
White Dragon Hidden in The Leaves

In a world beyond her own, a 19-year-old mute weeb girl named Aiko has been given a second chance at life. She is standing in a stream within a forest, surrounded by snakes and other creatures with the shape of humans' upper bodies but snake bodies from their hips down. A mountain looms ahead of her, its peak hidden by clouds. The music of someone playing a Biwa emanates from the mountain, drawing her closer. As she climbs the mountain, she sees holes with various types of snakes watching her every move. Fear grips her as an eastern Dragon with golden scales dives into the clouds, telling her to go back down where it's safe and familiar. But Aiko remembers moments from her life where she remained silent when she could have helped others or turned a blind eye to someone else's suffering. With newfound strength and determination, she pushes forward and climbs higher. Finally passing through the clouds, she reaches the top of the mountain and finds a woman playing the Biwa. The woman introduces herself as Benzaiten, the goddess of water, music, arts, wisdom, wealth, fortunes, snakes, and dragons. She offers Aiko three wishes. Aiko chooses to be reborn with the body of the Kure clan from the Kengan universe for her first wish. For her second wish, Aiko asks to have both the bloodlines of the Uchiha and Senju and spins a wheel to determine the additional natures she will receive. She lands on wind and yang. Finally, for her third wish, Aiko asks to be born with a new Bijuu inside her named Moonhidorah. The goddess grants her wish but explains that the Bijuu's chakra level will be marked by the number of horns it has, and it will only gain more horns over time. Aiko is excited to start her new life and embark on her journey. She expresses her gratitude to Benzaiten and prepares for her rebirth in her favorite village, where Naruto was. As Aiko's rebirth approaches, she wonders what new adventures await her in this world beyond her own and how she will use her newfound powers to make a difference.

Iros · Tranh châm biếm
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50 Chs

Child with the white eyes and rivalry of two clans (Chapter 7)

A few months later

"Wait for me Naruto," I said while moving as fast as my legs could carry me. The soft crunch of the snow under my feet, as flakes danced while falling from the night sky. I had left the house without letting my grandpa know, I just wanted to hang out with my friend and as we walked we heard what sounded like crying.

I picked up my speed and rushed ahead with Naruto right behind me. As I turned the corner I saw a girl no older than I crying under a lamppost, our location hidden as there was no light shining on us. As I looked her over, I observed that she had short black hair and was dressed in a mourning-colored kimono. This dummy wasn't even wearing warm clothes in this kind of weather.

"What are you doing," Naruto asked as he moved into the light, his hands in his jacket pocket as he looked her over. The girl didn't answer as she kept crying.

"Geez how are we supposed to know what's wrong if you keep crying" I commented as I stepped into the light as well. Moving next to her and removing one of my coats and placing it on her.

"Come on where's your home?" Naruto asked after I zipped her up and hugged her to try and help her feel better. She didn't respond and shook her head no. Looking up at him and nodding as we both grabbed one of her arms and took her with us. I rubbed her back to try and warm her shivering body up fast as we walked towards Ramen Ichiraku. As much as I tried to get the girl to speak she kept quiet. All that came to mind was, someone she cared about must have died. If it had been my grandpa I wouldn't talk either, those thoughts crept into my mind. shaking them off as some anxiety came because of them.

"Naruto, Ayumi, oh came with a new friend I see. well come on and take seat meals on me tonight" The old man said as he motioned for us and finished as I was being to pull out money. The warmth coming from inside the store was enough for us to rush inside and pull the girl with us. Sitting down as we waited for whatever he was cooking, as me and Naruto were not picky eater we focused our attention on the girl who seemed to calm down.

"My name is Naruto and this is Ayumi, But I guess you already figured that out," Naruto said sheepishly.

"H-hinata...." the girl whispered, turning towards Naruto who didn't seem to hear her. "What was that?" he asked causing the girl to shout her name. Her wet cheeks turned a shade of red. Naruto seemed surprised at how loudly the girl had said it. while I just laughed.

"Well it's nice to meet you Hinata," I said while looking at her through my dark goggles. She had given me a strange look but I just shrugged it off. Soon our steaming Ramon arrived, and I focused on eating the warm heavenly food. it's heat spreading inside my body. An hour later we managed to get the information on where Hinata lived and decided to take her home. I made sure that we didn't press the matter on what had made her cry while giving Naruto a look to prevent him from asking. As soon as we reached the place, it turned out to be a compound of a clan. As I looked up a sign at the entrance read HYUGA.

"Well here we are, You live in such a big house," I said while Naruto nodded and added on.

"And your crying, I don't have anyone but I never cry" Naruto commented in a low voice. It hurt hearing him say that. I had tried to convince Grandpa to add Naruto to our family, but every time he said he couldn't. Something about his hands being tied. Naruto turned to look at Hinata and gave her a bright smile.

"Ayumi!" A loud voice said causing the three of us to turn and look. It was my grandpa..... Crap...

"G-grandpa.... wha-" I tried to speak.

"Silence I don't want to hear your excuses!" he said as he pulled on my ear. "Gra-grandpa that hurts!" I said as my rear began to flow down into my goggles.

I looked up at him as he was about to speak when another voice interrupted.

"Hayai Kure," A voice said with a tempered voice, turn my head as much as I could without adding to the pain I was feeling a saw a man that had similar eyes to Hinata. He had long black hair and was also wearing a kimono in black. Hiashi's gaze remained fixed on my grandfather.

"Hinata go inside" He commanded to the girl who did as she was told only turning back once she got up the steps to wave goodbye. While I and Naruto also waved goodbye to her she disappear from sight as she passed the doors and went inside.

"Hiashi Hyuga" He greeted with a polite nod, his tone carrying a hint of formality. His eyes carried a spark of unresolved tension.

Hiashi's gaze remained steady, revealing an unspoken history of disagreement.

"Hiashi-sama," I greeted with a respectful nod, attempting to bridge the awkwardness.

Hiashi inclined his head in acknowledgment, his demeanor retaining a formality that thinly masked his unease. "Ayumi-san."

The silence was uncombable with the weight of their mutual dislike. "Our clans have rarely mingled, and I would prefer it to stay that way," Hiashi stated.

"Come children it's time to head home" Were his final words as he turned away from Hiashi and lead us down the road. For a while we walked in silence, me and Naruto exchanged glances. Grandpa leads us toward Naruto's home first. Waving goodbye as he headed up and inside. And now was the long walk home.