
white evolution system

bloodstar · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

02 - heart of what?

A raven was right in front of ray Standing infront staring towards ray with his blood red eyes.

" are you my master?"

the raven leaned towards rays small hands.

" who are you? " ray asked unable to show any expression.

" Me... hahahah you don't know me? "

he said patting his chest with his feathers.

" ok? SO, what are you? "

ray asked looking at him.

" Let me introduce myself...

ahem ! the names raven one of the strongest shadows remaining in the world of humans.


I ask again are you my master? "

before ray could answer a notification rang.

[ one of the Shadow "raven" wishes to bind with you? do you accept?

{note for host to accept. } ]

after a bit of thought he said.

" Yes I am, so what? "

hearing the answer the raven turned into a shadow and entered rays body.

[ congratulations host on getting a soul pet. ]

[ raven

race : shadow soul

lvl : 500

job : companiyon

ability : weapon transform ]

" ok ? he's in my soul let's try talking a bit. "

( hay buddy you there?)

ray said closing his eyes....

( yes master? )


from that day it's almost 5 years and today is my birthday and I am gonna be 5 years old.

I learnt many things and once raven was attached to me system never showed up.

I am the only son in this family and most shoking thing is I am a nobel due to my father who is one of the 3 Great families.

yep that's it I inquired about it from raven and I understood people with power attract attention.

So, I do my best... don't get me wrong I..... do my best to sleep and laze around doing nothing.

it's twelve at night in kingdom of heart. the place I live is in capital just 1 day journey to castle of king.

I am waiting for my gift that I was gonna get today...

11 : 58.....

11 : 59...

12 : 00[ congratulations host on your birthday ]

( hah! you are still there. So, where is my gift)

[ congrats host on promoting to age 5 ]

[ wish completed.... item obtained "heart of white devil "

heart of white devil :

something that does not exist in light yet Wishes to get it.

heart of devil is produced from 1000 devil sacrifice to create king devil. Anyone who obtains it will have the power of all attributes with light and is known as a divine existence.

{the white devil blessed you and provides you with his weapons and heart } ]

[ attaching the heart.... 10%.....30%....50%...79%..... 99%.....100%...

attaching done]

[ devil blood obtained... host will undergo changes time : 9 hours.. ]

[ change start find a suitable place to undergo changes.... ]

and he fell onto his bed.....



[ name : Ray

race : [white devil]

strength : 3 -

mind : 8-

speed : 6

points : 100

skill *

- [ gate of Babylon (GB) ]

[ congratulations host on his 16 birthday ]

that's right its been 16 years now now...

my stats are low not cause I have a problem but I didn't raise them...

I wanna have a peaceful life like nobels do, get to work for family have a house, children, and a happy life.

I have secretly tested my power don't wanna thing about almost burned all the house down along with the forest.

I have gasped all the magic and other info by reading and lazing.