

The cop,the cartel,and the woman between," ___ NIKOLAI MORETTI was the devil.He was known as 'LUCIFERO'.LUCIFER was ruthless in all his doings,feared by all, and has a presence enough to send chills down the spines of everyone and sufficient enough to conjure a silence darker than that of a cemetery.Even while being the leader of a notorious drug cartel and mafia,he has his eyes set on only one woman;and his heart dished out for the same woman. CAMILLA RUSSO hates Nikolai Moretti with all her might even while being deeply in love with his twin,Roberto Moretti,a dedicated cop.Camilla and Roberto are both hell-bent on punishing Nikolai for his misdeeds,mostly for allegedly murdering Camilla's father and brother. Little did Camilla know that in the process of seeking justice,she'd serve her heart,mind,body, and soul out to the same man she hates.

Ink_Heart3d · Khác
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2 Chs


*Sits down,takes a deep breath,clears my throat, and starts typing*


CAMILLA STARED AT the screen of her phone with a wide grin as her eyes scanned over the message over her screen over and over again.

Other half❤️:

Is it okay if I take you out on a date tonight?


Hell,yes.Who wouldn't want to go out on a date with the man they've loved ever since teenage days?Not to mention,when they know the man feels the same and they've been dating each other since then.

That man was Roberto Moretti.Her Roberto.

Roberto had been the perfect gentleman Camilla would have ever asked for.He had always been there for her ever since they were teenagers,considering the fact that his late parents and hers were more like business partners.Their family had been into the mafia;an organisation which she and her mum never approved of,since it was an illegal one,but they didn't really have a say.Her late father was fully into it and so was her brother and Roberto's parents.

It was just so unfortunate that Roberto's parents and his baby sister, as well as Camilla's father and brother, died because of that same business.

It was a mystery to her why she and her mum were allowed to live when they were both the ones against it.She wondered why Roberto and his twin brother,Nikolai Moretti, also lived.

The reason for Nikolai's survival was clear;he was the one who murdered the rest.

Nikolai had supposedly murdered his and Roberto's parents,then sold off their baby sister to human traffickers for power.He,for no reason,had also taken the lives of her father and brother.

That had all happened during their teenage days.

Before he could have been apprehended,he escaped from the crime scene after murdering her father and brother,and till that day,he had not been found by anyone;not even by his own twin brother.

That was why Roberto had turned to a cop.He vowed to seek justice for their families against his brother, and Camilla was ever ready to assist him.

A knock came on her room door,followed by her mum's calm voice."Cami,are you in there?"

Camilla blinked her eyes from her screen and looked towards her room door before answering out."Yeah,mum,"Standing up,she walked to the door and opened it for her mum."Hey,mum,"

"I just got off a call from Roberto,"Her mum divulged."He was worried about you;said you didn't reply to his text message,"

That was another thing Camilla loved about Roberto.He always cared and got worried five minutes after sending her a message, which goes unanswered.

"I actually saw his message,"

Her mum frowned."Are you upset with him?Did you both get into a fight?"

Camilla shook her head and smiled at Guilia."No,mum.I zoned out after reading the message,"

A look that Camilla couldn't fathom cast over Guilia's features, but she was quick to mask it off with a sober expression."You were thinking about your papa,right?"

Camilla swallowed, and tears blurred her vision."I was thinking about the circumstances in which he died of.If he hadn't been so hell-bent on this whole mafia shit,he and Carlo would've been here with us.We would have been a complete happy family,"A tear rolled down her cheek.

"Oh,figlia mia,"Guilia whispered and pulled Camilla into her arms."It's okay to be sad about it,but don't let it ruin your happiness.People come and go,and -"She croaked out."And that's definitely why your dad and brother left,"

{"Oh,my child"}

Camilla tightened her hold on her mum's shirt."But it's not fair!The circumstances in which they were killed don't make anything fair!They deserved better,"

"I know,my dear,"Guilia soothed Camilla's back."Roberto has promised to bring the one behind their murder to justice.Nikolai will be punished for his crimes,"

"Don't call his name,mum,"Camilla pulled away from the hug as her jaw clenched, and she fisted her hands into balls beside her."I hate his name.I hate that man and everything he's made of.

He's a monster,"

"Don't say that,dear,"Guilia palmed Camilla's cheeks, and her eyes softened."Hate is a very strong word, and you shouldn't use it on people,"

"But -"

"Shhh,"Guilia cut her off with a smile."Smile for me and go and reply Roberto's message.We don't want him getting worried and then leaving his work to come here,do we?"

Camilla nodded.

"Good,"She leaned in and pecked Camilla's forehead."I'll leave,"

Once her mum was gone,Camilla walked back into her bedroom and closed the door, and then strode to her bed.Picking up her phone,her lips curved into a smile as she read the text again.

Other half❤️:

Is it okay if I take you out on a date tonight?


Hey?You there?


You aren't replying to my texts.Are you upset with me?


Baby,are you okay?


Three bubble dots appeared on the lower left side of the screen.

I'm calling.


Before she could comprehend anything,her phone was already ringing.

Swiping the pick icon,Camilla took the phone to her ear and pulled away the strands of her thick,black,straight hair that was falling over her face to the back of her ear as a wide smile danced on her lips.

She opened her mouth to say something,but Roberto beat her to it."Where the fuck were you?You had me worried about you?"


"Is that all you can say?Just a small 'hey'?"Roberto asked and then,she heard the sound of shuffling on the other side."You weren't replying to my fucking texts,Camilla and I had to stress Guilia.Are you upset with me?"

"No,"She replied and sat on her bed."I'm not upset with you,"

"Are you okay?"He asked again,worry evident in his voice."You don't sound like your usual self.Your voice sounds a bit off.Did you cry or something?Should I come over?"

"No No,"She replied,blushing at the fact that he was even able to recognise her mood from her voice.It had always been like that since they were teenagers."I'm okay.Just missed day and Carlo.I was also missing your family also;your mum,your dad,and-,"She swallowed the huge lump at the back of her throat."-and Gio,your baby sister,"

There was a thick silence on the other end.Only the sound of their breaths could be heard.

Roberto spoke up."I'm sorry,"

Camilla frowned."Why are you sorry?"

"I don't know;maybe for making you upset...?,"He replied."I'm just sorry.I'm sorry you and Guilia had to go through this loneliness because of my-my brother,"

"It's not your fault, and I don't want you getting upset for something you didn't cause.The person that's the cause of everything should be sorry,"Camilla said."Anyways,everything is cool.I'm fine.How's work?"

Roberto sighed deeply."Everything is fine over here.I'm still trying to find anything that could lead me to Nikolai's whereabouts.He covers his tracks well,"

"It's past your work time already,"Camilla's eyes flicked to the alarm clock on her table."I think you should get some rest,"

"And our date?"He asked."Can I-" He sounded nervous."Can I still take you out?"

"That's not a problem,"She said."You know I'd be delighted to go on a date with you no matter what,"

"Fine.I'll be there to pick you around seven,"He paused."Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah.I'll be ready by then,"

"Sounds great,"He said."Bye,I love you,"

"I love you too,"

The beeping sound on the phone was an indication that the call had been ended.

Camilla dropped the phone on her bed and walked to her closet,ecstatic about her date.

If there was one thing she was sure of,it was the fact that Roberto was going to propose to her on their date.


She was dressed in a red,off-shoulder knee-length dress.Her straight,short black hair stopped directly on her shoulders,complimenting her look.She didn't put too much make up on as she wasn't a fan.Adorning her dressing with a pair of stilettos and a simple diamond stud earring and necklace,Camilla smiled at her reflection in the mirror.

Her eyes fell on her empty finger, and her heart swelled with joy at the thought of what was going to happen.

Roberto didn't tell her he was proposing to her,but she knew he was doing that.She could feel it coursing through her veins.They've come so far in their relationship and she believed it was time to take things further between them both.

Camilla took a deep breath at the realisation of everything.

She was going to be an engaged woman by the end of the night.

She couldn't wait.She couldn't wait to see the look on Roberto's face when she would say yes to marrying him without skipping a breath.

A knock on her bedroom door jolted her out of her thoughts, and Camilla turned towards the door.She walked to the door and opened it.

"Mr Moretti is here,ma'am,"the maid said,bowing her head.

"Sure,"Camilla's smile widened."I'll be there soon,"

The maid nodded and left.

Camilla went back into her room and picked up her hand bag,then rushed out of her room,down the stairs.

As she descended down the stairs,her eyes fell on Roberto as he spoke to her mum.He was dressed in a simple button-up shirt and pants along with a canvas-loofers, and she cringed.

Had she overdressed?

Before she could turn to go back upstairs and change into something more simple,Roberto's head whipped towards her direction and his smile widened while his eyes showed appreciation as he ran his gaze over her full form.

She shuddered.

Her voice came out meekly."Hey,"

"Come,my dear,"Guilia smiled at her."Don't keep him waiting,"

With a small nod,she walked down the stairs till she was standing beside Roberto, and she felt chills running down her spine when his arm went around her waist.

"Roberto said he was taking you for a date,"Guilia said.


"Ahh, that's nice,"Guilia looked at Roberto."Being away from home for a while will help take her mind off things,"

"Yeah,"Roberto nodded, totally agreeing with Guilia.He turned to Camilla."Shall we?"

"I think I'm overdressed,"

"You aren't,"He grinned."You look beautiful.I think I'm the one underdressed here,"

Camilla fake-glared at him.

"You both go for your date,"Guilia said."You don't want to be late,do you?"

"Yeah,let's go,"Roberto said.

Soon,they were in Roberto's car,conversing as he drove them to the restaurant where he had booked a reservation for them.

Pulling up the car in the driveway,Roberto turned to Camilla,flashing her a small smile."Wait,"Without letting her say anything,he got out of the car and went around to her side of the car.

"Thanks,"Camilla smiled at Roberto as he held out his hand for her to get out of the car.

She walked out of the car and he locked it before wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Shall we?"

She nodded.

The walk to the restaurant was quiet between the both of them.When they got in,Roberto excused himself to talk to the receptionist and after doing that,they were led to a private booth by one of the workers in the restaurant.

Once they were settled on their seats opposite each other,Roberto asked."What do you think of the place?"

She smiled."It's a nice place.I love it,thanks,"

"Anything for my woman,"He held her hands on the table and smiled at her."Have I told you how good you look tonight?"

She rolled her eyes playfully."Countless times,"

Roberto chuckled."I can never get tired of telling you that.I can't wait to shred off this dress from your body,"

She blushed.

"Can you place your orders,please,"A waiter walked over to them.


Picking up the menu cards in front of them,Camilla ran her eyes over it before looking back at the waiter."I'll have the pasta and meatballs.And then,I'll take it with the chianti red wine,"

The waiter wrote down her order and looked at Roberto."And you,sir?"

Roberto dropped the menu card on the table and pursed his lips into a straight line as he stared up at the waiter."I'll take whatever she's taking,"He averted his eyes to Camilla's."Her choice is always the best,"

Camilla flushed.

"Sure,"The waiter nodded and left.


Camilla frowned when Roberto suddenly dropped his fork on his plate."What?Aren't you eating?Is everything alright?"

They were still in the middle of their meal,so it made her wonder why he would just drop his fork like that.

Roberto passed her a nervous smile and stood up from his seat,making her drop her fork on her plate as well as her frown deepened.

"Ro-,"She gasped when he cut her off by going on one knee in front of her."Roberto-,"She looked around,for anyone who may be seeing them.She looked back at him."What the fuck are you doing?Someone might-,"

Roberto cut her off with a wide smile as he dipped his hand in his pocket and brought out a blue velvet box,before flicking it open.

She gasped at the sight of the diamond ring standing proudly in there.

Roberto cleared his throat."My love, from the moment I met you, my life has been filled with joy, laughter, and an overwhelming sense of happiness.You've brought light into every corner of my world, and I can't imagine a day without you by my side,"He kept quiet for a second,then continued."As we've journeyed together, through the highs and lows, my love for you has only grown stronger. Your kindness, your compassion, and your unwavering support have shown me the true meaning of love.Today, as I kneel before you, my heart is bursting with emotion because I realize that you are not just my partner, but my soulmate, my confidante, and my best friend. I cherish every moment we've shared together, and I long for a future filled with countless more.I want to spend the rest of my days making you smile, holding your hand through life's adventures, and building a life together that is filled with love, laughter, and endless happiness.So, my love, with all the love in my heart, I ask you this: Will you marry me? Will you join me in this grand adventure called life, as my partner, my equal, and my forever love?"

Unshed tears glistened in Camilla's eyes as she stared at him with her palms on her mouth.She always knew he was going to do that,but she didn't expect to feel all those emotions.


He asked again."Will you marry me,Camilla Russo?"

She nodded."Yes,"

Roberto took out the ring from the box and held her left hand in his,before bringing the ring to the tip of her ring finger."Thank you,my love,"With that,he slipped the ring into her finger and stood up.

Before he could realise it,Camilla threw herself into his arms."I love you,Roberto.I love you,"

He pecked the crown of her head."I love you too,"

However,the duo were unaware of the steel grey eyes watching them with an unwavering gaze and the owner,a clenched jaw.


Thanks for reading!

What do you think of the chapter?

What do you think of Camilla and Roberto?What do you think of the proposal?{For reals,I'm cringing at that.I really think it's bad}

Who do you think the steel grey eyes watching them belong to?

What's running through your mind at the moment?Please share your thoughts with me in the comment section?


