
Whisper of Arcane by flying panda

Aiden Falcavin, a high school student leading a content life, finds his world turned upside down when he is suddenly transported to Lumidia, a realm where magic is real. Captured by an evil sorcerer, he becomes the subject of a dark ritual and is afflicted with a deadly curse. Will he find a way back home? Can he transform his misfortune into fortune? Join Aiden on his adventure. this is my first novel. please support me. I didn't own the cover art. It is AI art.

mugilkrish18 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Meeting an old friend

The night descended, the two moons illuminating the sky. The tavern in the nearest town buzzed with laughter and gossip. A burly man entered, clad in a tunic, trousers, a leather belt around his hip, and a robe that mostly concealed him. The hood shadowed his face. A symbol of fire was embroidered on the robe. Men and women looked at him with a mix of respect and fear.


"Gerelt!" A voice echoed from the upper floor. The man in the robe looked up. It was Zave Skykend, waving his hand. The burly man in the robe—Gerelt—ascended to the upper floor. It was a quiet area compared to the ground floor, with only four tables. He lowered his hood, revealing a stern face with a white beard and moustache.


"Long time no see," Zave said, giving him a friendly hug. "Come, have a seat!" Zave led him to a reserved table. They sat opposite each other.


"It's quite cold outside," said Gerelt, removing his robe.


Hahaha! A member of the Fire Palace talking about the cold is comical!" Zave laughed.


"Yes, but I am still an old man," Gerelt replied.


"That's true," said Zave. He called the waitress, a young woman with brown hair. "Your order, sir?" she asked.

Zave looked at Gerelt.


"As usual," said Gerelt to Zave.


"Two stone beers and two plates of spicy fish," Zave ordered.


"I assume you called me for something important, not for small talk," Gerelt said seriously.


"Yes! Did you hear the mysterious voice?" asked Zave.


"Yes, not only us. Many sorcerers heard it. It created chaos in our society. The Sanctum is working day and night to find the cause," Gerelt replied.


"Did they find anything?" asked Zave curiously.


"Just a vague clue! The source was the Darkwood Forest," Gerelt looked around.

Zave's heart skipped a beat. "I need to ask something. You researched about the Norticle extensively, right?" Zave asked.


Gerelt nodded.


"Is there any chance anyone could be born with a special constitution that makes them immune to their venom?" Zave asked.


"No, that's impossible," Gerelt said firmly.


"Why?" Zave questioned.


" All think Norticle's venom is a potential poison. Even some fools in the Sanctum are still trying their best to find an antidote or vaccine. But they're all operating on a false premise. Their venom is not act like poison but soul curse."


"What!" Zave was shocked.


"You know I was detained by the Fourth Circle Water Prince for my illegal research," Gerelt said. Zave nodded.


"I made this huge discovery, but no one is willing to believe it. The venom behaves like a soul curse transforms the soul," said Gerelt and continued. "After one's soul is transformed, their physique begins to change. That's why I say someone can't be born immune to Norticle's venom."


"If what Gerelt said is true, then what I saw—Aiden's blood devouring the venom—makes no sense. He looks fine and sane. Is his soul immune to the poison or his body?" Zave pondered deeply.


"Zave! Zave!" Gerelt's voice brought him back to reality.


"What happened? Why are you asking about Norticles all of a sudden?" Gerelt asked.


"Nothing! I found a patient recently. She got bitten but soon died," Zave lied casually.


"Poor soul! Geralt pitied and continued."The Norticle that bites her must be a newborn. Its sense of choosing offspring may not yet develop."


Zave took a paper parchment from his coat. "This is the reason I called you. I need the items on this list," he said, putting the parchment on the table and sliding it to him.

Gerelt reflexively took the parchment with his left hand. Zave furrowed his brows as he noticed Gerelt's left hand looked a little dark blue.


"What happened to your hand?" Zave asked.


"Nothing serious, just a regular infection by a dark element from a dark articraft," Gerelt explained. He was currently working in the Dark Magic Maintenance Department, tasked with finding and destroying dark articrafts.


"What do you want this for?" asked Gerelt, narrowing his brow after reading the items on the parchment.


"Just for research!" Zave smiled.


"Give me a day and I'll send them to you," said Gerelt after pondering for a minute. Zave nodded.


"Excuse me! I have urgent business to take care of. I must go," said Gerelt, standing up and leaving the tavern in a hurry. Zave is looking seriously at leaving Gerelt. The waitress came with the order. "Sir! The other customer? She looked puzzled."


"He left. But don't worry, I'll finish the items," said Zave his serious face suddenly changed to a smile, and he began gulping the beers and finishing the two plates of fish.


Gerelt emerged from the tavern and made his way to a nearby desolate alley. he sighed heavily. He looked at the dark blue colour in his left hand which began to spread to his arm, and one of his eyes turning black. "Damn it, why does this have to appear in front of him?" he cursed..He swiftly retrieved a vial of green liquid and gulped it down. Soon, the pain eased, his eye returned to normal, and the blue colour on his skin vanished slowly.


"Lying to me! Hiding something from me! Let's see how long you can hide it," Gerelt murmured to himself. He tapped his right boot on the ground, and a magic circle appeared at his feet. He began to float, and a fire appeared below his feet, in a single thrust he disappeared into the horizon.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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