
Whispers of Forbidden Love

In this epic romance novel, the heroine's world falls apart when she discovers her boyfriend's infidelity with her best friend. Heartbroken and betrayed, she struggles to cope with her emotions until an unlikely hero saves her from a near accident on the road. As they bond over shared experiences and interests, the heroine begins to develop strong feelings for the older hero, but he wrestles with his attraction to the younger woman. Miscommunication and misunderstandings add tension to their relationship, but they secretly start dating, afraid of judgment from others. Meanwhile, the ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend try to sabotage their newfound happiness. However, when the full extent of their betrayal is exposed, the heroine cuts ties with them, reinforcing her bond with the hero. Throughout their journey, the couple faces numerous obstacles, including family disapproval, cultural differences, and jealous rivals. They navigate these challenges with unwavering support for each other and a determination to make their love work. They celebrate milestones, travel, and build a life together, all while balancing their careers and personal lives.

Sarahsmi9 · Thành thị
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: Unlikely Savior

The bustling streets of Seoul were alive with the sound of chatter and the hum of traffic. Ella, a university student lost in her thoughts, wandered through the crowd, her heart heavy with the recent breakup. She couldn't shake off the pain of losing her boyfriend to her best friend. It felt like a betrayal that cut deep.

In her restless state, Ella failed to notice the car barreling towards her until it was too late. Just when the world seemed to blur around her, an unexpected force pulled her back, saving her from the oncoming danger. As Ella stumbled backward, she looked up to see a young man, his dark hair falling into his eyes, a concerned expression etched on his face.

"Are you okay?" he asked in a slightly accented but concerned tone, his voice laced with genuine worry.

Ella blinked, still taken aback by what had just occurred. "Yeah, I think so," she replied, her voice trembling.

The young man extended a hand to help her regain her balance. "Be careful next time," he said, offering her a warm smile.

Ella felt her cheeks flush slightly as she accepted his hand. "Thank you," she murmured, her gaze shifting downward momentarily.

"No problem," he replied, his voice containing a hint of kindness. "It's lucky I was here at the right time."

Ella glanced at him, curiosity flickering in her eyes, "How did you manage to save me like that? It happened so fast."

He chuckled softly, a playful glimmer in his eyes. "Well, I've been known to have quick reflexes," he said with a lighthearted shrug. "Guess it came in handy today."

Ella couldn't help but smile at his modesty. "Well, I'm grateful."

He nodded, his gaze lingering on her for a moment before he spoke again, "I noticed you seemed lost in thought back there. Is everything okay?"

She sighed, realizing that perhaps it was time to open up about her pain, "Actually, I've been going through a rough patch. I recently went through a breakup, and it's been hard,"

He nodded, his expression sympathetic, "Breakups can be tough. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Ella hesitated, her gaze meeting his. There was something comforting about his presence—something that made her feel safe. "Maybe just talking to someone who understands could make a difference."

He smiled softly, his eyes filled with understanding. "I'm here to listen, if you'd like."

He gently placed a hand on Ella's shoulder, offering her a reassuring squeeze, "Why don't we take a break from the chaos outside? There's a lovely café just around the corner. They have the most delicious dessert called 'Sweet Serenade'," he suggested, his voice soft and comforting.

Ella nodded gratefully, touched by his gesture. She allowed him to lead her through the busy streets until they reached the cozy café. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sweet treats filled the air. They found a cozy corner table and settled in.

As they waited for their orders, he leaned forward, his eyes filled with genuine interest, "Please, tell me your story. What happened with your cheating ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend?"

Ella took a deep breath, feeling a mix of relief and vulnerability wash over her. She began to recount the painful details, sharing how she had discovered their betrayal. She talked about the nights she cried herself to sleep and the waves of anger and confusion that consumed her. The intensity of her emotions poured out as if she had been holding it all in for far too long.

He listened intently, his eyes never leaving her face. Occasionally, he offered words of understanding or subtle nods of empathy. He understood the need for her to confide in someone willing to lend an ear, someone who wasn't connected to her social circle.

"It's been so hard," Ella admitted, her voice wavering, "I trusted them both, and they shattered that trust without hesitation."

He reached out to take her hand in his, offering silent support, "I'm so sorry you had to experience that. Betrayal hurts, especially when it comes from the people closest to us."

Ella squeezed his hand, appreciating the comfort he provided, "Thank you for being here for me, for saving me from that car, and for listening. I never thought a stranger could make me feel this understood."

A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as their desserts arrived—a beautifully presented Sweet Serenade, a harmonious blend of velvety chocolate and delicate berries. He insisted that Ella try the first bite, hoping to bring a hint of sweetness back into her life.

Ella's lips curled into a genuine smile as she savored the delectable treat. As she allowed the flavors to dance on her tongue, she realized that even amid heartache, there were still moments of joy and connection to be found.

Their conversation continued to flow, seamlessly intertwining tales of heartbreak and hope. The café became a sanctuary where Ella could be herself, where she felt safe and understood. In this unlikely savior, she found solace and a glimmer of a friendship she didn't know she needed.

As the afternoon sun began to fade, the weight on Ella's heart felt a little lighter. It was as if, within the confines of that café, she had embarked on a journey of healing.

After exchanging heartfelt conversations and finding solace in each other's company, the time came for Ella and her unlikely savior to part ways. With a hesitant but grateful smile, Ella reached for a small notepad in her bag and carefully wrote down her phone number.

"I don't usually do this, but... I would really like to stay in touch," Ella admitted, her voice tinged with a mix of shyness and hope.

He nodded, a fond expression in his eyes, "I feel the same way. Sometimes, unexpected connections can be the ones that touch our lives the most. Thank you for sharing your story with me, Ella."

They exchanged gentle goodbyes, promising to keep in touch. Ella watched as he faded into the bustling crowd, feeling a renewed sense of hope and a flicker of anticipation about what the future might hold.

As she made her way back to her reality, she couldn't help but smile. Amid heartache and the chaos of life, she had found an unexpected ally, someone who had saved her from more than just a car accident—a reminder that there was still goodness and genuine care in the world.

Just as Ella was about to lose sight of him in the crowd, her curiosity got the better of her. She mustered up courage and called out, "Wait! I never got your name."

He turned around, a soft smile on his lips, "My name is Ji-hoon," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of pride in his Korean heritage.

Ella repeated his name, savoring the sound of it on her tongue, "Ji-hoon... It's a nice name. My name is Ella. Thank you, Ji-hoon, for everything."

He nodded, his eyes sparkling with warmth, "It was my pleasure, Ella. Take care of yourself, and remember, you're stronger than you think."

With a final wave, Ji-hoon disappeared into the bustling city streets, leaving Ella with a newfound sense of strength and a budding connection. She held onto his name like a precious secret, a reminder of the unexpected savior who had entered her life when she needed it the most.

As she walked away, Ella couldn't help but feel a subtle excitement, wondering what the future held for her and Ji-hoon. Their paths had crossed on a seemingly ordinary day, but little did she know that this chance encounter would mark the beginning of a remarkable chapter in her life, one filled with healing, growth, and the possibility of a love she had never imagined.

But for now, Ella carried Ji-hoon's name in her heart, a reminder of the remarkable day that had brought them together, and the promise of a future yet to unfold.