
Whispers of Darkness: The Hero of Shadow

War engulfs the vibrant land of Warna. Monstrous shadows, unleashed by an Arcfiend, devour empires and shatter lives. Amidst the carnage, a 19-year-old orphan grapples with his lost past and struggles to survive. Fate, however, has other plans. Thrust into a desperate quest by a divine spark, he finds himself a reluctant hero, wielding power he barely understands. Haunted by tragedy and pursued by the King's claws, he navigates a treacherous tapestry of war-torn kingdoms, each ruled by a warring god. His unlikely companions? A monoma, a mage, and a band of shadows. Together, they must unravel the secrets of the Archfiend, confront the darkness within the enigmatic Empire of Umbra, and discover the truth about the orphan's destiny. Will they rise as champions against oblivion, or succumb to the encroaching darkness? Join the fight for Warna's soul in this epic saga of redemption, sacrifice, and the unyielding power of hope. Author note: Since it is my first time writing I will lack in many fields, sometimes I will not be able to explain the plot properly or sometimes I will cut short it. My readers will encounter my hazardous writing that I am proud of but as the journey of both mine and the hero goes on, we will improve. So I the author will urge my viewers to give my novel a try, I am just a boy trying to bring my fantasy out to you. I will not ask for power stones nor will I enter into the contract if my readers want it but please give my chapters your honest review and tell me where I can improve. For now, I will hope to see you in my chapter comments. See you soon. Asura going dark......

Warwolf_asura · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Calamity up ahead

After venturing into the forest for several more hours, Aldric stumbled upon a cave and quickly set up camp. He deftly skinned the rabbit using a sharp, slender rock he found nearby, muttering to himself, "This should do the trick." With the rabbit's skin removed, Aldric placed it over the fire to cook. The tantalizing aroma of the sizzling meat filled the air, causing Abyss's mouth to water in anticipation.

"You look absolutely delectable," Aldric exclaimed, his mouth watering uncontrollably. He couldn't resist taking a piece of the rabbit's leg and savoring its succulent flavor. "Oomaieee, my goodness," he exclaimed, his taste buds dancing with delight. After relishing every last bite and satiating his hunger, Aldric decided it was time to explore the depths of the cave.

As Aldric delved deeper into the cave, Aldric suddenly heard a voice in his mind. It was the System, alerting him to the presence of valuable minerals in the vicinity. Intrigued, Aldric scanned his surroundings and discovered a collection of shiny rocks scattered on the cave floor. He carefully picked them up, realizing they were barium metals.

[The user has found banium metal. It is advised to store them in the inventory for processing,]the System informed Aldric. Eager to make the most of his discovery, Aldric stowed away the barium metals and initiated the metal refinement and processing, as instructed by the System. He sighed, realizing he would have to wait for approximately nine minutes for the process to complete. In the meantime, he decided to continue exploring the cave.

Author: Banium is mixture of Sodium and barium metal commonly used in crafting of weapons and shields for it burst properties.

As Aldric ventured further into the depths, he stumbled upon various other metals, including iron, mithril, and copper. The cave seemed to be a treasure trove of valuable resources. However, his attention was soon drawn to a peculiar sight—a wall adorned with ancient runic letters. Intrigued, Aldric pondered their meaning.

To his astonishment, Aldric found himself able to decipher the runic letters. "Looks like the All-knowledge blessing has kicked in," he thought, marveling at his newfound ability. As he read the inscriptions, a sense of foreboding washed over him. The wall bore a clear warning, urging him not to proceed any further into the cave due to the presence of a dormant calamity. Aldric couldn't ignore the gravity of the message.

"A calamity in a place like this? It must be some kind of joke," Aldric muttered to himself. Despite his skepticism, he knew better than to disregard such a dire warning. Just as Aldric was about to retreat to his camp, the runic letters on the wall suddenly began to glow, and the seemingly impenetrable barrier crumbled into dust before his eyes.

A mixture of shock and confusion overwhelmed Abyss. "What in the world just happened?" Aldric exclaimed, unable to contain his astonishment. The once-solid wall had vanished, revealing a path that beckoned him further into the unknown depths of the cave. With a mixture of trepidation and curiosity, Aldric hesitated for a moment before summoning his courage and stepping forward, ready to face whatever awaited him in the mysterious darkness ahead.