
Whisper of Arcane by flying panda

Aiden Falcavin, a high school student leading a content life, finds his world turned upside down when he is suddenly transported to Lumidia, a realm where magic is real. Captured by an evil sorcerer, he becomes the subject of a dark ritual and is afflicted with a deadly curse. Will he find a way back home? Can he transform his misfortune into fortune? Join Aiden on his adventure. this is my first novel. please support me. I didn't own the cover art. It is AI art.

mugilkrish18 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Grand eyes in the sky

The morning sky turned to night, unusual grey clouds emerging above the ritual place and spreading outward. Animals around the woods felt unease and shivered, moving to their shelters for safety. 'Ha ha ha! Success! Success!' the crazy old man jumped around happily. However, his joy was short-lived as he suddenly felt oppression from the sky. He and Gorr were the biggest victims, forced to kneel by the oppressive force. Aiden, who had returned to a semi-conscious state, was unaffected. The potion had lost its vigour.

Two large, majestic blue eyes appeared from the grey clouds, their pupils slit. 'Who summoned me?' a majestic voice echoed. "This lowly being summoned you my Lord!" the old man said without raising his head. As soon as he spoke, the pressure around him lightened, and he stood up. 'Lord! This strong soul is my sacrifice to you. Please grant me a wish!' he pleaded. The eyes turned to look at Aiden on the stone table, who was semi-conscious. The most audacious thing, a white fluffy creature that looked cute and had bitten him, was perched on his chest, rubbing its body against him. It gave a protesting look to blue eyes, unaffected by the oppression.

'What do you want?' the eyes asked. ' I want the true essence of magic' the crazy old man requested. after a few seconds, the voice said 'Granted!' Suddenly, the crazy old man and Gorr were blasted into pieces, leaving bloody pieces of their flesh. The two-story cottages were flattened by pressure from the sky. many puffs of black smoke emerged from the ruins of the cottage, materializing into ghostly figures - Norticles. They all knelt on one knee, heads down, facing the direction of two blue eyes in the sky. their posture resembles knights giving a salute to their king.

The two majestic eyes shone and transformed into a ball of light, descending and merging into Aiden's chest.

The Norticles rose from their knees, their leader gazing at the bloodied corpse of the crazy old man. "F... fool..." it murmured before transforming into smoke and flying off into the horizon, followed by its pack.

An hour ago around the world. At the peak of Mythwile Mountain, considered the highest in Lumidia. Most of the time, fog covers the peak. Above the fog stands a majestic, huge castle: Soceria Sanctum, the headquarters of the Eight Circle, who govern the society of sorcerers. A white-haired old man strides into the main corridors of the castle. He was draped in a sweeping green robe, his abundant white tresses tumbling over his shoulder. Adorning the left chest of his robe was a symbol: five interlocked green rings, representing the earth, embroidered at its centre. Men and women passing by offered him respectful nods and wished him a good day. Above the castle, the sky began to darken, drawing the attention of all within. 'is any newbie cast spell wrongly?' thought the green-robed old man. Soon, screams echoed through the corridors, men and women, one by one, clasped their ears in agony. They heard whispers of a majestic voice, intolerable to their minds. The green-robed old man too felt the same." who summoned me?....what do you want?..... I want to live... don't kill me... don't torture me.... mom ... dad..."

Near the banks of Santila Lake, a cottage emitting wisps of smoke from its chimney. A man, approximately 90 years old, stumbled out from the doorway. "Did I wake up earlier?" he confused, gazing up at the night sky with uncertainty. he felt epiphany, his eyes rolling backwards, murmuring in strange language before collapsing unconscious.

"Master!" A green-haired boy rushed out. Shocked by the sight of his master lying unconscious, he exerted all his strength to lift him, placing a supportive hand on his shoulder and gently guiding him back to his bed.

Across Lumidia, all sorcerers heard the strange voice. 

"I want to spend more time with you, Aiden," Clea said, a hint of playful frustration in her voice.

Aiden sighed, glancing nervously at the clock. "I want that too, Clea, but I'm worried. My mom and sister might come home any minute."

Clea pouted, crossing her arms in mock anger. "You're always worried about them. What about me?"

Aiden chuckled, unable to resist her fake anger. "Oh, come on, Clea. You know how they are."

She turned her head away dramatically, her lips forming a pout. "Maybe I should just go, then," she teased.

He couldn't help but smile at her antics. Gently, he cupped her chin and turned her face back to his. "I can't have that," he whispered before leaning in to kiss her softly.

The kiss was tender, meant to melt away her feigned irritation. When he pulled back, her eyes were sparkling with amusement and affection.

"That was sneaky," she said, her tone lighter.

Aiden grinned, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Did it work?"

Clea pretended to think for a moment before breaking into a smile. "Maybe a little," she admitted, snuggling closer to him.

"Good," he said, wrapping his arms around her. "Because I really do want to spend time with you. We'll just have to be careful."

She sighed contentedly, resting her head on his shoulder. "I guess I can live with that. For now."

Aiden looked into her eyes, his heart full of affection. "For now," he agreed, and then he kissed her again.

Suddenly, he felt a fishy odour and hair in his mouth during the kiss. "Hey, why do I smell a fishy odour around you?" he asked, confused. Before he could process it, he felt a slap on his face. The dream vanished, and Aiden woke up to see a cat standing on its two legs in front of him.

The cat pounced on him, beating his cheeks left and right. "Meoooaan! Cat pervert! How dare you assault me with your ugly lips! Even young ladies don't kiss me... Meoooaan... but you.. pervert... take this... meooooaan!" It slapped his face repeatedly.

The door of the room opened, and a middle-aged man came in. "Mineo! What are you doing?" he exclaimed, seeing his wizcat beating his guest. "Stop!" he ordered.

The wizcat, Mineo, looked at the door and saw his master. It pounced and hugged him with a cry. "Meooaan, Master! This cat pervert ruined my chastity, meooaan!" it cried and complained.

"It's fine! You may leave. I will take care," the man reassured the cat. Mineo gave Aiden one last angry look before leaving the room. For Aiden, everything is happened in a few seconds, without giving him enough space to understand what happened. Is that cat spoke? he was dazed, forgetting it's beating. " hello, young man !" the middle-aged man interrupted his thought. " who are you?" Aiden alerted. "relax! relax! you are in a safe place." The middle-aged man reassured him with the gesture.