

If you were born in the world of BnH, what would you do? will you be a hero? will you be a villain? Well, if it was me then I will choose to become a hero! BUT WHY I WAS NOT IN JAPAN! (photo profile is not mine.....I don't have anything bassically)

greiand · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Death Count: 1

"Don't mess with my girl you bastard!"

I actually said those embarrassing words. I feel like burying myself alive somewhere else if they don't stare straight at me.

"HAH! Go away you midget!" and of course one of them was very angry.

In front of me are three men dressed in disheveled with their faces covered with tattoos and their body odor is very unpleasant. I firmly believe that they have never bathed in their entire life.


From what I see they have different abilities. The thug's first ability is to be able to throw fireballs through the palm of his hand. The second one has healing power if my impression of the order this thug leader is doing is correct. I still don't know the details about the power that this thug leader has.

Since I'm still in a position of being underestimated I still have hope of winning from this fight…..or maybe not. In essence, ever since I received the gamer's power I felt as if I had been put in some memories that neither belonged to me nor belonged to this body. I believe that skills and abilities have other effects besides helping me to become proficient at something. Unfortunately, I'm not a person who cares too much about what's happening around me so I'm not too interested in researching the power of this gamer further.

"IF THAT'S TRY IT!" like a furious bull I immediately drove quickly towards the thugs.

One of the thugs immediately ran towards me and intended to hit me. I who had seen that immediately activated my [Parry] skill and parried his hand to the side. Without missing my golden opportunity, I immediately wrapped my left hand with bones to form a gauntlet, and as hard as I could I immediately punched my face in a straight line diagonally upwards.

"Fuuuu*k!" without me knowing it my whole left hand was burned after I punched this thug in the face.

'This is hard'

If it wasn't for my Intuition then I can be sure my whole body would be burnt to the ground. My doubts over defeating them also increased because of the pain from my quirk's power. I didn't expect that growing new bone on the outside of my body would be this painful especially since I still don't know my opponent's strength. I don't know the official name but if I'm not mistaken this ability is very similar to a napalm bomb. I've seen how these napalm bombs were made in my previous life. If I'm not mistaken that time I saw it when my school visited one of the museums that used to function as a weapons factory. I who was very smart at that time tried to touch the fire that came out of the bomb without being noticed by the supervisor. I don't need to talk about how brilliant my experience was.

"Bastaaard!" by wrapping my right hand with the same thing with my left hand I immediately slid towards the thug earlier.

As per my prediction that I had the moment after my hand was burned he could make his sweat as fuel for his ability and could channel it anywhere. Even if his sweat was far from him it seemed like it could still burn him. The fire that emanated from his power really couldn't be underestimated at all. It doesn't matter if what's covering my hand is just a bone if I can make it thick enough I should be able to endure the heat a little. Luckily the gamer system helped me and eased the pain a bit so I could continue this fight.

"ASSHOOLE!" with the combination of my intuition ability and parrying skills I was able to dodge all the attacks he threw at me with pinpoint precision.

All my punches and kicks were able to parry and divert but I couldn't land my attacks either.


Without knowing why I immediately jumped behind me as far from the thug as possible. While jumping with the help of my intuition I peeled off a bit of the burnt part of my 'protective sheath' and threw it forward reflexively.

"HAH! You bastard…" before this thug leader could finish his sentence suddenly someone came out of nowhere.

This person who had just arrived was a young girl who was probably in her 20s. This girl is very beautiful even in her slightly weird costume(perhaps the costume she is wearing right now is her uniform as a hero?). This costume consists of a suit of armor that looks to have been modified by Hi-tech science with all the lines that can glow like a lamp. This girl came from above us which is possible she came from the roof. But I could be wrong with my assumptions.

"..." after landing he very precisely kicked the head of the thug and managed to crush his head.

"FUUUC…" Without allowing the other thugs to organize what was going on the girl immediately raised her hand and took out what looked like a beam of light and shot it at the rest of the thugs.

Everything ended very quickly since this hero came. Her valiant figure and cold eyes make the girl look unapproachable. Because I was so amazed, without realizing it I started to approach this girl but I couldn't imagine what would happen to me. Everything happened very quickly and didn't allow me to prepare myself.


[Dead End!] {1/?}

(Brain Smoothie)

{Hmmm! It's Yummy!}

(Unfortunately candidate number 67 you have got a death ending on your first try. Not only have you failed in your duty but you have also lost the battle. Even with all the strength you have you still failed? It's okay after all people say the first is just an experiment. You don't need to be afraid of the failure you have because you still have insurance that has been given from him)


[Yes or No?]


"Wh…where is this?" I, who still hadn't adjusted my consciousness, tried to remember what had happened and why I was here.

This entire room was just a white room with no visible boundaries. This whole place was so weird and made me think 'this place is like an optical illusion in a min*Cr*ft game'. I don't know how to describe what this place looks like apart from the word white because as far as the eye can see there is only that color.

"Ugh, what the hell is this? I can't move at all!" I tried to stand up so I could explore this place but couldn't even move my body at all.

No, maybe the truth is that the only body I can move is my head. My whole body is silent like thousands of nails have been stuck in every corner of my body. I'm so confused and scared, I mean being able to get superpowers and being able to go on adventures is a good thing but this...

"Isn't it too soon to bring up the part of the story where the character is sent to a mysterious place? Doesn't something like that take up to the fiftieth chapter or so for one of the characters to find the secret room? What the hell is there a secret room in a chapter so fast?" when I threw out almost all of my thoughts suddenly a figure approached me.

"Wait there cowboy! Hold your rein for sec!" from behind me could be heard the voice of someone who sounded foreign but also not.

It's as if I've heard this voice before but I can't remember where. It feels like it's at the edge of my memory but the memory doesn't come to the surface at all.

"Looks like you can talk calmly, huh?" I don't know what's going on but I'm still trying to calm myself down.

'it's no use panicking anyway I've also died once even if I die again a second time(Third time?) won't hurt me because I don't have anything'

I guess it's true, panicking after death isn't going to get you anywhere. It was because of that thought that I was able to think clearly again and was able to pay attention to this person(?) who had just arrived. Perhaps calling him a person would be a strange thing… considering his form like that.

"Hello, introduce me, I'm the supervisor of the * &^#(, I'm really looking forward to our working relationship" after he finished introducing I realized that actually I was still wide-eyed because I saw this strange(?) person.

If you look at it roughly, this creature is just a male mannequin with no features that explain the details of this creature. although his hands have fingers but his feet do not at all, moreover his fingers have absolutely no nails or lines on the bone joints of his fingers. His entire body is white which makes it hard for me to distinguish him from this room if he doesn't have a mouth.

"I apologize for the delay in my introduction…but technically I've already introduced myself so I don't feel too guilty. hahahaa" with a very annoying tone he uttered his apologies that had no remorse at all.

"Since when did I meet your (weird person like) you?" with all my might I try not to vent my anger in front of this strange creature who for some reason even though it doesn't have a face but I can feel the look on its face that is mocking me.

"Every player before being sent to the world that has been assigned to them will always meet with me first to check if there is an error in their soul program. After the checking process is complete, the player's memory will be erased…."

"Huh?!" unexpectedly I got information that I am not sure will be useful or not.

"Why, you need to do that?" My tone trembled slightly when I heard the information.

"Hmmm?... Oh, you don't have to worry about the memory-erasing problem. The memories that were erased were only memories of this room."

"Huh, then will I get a message that I'm dead or something?"

"Oh of course! We are always doing everything we can to give the players what they really need for the program to run smoothly…."

"Then…..can you give me the status parameters?" I quickly interrupted her monologue with what I wanted.

"Unfortunately I can't do that" and I was disappointed again.

"Don't get me wrong in the first place. We don't necessarily remove parameter features just because we want to make players suffer but we have concluded that providing parameter features will make some players too strong and some too weak so we can't retrieve data efficiently in that case. That's why we removed the parameter feature not only for you but also for other players" well even though I will definitely forget the information later but I still feel relieved.

"I wanted to ask if there were any other players besides me but I felt that the question would be pointless if I just forgot about it again…..but I'm still curious so…"

"Yeah, for now, there are about three hundred players who have spread to various corners of this world, and of course you will forget what you have heard just now so you don't need to worry" of course my life can't be that easy but at least I still I can continue my new life.

"Well, if you're not going to give me anything then can I just go back to my place?" if I'm not going to remember anything I hear and see here I'd better get out of this scary place (sometimes a place with absolutely nothing makes it even scarier).

"Okay, wait a minute…..oh, one more thing!" when he checked the holographic monitor screen that suddenly appeared in the air this strange man said something to me.

"Yeah" for some reason I feel a little nervous for this one.

"Because you die during the tutorial period you will get a buff for a few weeks which will increase your physical strength and also how quickly your skills increase. You will get more detailed information from the message I will send to you after I have resurrected you" I don't think it's bad and I might be able to train harder to become a hero (I don't want to be nothing here).

"Okay, you'll be resurrected now..." when I heard her voice suddenly everything went dark and my eyelids felt like they were being forced to close.

"I hope you can tell an interesting story, Billy..." and those were the last words I could hear before I lost all consciousness(?).


"Haah, that girl…what's the real problem?" a grown woman in a costume like a healer you can see in fantasy-setting games or literature complains very loudly at the scene of a crime.

Dressed in a pure white robe with a blue stripe decoration and also a dragon symbol in several places on this robe, from the shoulders to the feet. Coupled with a gold coat studded with diamonds and other precious stones made her look very...' majestic'.

Well, with her skin as smooth as silk and as clear as snow, coupled with her face that is like an incarnation of a charming doll, no one is too questioning her sense of dress. After all, there are already many heroes who have unusual fashions that make this woman look tame compared to other heroes.

This woman's name is Sarah Rahman or who is usually called by her hero's name, the Divine Wyvern. She was the one in charge of cleaning up the mess her friend had done.

Not only did she leave the meeting she was supposed to attend she also took the lives of street thugs which although they deserved but she didn't have to kill them in a place like this. Doesn't she know how much trouble I have to take care of all the paperwork and other things just to clean up the whole mess all the mess that happened because of his erratic behavior? ESPECIALLY THERE IS A CIVILIAN WHO DIES BECAUSE OF HER!

Ugh, if she wasn't a hero who managed to prevent a war with another country then she would definitely be imprisoned right now…

"Never mind, I'd rather go to the office and finish this as soon as possible..."


When I had finished gathering my needs at the crime scene and was about to return to my office, I was intercepted by one of the officers on duty here.

"What's going on this time?" I asked while holding back my irritation as best I could.

"We found that the civilians who should have lost any signs of life were awakening. As if he came back from life…"

"That…your joking isn't funny at all. If you want..."

"No, lady hero I would like you to examine these civilians for a while before they can be referred to a more appropriate place"

"Well anyway…" without waiting I already saw what this officer said and it left me speechless.

Of course, Quirks that can heal themselves do exist but it's not known that there are Quirks that allow people to resurrect after death.


I guess this case is going to be more complicated than I thought...