
White Collar: with a Twist

White Collar as told from an unlikely source. ________________________________________ "You wouldn't be offering me what Neal had if you knew my bloodline. 'Sins of the father' and such. Which tells me you're desperate," she said trying to turn down the work-release program. "I don't think you can afford to say 'no' to this, Lex. Someone else knows he's out there somewhere. They want to hurt him," the suit said. "I need you. HE needs you. Whether Neal will admit it or not, he needs your help." "I can only think of a few ways to get him back here. You can try all of them, but I know which one will set the trap. I'll have to be moved to a safe house while this plan is in motion, and the transport vehicle cannot appear on any news cameras. The first thing you'll need is a body..."

Corrin_Paul · Thanh xuân
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

"I need a twenty-eight year old bio on her. On the way here, Peter asked why I didn't seem to exist until ten years ago. I'd do it myself but, again, I need a computer with a higher clearance and the FBI doesn't have that."

Matt nodded and went to work with his smartphone, making notes to extend the bio.

"Thanks big bro," she said as Peter came out and gave both of them the look and pointed.

"That's what the super twins are here for," Matt answered.

Lexus laughed before saying, "You're the only ones who ever call you that. Everyone else just thinks you're insane."


"How are we insane?" Matt asked as they walked up the stairs and into the conference room.

"Who else would jump from a window ten stories up without a parachute, gliding suit, or scaling rope?" Lexus asked. She saw where Matt was going as he was about to answer her. "Other than myself, of course."

"See! You're just as crazy," Matt cheerfully exclaimed. "Wasn't Ne--"

"He's living in Paris, Matt. That's not crazy," Lexus interrupted. "There's something about this case. Peter thinks I can get in touch with someone I'm supposed to think is dead. Like my being here will somehow bring him out of hiding."

Lexus crashed into the conference room door to push it open. They heard Peter briefing Shawn on the case. She walked over to a chair and slammed her body into the seat with enough force that the chair rolled across the floor. Matt stayed close to Shawn.

"Before Neal showed up on my radar, one of his aliases appeared in Minnesota. He was wanted for breaking into a house to steal a painting. That's what our victim was investigating. According to the case file, The home owner had a teenaged daughter and a young son. Neal used the daughter's balcony to get in," Peter said.

That's not exactly how it happened, Lexus thought.

"The P.I. discovered Neal had a partner, but he never found out who she was until alphabet beads started popping up at crime scenes," Peter continued.

Lexus looked up at her older brothers who were also her CIA handlers. The three remained silent, showing no sign of surprise.


Lexus stood in her temporary new home. Neal's old apartment at the Ellington estate. It was untouched since Neal's funeral.

"I haven't been able to come up here since the funeral," June, the landlady, said. "He was a good boy. I'm glad someone is moving in who will take care of his belongings."

"Thank you, June. And I will take good care of his things... Did he leave anything for a Kristen Brooks?"

"No. But he did leave something for someone with those initials. And for a Lexus Adler. I found it as I was going through a box of things he left for me to distribute to his friends." June went to a corner of the dining area where she had hidden the box for safe keeping. It was an elaborate gift box. The embossed detail was a Caffrey original. "Who is she?"

"Someone who knew Neal even better than I did," Lexus answered. "She meant as much to him as his father's ex-police partner did. In other words, he was almost willing to kill for her.

Lexus placed the box onto the table and opened it. She couldn't help feeling sad that Kristen Brooks was never going to see this gift. Inside were only a few items. A Picture of Lexus, Neal and Kristen. The painting of her mother. There were a few other items in the box, but Lexus only cared about the ones she bothered to pick up.

"Neal didn't even trust Mozzie with the knowledge of Kristen, that's how close we were before he broke off all contact. That was the day he found out who killed Kate."

"Who is she?" June asked.

"I wish I could tell you. But I can't. Even with Neal dead, I can't break that promise. He trusted me with her life. All I can say is that she died, and I can't say when," Lexus replied.

The answer wasn't enough for June, but she let it go for now and left the apartment. The privacy allowed for Lexus to turn the picture of the three with their arms linked at the shoulders, standing in front of the Eiffel Tower. There was writing on the back. It read: "Everything leads to you."

Which one of us are you talking about, Neal? she thought.

She then lifted the painting of her mother. It was done on a masonite board, giving it a solid backing. Taped to the back was a sealed manilla envelop. Lexus removed the envelop from the board and went to the kitchen counter. She grabbed a knife from one of the drawers and sliced the envelop open.

Inside, there was an address to a villa in Paris. And a letter to Lexus.


I'm sorry that I cut off all ties with you. You made me a promise, and kept it. I'd like to believe that's still the case even after the hell I've put you through over the years. I promised to tell you who your mother was but I left and took the painting with me.  There was a reason for that.

If you can get out from under Peter's watch, I'll tell you what you want to know.

"What are you doing here?" Lexus asked.

"Peter wanted me to check on you," Shawn said. "You're not actually going to live here, are you? Because knowing what we do, it would just feel wrong to lie to June."

"Don't talk to me about lies, Shawn. You, Matt, my parents. You all lied to me while I was growing up. And let's not forget my job. More lies, only they're coming from me. I can't even tell my little brother and sister what I do for a living or that their cousins, you, are their big sister's older brothers. We can make this family even more confusing than it already is with two simple truths but that would mean breaking a promise."

"You kept your promise, Lex. The possibility of Kristen dying isn't on you anymore."

Lexus put the painting back in the box. She laid the photograph on top of it and closed the lid.

"That's not the point."

"Peter said you had a way to get Neal back here if he is in fact still alive."

"I have two ways. But I can't use one of them. It'd be a slam dunk if I could."

"What's the one you can use?"

"You'll need a body. A real one, with the same build as yours truly."

They were going to forge a body. Shawn took his sisters measurements, her hair style and color, eye color.

"Peter won't approve of this," Shawn said.

"I don't answer to Peter. He just needs to think I do.... tomorrow we'll pick out a Lexus headstone. Once everything is set for the funeral, we'll tell Peter the rest of our needs for this to work."