
white evolution system

bloodstar · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

03 - Academy "I hate it "!!!

{rays Father's pov }

I don't know what happened or what got into my child he just lazes around and does nothing.

well I don't belive that cause I can't even sense his power and magic. May be he doesn't have magic ( that would be big thing)

but why can't I sense his presence.

my child ray Avalon is so much weird from other kids.

black hair, red eyes, good body (just like me)

but what is wierd is his hand's back side.

it has a black mark on his back hand .

I kept it secret from others , don't know but it appeared after his 5th birthday.

I keep it always under his gloves with cover half of his fingers.

he has been silent and never does anything from the his mother passed away when he was 6. He might be smiling but he hus problems.

I want him to know about outside world. after his mom passed he never has anything than lazing and being alone so...

I made an decision today and I am gonna send him to academy after this.....


..... current situation....

" ray you are going to attend academy from tomorrow! ! ! "

rays Father said to him.

" I hate it "

ray said with a straight face.

" listen to me ray you should at least try to go out. you should at least go out and see outside world. "

his dad said concerned about him.

" I still.... he was cut in between by his father.

" Even your mother would have loved to see you make friends. I don't say you get best grade or be a hero.... just attend it. "

hearing that ray just kept his head down.

" I... I'll go "

he said biting his lips.

" thanks kid... here take this and you can attend academy tomorrow and I will be coming with you tomorrow... "

he said handing him a letter.

( Nonono... don't come with me old man at least let me be a low - image person.

I hope you get a job and leave me alone.)

" I still hate it. "

ray said slamming the door and going out.

( master are you really going to academy?)

when ray came out a raven appeared on his shoulder from Shadow's.

" I will have to.... after all its old man's wish "

ray said rubbing ravens head.

" go and check the academy for me. "

( yes master)

he flew from rays shoulder with a small screech .


...Next morning.....

" ray it's time. "

a black haired boy ran out wearing a white t shirt with black jacket. gloves covering half of his fingers and his blood red eyes.

His calm face with almost no expression.

" yes dad... by the way how are we gonna go. "

"just hold my hand. "

catching hands his father teleported from their house to academy.