


Episode 3

In front of Beyonce family house; one of Chris bodyguards knock on the door while Chris sitting on his car and Beyonce mum open the door; and Chris body guard greet Beyonce mum and say; sir wants to see, Beyonce and Beyonce mum rase her head and saw Chris sitting on his car and she return Inside; while calling Beyonce and Beyonce come out from her room and her mom said someone is is looking for you outside; and Beyonce open the door. just when Beyonce saw Chris sitting on the car and Beyonce shut the door again; and Chris body guard knock on the door again and Beyonce open the door slowly and walk to Chris while her head is down!

Chris) why, you don't want to look at me and Beyonce said nothing sir; and Chris said you didn't come to do your job today why? Or you think you have paid everything; and Beyonce said; sir I was late that is why! and Chris open his car and handed a clothe to Beyonce and said change yourself we are going somewhere;

Beyonce) what? sir that is not part of what you ask me to do! And Chris said; who is the boss and Beyonce point her hand at him and Chris said then do as I say!

After some minutes in a big party; Chris and Beyonce walk in while the guards walking beside them; and people in the party start shaking Chris hand and welcome him; and the waiters serve Chris and Beyonce drinks and one of the organizers call Chris out to discuss something to him;

Beyonce turn to go somewhere and bump up to group of three girls; and some of Beyonce drink poor on one of the girls clothe!

Beyonce) oh my God am sorry and she try to use handkerchief to clean up the juice on the girl clothe and the girl push Beyonce backwards and say; how dare you! are you blind? And the girl walk towards Beyonce while Beyonce moving backwards and her heart beating fast while begin the girls to forgive her; and Chris hold Beyonce from back and say what is going; and the girl who the drink poor on her said; oh my God; Chris the super star! Sir can we take a picture and Chris said why not; and the girls and Chris take picture together; and the girls turn to Beyonce again and Chris said; please girls she is my guest forgive her; and the girls say; you are lucky and they walk away: and Chris grab Beyonce hand and pull her to himself and say; can't you stay out in trouble for once huh? and someone approach Chris from behind and Chris let it go of Beyonce and turn to the person approach him

The next day in Beyonce school; all the students come out on the assemble point and Chris grandma car arrive and the guards open the car door and she get down and the principal rush to Chris grandma and greet her and say welcome Mrs Ram; and grandma thank him; and walk to the students and give them piece of advice!

After which and grandma saw Beyonce stand next to her and grandma call her and Beyonce walk to her! And grandma ask her how are you and Beyonce reply am fine grandma and the teachers and students whispered to each other that; what grandma? She is Mrs ram granddaughter;

After which in the principal office! Chris grandma sit next to the principal while there having conversation after they finish having conversation and grandma return home;

Evening in Beyonce family house; Beyonce walk in while jumping and smiling and her mum ask her; what makes you this happy like that! and Beyonce took some papers out from her bag and give it to her mum and Beyonce mum said what is this and Beyonce said; now mum I don't have to pay school fees or any other thing in school; Mrs Ram said she will take care of everything;

Beyonce mum) who is Mrs Ram? and Beyonce said Chris grandmother! she is the owner of our school and Beyonce mum said; that means she has approved your relationship with her grandson? And Beyonce said mum; Chris is not my boyfriend; and her mum said, is ok go change your clothe and come and Beyonce went to her room;

The next day in front of Beyonce school gate; Chris said to Beyonce! today I want to see you after school in my mansion and Beyonce said ok and turn to go while lollipop is in Beyonce mouth and Chris said hey come back here and Beyonce return to Chris and Chris take the lollipop out from Beyonce mouth and put it in his mouth and Beyonce said; ahh that is mine and Chris turn look at Beyonce and Beyonce go mute and walk away while talking to herself and Chris smile and saw himself in the car mirror smiling and Chris look at himself in the mirror quiet! because that was the first time he has smile, with happiness in his heart with someone which is not his grandma and Chris rase his head and look at Beyonce walking towards the school and Chris enter the car and drove away;

Evening in Chris room, Beyonce walk in while Chris has mess everything up in the room; some of the clothes are on the floor and Beyonce arrange everything in the room! While Chris is in the bathroom bathing in the bathtub; but Beyonce doesn't know Chris is inside the bathroom and Beyonce open the bathroom door and entered the bathroom;

Just when Chris come out from the bathtub and Beyonce entered and Chris turn towards Beyonce while he is still on his nakedness and both of them scream ahhh; and Beyonce turn towards the door and say I didn't see anything and she run to the bedroom again and Chris look at himself and say; shit; I will kill this girl today and Chris cover himself with tower and went out to the bedroom


Episode 4

Chris look at himself and pick the tower cover himself and went to the bedroom to Beyonce

Chris) how dare you enter the bathroom without knocking?

Beyonce) how can I know you are inside there? Beside I didn't see anything and Chris walk towards Beyonce while Beyonce moving backwards and get to the wall and close her eyes and Chris go close to her and say since I was born no one have not see it but now you have seen everything; you have to take responsibility of it and Beyonce said; but when you were kid many people see it and Chris said it doesn't matter; and Beyonce bend down and pass through Chris arms and went out to the living room;

In the living room

Grandma) Beyonce you are here? come here and Beyonce go to grandma and sit next to grandma;

grandma) I will visit your house tomorrow, I want to discuss something with your parents;

In Beyonce mind; what could that discussion hold and grandma touch Beyonce shoulder and say what are you thinking and Beyonce said nothing and smile

The next day in Beyonce family house;

Chris grandma get down from car; while the bodyguards carry many stuffs follow her and they knock on the door and Beyonce mum open the door and Chris grandma greet Beyonce mum! And Beyonce mum respond to her and grandma said; am Chris grandma and Beyonce mum said please come in and grandma and the guards enter and grandma sit on the couch; and Beyonce grandma too come out and sit on the other side of the couch;

And the guards put the stuffs they carry down; and grandma tell the guards to wait for her outside;

Beyonce family sit down;

Chris grandma) I brought this to you; and she point on the stuffs the guards carry come;

Chris grandma) am here to ask your doctor hand in marriage for my grandson and Beyonce mum turn and look at her mother inlaw; and Beyonce father said; our daughter? which of them are you talking about?

Chris grandma) Beyonce;

Beyonce father) ok but we can't decide for her; we will want to know her opinion about your grandson; before we can accept anything from you; and Beyonce and her younger sister walk in and Beyonce say; grandma you are here? And Chris grandma tell Beyonce to come sit near her and Beyonce go sit next to grandma

Beyonce father) Beyonce do you know this woman and Beyonce said; yes dad! she is Chris grandma and Beyonce father said; she is here to ask your hand in marriage for her grandson; and Beyonce said; grandma and Chris grandma held Beyonce hand; and say; I don't want my grandson to marry those social media girls; please accept my request and Beyonce look at her mom and her mum shake her head and Beyonce said; dad I agreed and grandma smile and thank Beyonce and hug her

C. R. Mansion

Grandma sitting on the couch and Chris walk in while headset is on his ears and singing; and grandma call him and Chris remove the headset and go sit opposite grandma

Grandma) I have finally chose your wife to be for you; and Chris said who is she how does she look like; and grandma said; you know her! and grandma handed picture of Beyonce to Chris and say; she is the one you will marry!

Chris) what? grandma; she is my maid and grandma said; I have made my choice; if you didn't agree to marry her I will leave this house for you and Chris said; but that is not the deal and grandma said the choice is yours; am tired. I'm going upstairs to rest small and grandma walk towards upstairs And Chris stared at Beyonce picture quiet and say; finally you have succeed in stealing grandma heart;

In Beyonce family house!

in kitchen Beyonce and her sister is cooking and Beyonce phone ring Beyonce look at the phone and off the screen; and her sister ask her who is that and Beyonce said; Chris and Beyonce sister said; why you didn't answer and Beyonce said; he is annoying; just when they are still talking about Chris and Beyonce phone ring again and Beyonce sister stretch her hand and pick Beyonce phone and answer the call and say hello; and Chris said; why you didn't come to arrange my room today and Beyonce sister said; please this is Beyonce sister, she is here let me give the phone to her and she handed the phone to Beyonce

Beyonce) hello sir and Chris said you didn't come what happen? and Beyonce said; am sorry I went out with my family and we didn't come back early that is why!

Chris) hey can you stop lying to me? I know grandma come to your house today! so why are you lying; and Beyonce said; am sorry I will come tomorrow and Chris said; ok give the phone to your sister and Beyonce give the phone back to her sister; and Beyonce sister and Chris start talking and laughing; while Beyonce look at her sister; and Beyonce take the phone from her sister hand and say to Chris if you want to talk to her call her not on my phone! And she hang up the call

In Chris room; Chris look at the phone and smile and fall on the bed while smiling