. Only to be woken up with a sore bottom and a man too gorgeous words. Ethan is beginning to question why in the world did he survive this long in life.

Kay_Capellan · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


"Ian, I don't think we should get involved."

Serena said with concerned, her green eyes glued on the group before us. Her shapely brows still furrowed while her long violet hair braided with flower petals was being gripped by her two hands. A nervous habit she's has since little. That told me she as worried for the young lady in front of us.

Serena was beautiful and as kind as anyone I knew. I brought her out for her to enjoy herself instead of sneaky out which she probably would have done and got herself into trouble. I knew she rather ask the police men around us. If they were any, from the looks of it they probably were trying to enjoy their night along with everyone else. On top of that I didn't trust them as I watched the large man tighten his grip on the young lady that was struggling. Possible putting her in more danger than she was with with these drunk villagers. Depending on the policeman he would probably take advantage. I should've stepped in earlier when I saw her slowly weeding her way in the crowd. Something seemed off about her movements.

"Look what I found guys , a little fairy." I watched him as he gripped his hands around the small pixie face and my panther growled. The pale face was so captivating I didn't even notice that was moving until I was already in-front of the group of men and saw the agony expression she had on. That's when I picked up the scent of poison.

I see..

So the little fairy was incapacitated to even fight back.

I heard the men around her say a couple of vulgar things along the lines of having some fun with her. I didn't understand why it pissed me off more. My vocabulary wasn't as clean as these men but it was always towards a willing woman or women.

I felt my anger rising as she shuts hers eyes in pain. I had to take a deep breathe or else I was going to loose it. Its been a while since I felt my panther reacted like this. Or maybe it was the part of me that has always like to protect the much smaller and weaker than me.

I asserted myself in-between the men and reaching down to touch the young lady pale face. I scowled noticing now she was burning up.

"Sorry guys, my fairy seemed to have escape I need her back." I drawled.

That apparently pissed off the main antagonizer of the group holding the young lady.

"What yer mean your fairy mate." He slurred.

I wish the guy wouldn't give me a hard time. His buddies now surrounding me in a loose circle. If I wanted to I could just pull my ace card or whoop their ass. Recently I made ranks of Royal Knight, the Captain was also the Duke of Callisto Drago who wanted to give it to me because of a mission I pulled in cogito for him. In reality I only did it because it would warrant a favor from him if I ever needed on. I was a tic for tat kind of guy. Either way the title of a knight was some thing to be revere so instead of him handing to me I decided to try out just like anybody. I was probably going to get shit for joining because of my lineage, either way I still didn't know what to do with the title or the badge at this point.

Maybe I should.

"Men surely you rather continue your night in peace." I pulled out the badge a flashed it to the men in front of me. "All I need is my fairy and you can go along with your night".

"Great a freakin cocky block with a badge, mate wha chi think yer goin to do with it?" They laughed.

In all honesty I didn't know either. Without even bothering I grabbed the asshole arm that held the young lady and squeezed, hard. His cheery cocky expression quickly changed to agony an as he fell to his knee and screamed. He let go of the young lady and with my other arm I swooped her up just as quickly. She barely weighed anything which piss me off more knowing that the assholes were planning to do something to her. I pinned a lethal stare at the drunk asshole that started this bullshit. That's when I heard a soft moan coming from my fairy.

"I think you had enough." I disgustedly said pushing the man as far as I could without putting any power behind it. He tumbled backwards and his buddies that we're circling me before now disappeared expect one that was currently helping the drunk bastard up.

I didn't bother turning back as I heard them yelling.

"Please." I felt the lightest touch on my chest as the fairy turned her eyes toward me.

In an instant I was I was drowning in bluest eyes I've ever seen. Around the iris small flakes of silver and violet speckle in her eyes which were surrounded by the longest eyelashes Ive every seen. I finally pulled my eyes from her eyes to her sensual cupid lips that were parted spoke . I didn't find a fairy she looked more like a rabbit. A delicious one at the my panther purred.

"I need to get home." She moaned snapping me out of a trance.

What the beck was she talking about, I had to take her to a clinic. Urgently, smelling the toxicant in her bloodstream spread.

I looked up to see Serena to the far of us and started toward her weeding us through the crowd.

I felt my fairy shift in my arm and saw how her hair was sticking to her forehead. She turned towards the crowd and started tossing in my arms.

"No no, home." Her voice in a panic as she crocked. Shit, I tighten my arms as I cradled her to my chest.

"We need to take you to a doctor.." I softy said brushing back her hair.

"Nooo please…" She tensed in my arms as what I could assume was intense pain rocking through her small frame. Her eyes shut in agony as her hands balled in her chest turning deadly white. Serena was a couple of feet away now while my rabbits hand loosen and so did her body.

"I have the remedy at home please." Shit her voice was a ghost of a whisper now, I didn't even know if I could have heard it if I wasn't shifter.

"Ian is she okay?"

I look up and see Serenas concern expression.

Her eyes scanned our surrounding quickly looking for something. While behind her Tobias was staring at the person in my arms with intensity which pissed off my panther.

I hired him to look after Serena incase something happened, Red one of guild members recommended him. Even though Serena was clueless to her beauty I wasn't and neither were the man around her. All throughout my teenage years I got into fights just on people harassing her. Now in adulthood its become even worst where I had to instill fear in grown man. Currently people thought I was in love with her that's why I refuse to marry. Reality Serena was the only family member I had and I was going to do everything in my power to protect her or wipe out any obstacle in front of her pursuit to happiness.

"Lets go over there, theirs a small clinic close by ." Serena voice brought me back to the sanity. I shook my head calming down my panther. Tobias was pissing me off staring at my rabbit, I pulled the hood of her cloak covering up anyone from seeing her face.

"No please." My legs about to move towards Serena direction but my whole body tense as I looked down seeing tears form in my rabbits eyes. "Please take me home."

I gulped, my panther agreed too. What the fuck was going on with me and my beast. Shit!

"Follow her, tell her I'll take care of it. Please take her home, if not" I paused "make sure she enjoys tonight."

I inwardly cringe, enjoy for Serena was something she probably had no business doing.

Tobias nodded. He was an elite assassin I was currently using as a baby sitter for my rebellious cousin that always found trouble where ever she went. With one last look the young lady in my arms he set off to let Serena know that I was heading somewhere else.

I would usually never go against Serena and medicine. Her expertise was with healing magic but at the moment something told me to listen to my rabbit. Even though I didn't want to, against my better judgement.

"Okay where do you live?" I whispered softly hoping she heard me.

She tensed again but between clutch teeth she gave me an address.I had to hurry she was getting paler with each passing second. The address wasn't far from us If I remembered correctly. I started jogging using my reflexes to maneuver through the crowd and as the crowd got denser I picked up my speed and started running jumping on the roof of the houses and markets finally making it to what I assumes was the correct address. It was a small townhouse in a nicer area but still secluded with tree and spaces between each house.

I walked up to the front door and had to stop as I realized the whole house was protected by magic, not just any magic either, it was strong. The only magic like this was Elvin magic. I looked down as I felt another intense pain run through her body. I clutched my teeth in anger as tears ran down her pale cheeks and her breathing was ragged. One thing I knew was that my little rabbit wasn't just any rabbit.

I started to noticed her clothing, they were very neat and clean. They seemed to be tailor in exact measure to fit. In my inspection of looking at her realized she was also wearing pants and as I move the robe open I realized her blouse was tailer more to suit a man. She also had two pins on the each collars one of a lotus and the other dragon. Usually the pin were to indicate a family lineage and the dragon one was only wore by the Royal Family. One thing that was off was this house. Even if it was nice it still wasn't the usual grander of the Royal family. Maybe she was a distance cousin that wanted to pretend she was part of the main family and they allowed her to wear the pins to placate her. That would explain why Ive never seen her, if I would've have she would have been mines.

But maybe something she was something else.. a maid? Nanny? No the Queen didn't have young kids, neither did the captain brother.

The princess was too young to even be considerable marriage age. Shit getting caught up with the Royal Family was something I wanted to avoid. After tonight I wanted to pursue her but now I had some reservations about it.

"Let me down please…" She said as she tried to pushed herself out of my arms. I let her as she lend herself to the black wooden door and her hands gripped the knob. Instantly I felt the switch of magic and watched as the door glowed with a seal. Just that instant she swayed about to fall backward but just as fast I managed to pick her up and I walked through the threshold.

The place was filled with her scent and my panther purred in satisfaction.

"Where is it?"

She had her eyes on me her eyebrows scowling but her face contorted in agony with beads of sweat. I think she thought I was going to leave after I dropped her off in her front steps. She could barely stand on her own two feet. Like hell.

Licking her pinks lips in what I thought was going to be a protest she said.

"Its the second left door."

I started toward the hallway and moving pass the double doors which I assumed was the drawing room and finally reached said door.

Turning the knob and making my way inside with my rabbit trembling in my arms.


It was office maybe a lot smaller than my own space. It had a large mahogany desk that was in-front of a large stain window. In the stain window was crafted a white dragon and adorning the desk a wooden chair that was upholster with a cream and green pattern. A light blue large rug was spread in the middle of the room that almost cover the entirety of the wooden floor. Along the wall align a bookshelf filled with books and on the other side I saw potion bottles, flasks and what I assumed were ingredients. Without hesitating I instantly walked towards that section and felt my rabbit start stirring and picking up her head to look at the wall of items.

"I need Ahhhh !" I instantly froze. She started coughing and as she cough blood started to come out. Maybe I should've listened to Serena. Shit!

I quickly places her in an armrest chair and started looking at the bottles not evening worrying about some falling and breaking. I'll replace them later if I had too. I wasn't an expert in potions but I was quick to read the labels.

The ones that were labeled antidote with other wording on it were quickly snatched as I hurriedly kneel on the rug and brought up the vials towards my rabbit.

Her eyes were calmly shut. Seran even.

Although a but red and puffy, with a bit of bruising. That was becoming more apparent than before.

I had to make sure she was still alive but her breathing was barely noticeable under her clothing.

Her skin had turned a clammy pale, and her posture was slumped.

Ive seen men, woman and children like this and it was always in death.

"Shit!" I hissed, she was dying.

My panther yowled inside, panicking. Starting to claw at me from the inside demanding to be let loose and find a way to help her.

Without thinking twice I drank some of the bottle green content and crashed my lips on hers tasting the metallic of her blood. I passed along the bitter liquid making sure to help her drink as much as possible feeling some spill out of her mouth. My hands trembled and I repeated the action. Everything in my surrounding disappear as I tossed the last bottle and lifted my hand. My finger tips shakiling caressing the pale cheek.

"Please don't die, please don't die." I closed my eyes tight and I pressed my forehead into hers trying to remember what Serena told me about magic transfer.

Goddess please please help me out here.

Bargaining was my next option.

I never asked for anything from the Goddess expect on the day my mother die. The same panic and fear blossomed in my chest as I felt powerless. Just then I heard a small groan and pulled my head back to watch her eyes fluster.

They were still closed but shit the groan was making me hope for the best.

I quickly sat up and move to the armrest chair. Cradling my little rabbit on my lap I softly started stroking her face and noticed some pink coloring to her cheek and the bruising color lighten.

What ever that potion was it was high quality because as I rocked my rabbit I noticed even her fever was cooling down. We sat there for what seemed eternity. I unclasp the robe that was cloaking my rabbit and threw it aside and took in her figure.

That's when I noticed the bulge in the dark trouser and finally started to piece in the dots.

Holy goddess my rabbit was a man, a beautiful one at that.

I confused him as a woman because of his long blond hair, feminine features and small structure along side that he had no facial hair. He was small in height too. Shorter than Serena even.

None of that matter to me because I very much attracted to him as the scent of his arousal started to overrun and fill the room.

Inside me my arousal flared, as my cat was purring almost to the point that I was vibrating on the outside.

My whole body was heating up as I felt my own slacks start to fill in.

I gulp and tried as best to not breathe in the smell. It was tantalizing. Mouth watering.

Also insanely maddening as I tried to reason with my body response to this.

He was just on death doors and I was frantically trying to save him and now I all I wanted to do was fuck him now.

"Shit!" I groaned, breathing in the delicious smell in the air.

Realizing the mistake I had committed.

The after effect from the antidotes.

I mixed three different ones frantically without bothering with any of the warning labels. There wasn't enough time for that if I had to cut myself some slack.


I moaned now, as that brought me back to this dilemma.

I felt him stir now and I looked down just in time to see him half opened his eyes while his small hand tentatively moved up my chest to my neck. The feather light touch grazing my neck.

I groaned deeply.

His bottom was now on me. All while he was slowly sitting up just to straddle me in a rethymatic pace that even I was getting lost in.

His smell, his tight little body. Even his breathing was lulling me into a trance I have never experienced before.


I had to make him focus!

Feeling my own hands touch him but not quite finding enough strength to restraint him.

"Goddess please give me my own streghtn to focus!"

I hissed between clutch teeth as he was now grinding his perking bottom on my hardening erection.

I licked my lips.

This was agony.