
Whispers of the Mystic Gate

In a secluded village nestled by the mountains, young Eli Mason dreams of a life beyond the confines of his small world. Known for his intelligence and determination, Eli's life takes an unexpected turn when his influential Uncle Thomas arrives, offering him a chance to join the prestigious Mystic Gate, a renowned martial arts sect. This opportunity promises not only a path to greatness but also a way to lift his family out of poverty. Eli embarks on a rigorous journey of training and self-discovery at the Mystic Gate, where he meets Zack, a fellow disciple, and the enigmatic Doctor Mo. Under Doctor Mo's stern guidance, Eli and Zack learn the secrets of an ancient mantra, pushing their bodies and minds to the limit. Their friendship grows stronger as they face grueling challenges, from mastering complex martial techniques to unraveling the mysteries of the sect. As Eli delves deeper into his training, he discovers an ancient stone tablet with cryptic symbols, hinting at secrets buried within the Mystic Gate's history. Driven by curiosity and a growing sense of purpose, Eli is determined to uncover the truths that lie hidden. Meanwhile, Zack grapples with the physically demanding Elephant Armor Technique, showcasing unwavering resilience and inspiring Eli to push through his own trials. The duo's journey is fraught with danger and intrigue, from internal sect politics to external threats from rival factions. Eli and Zack must navigate these treacherous waters, relying on their newfound skills and unbreakable bond. Together, they uncover dark secrets, face formidable adversaries, and strive to unlock their full potential. "The Chronicles of Mystic Gate" is a tale of perseverance, friendship, and the relentless pursuit of one's destiny. It blends intense martial arts action with deep emotional arcs, appealing to readers who crave both adventure and heartfelt storytelling. Join Eli and Zack as they transform from humble villagers into masters of the Mystic Gate, ready to face whatever challenges the world throws at them.

Joel_Blyden · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter Three: Mystic Gate

Chapter Three: Mystic Gate


The smell inside the carriage was far from pleasant, unsurprising given that nearly thirty children were crammed into a space intended for only about a dozen adults. Although the children were much smaller than adults, the cramped conditions were still unbearable.


Eli, cleverly squeezing his thin body into a corner of the carriage, stealthily observed the other children.


The children who had come to participate in the entrance examination were clearly divided into three groups based on their clothes and backgrounds.


The first group was centered around a boy dressed in fine clothes, surrounded by most of the other children. This boy, named Rocky, was thirteen years old and the oldest in the carriage. Technically, he was over the age limit for the examination, but he had a cousin who was married to a high-ranking member of the Mystic Gate, so his age was not a problem. Rocky's family owned a martial arts school, and he had learned some basic martial arts from a young age. Although his skills were not exceptional, they were more than enough to handle someone like Eli, who had only ever used brute strength and had no formal training.


Naturally, children like Rocky, who came from wealthy and influential families and knew a few martial arts moves, became the leaders among the children in the carriage.


The second group consisted of children clustering around Rocky. These children came from various backgrounds—some were from families that owned shops, others were workers, and some depended on crafts for their livelihood. However, they all shared one thing: they had grown up in towns and had inevitably learned some skills in observing others and seeking advantages, which is why they rallied around Rocky, addressing him as "Young Master Rocky" or "Brother Rocky." Rocky seemed quite accustomed to and pleased with these titles.


The last group included children like Eli, who came from remote and impoverished areas. Most of these children's families lived off the land or water, making them extremely poor. This group was the smallest in the carriage, consisting of only five or six children. They were mostly timid and dared not speak loudly, merely watching others laugh and make noise, forming a stark contrast to the more boisterous children.


The carriage left Green Bull Town and headed west, picking up several more children along the way. After five days of travel, they finally arrived at Mount Xianxia, the main location of the Mystic Gate.


All the children were captivated by the colorful sunset over Mount Xianxia, so much so that they only snapped out of their trance when Protector Wang urged them to move forward.


Mount Xianxia, originally known as Mount Luofeng, was said to be where a mythical five-colored phoenix had once landed, transforming into the mountain. Due to the stunning beauty of the mountain bathed in sunset, it was later renamed Mount Xianxia. Since the Mystic Gate took over, outsiders were no longer allowed to freely enjoy this breathtaking scenery.


Mount Xianxia was the second largest mountain in Jing State, next only to Mount Bai Mang. It covered a vast area, with several peaks, all of which were extremely steep and challenging, making them perfect locations for the various sub-sects of the Mystic Gate. The main peak, Sunset Peak, was particularly treacherous. It was not only extraordinarily high and steep but also had only one path leading to the top. After establishing their main hall there, the Mystic Gate set up thirteen checkpoints along this path, both visible and hidden, making it virtually impregnable.


As Eli walked up the stone steps leading to the mountain, he couldn't help but feel excited, although no one dared to speak loudly. Despite their young age, all the children knew this place would determine their future.


Protector Wang led the way, smiling and greeting people he met along the path. It was clear he was well-known and liked within the sect.


Many of the people they encountered wore green satin uniforms, with either a sword strapped to their backs or a knife by their sides. Occasionally, some bare-handed individuals also had bulging waists, indicating they were carrying something. From their demeanor, it was evident that these people were agile and skilled in martial arts.


Eli and the others were led to a smaller peak with a cluster of earthen houses at the top, where they spent the night. In his dream that night, Eli imagined himself dressed in fine clothes, wielding a golden sword, and possessing unparalleled martial skills. He vividly dreamt of defeating the blacksmith's son from his village, who had always bullied him, feeling immensely powerful and invincible.


 He woke up the next morning still savoring the dream.


The following morning, without having breakfast, Protector Wang took all the children to a large slope covered with bamboo at the foot of the mountain. There, they saw the hall master, a man named Yue, who had met them the day before, along with several other young men they did not recognize.

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