
Whisper of Arcane by flying panda

Aiden Falcavin, a high school student leading a content life, finds his world turned upside down when he is suddenly transported to Lumidia, a realm where magic is real. Captured by an evil sorcerer, he becomes the subject of a dark ritual and is afflicted with a deadly curse. Will he find a way back home? Can he transform his misfortune into fortune? Join Aiden on his adventure. this is my first novel. please support me. I didn't own the cover art. It is AI art.

mugilkrish18 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Ghosts in prison

The look of the girl reminded him of Anna—unknown courage and anger emerged within Aiden. He looked around for something to help. Finding the metal pot on the table, he rushed to grab it. The monster sensed something and was about to turn around, but BAM! It fainted from a hard hit to its head. The girl looked dumbfounded. He grabbed her hand and tried to run toward the exit, but she jerked her hand away. Instead, she went to the table, searching for something. She found her locket and placed it on the floor, smashing it with the metal pot. Her actions confused him, but she then grabbed his hand, taking the initiative to run to the exit. They left the house, and she took one of the lamps. As they were about to step into the darkness, Aiden suddenly felt a premonition. His body began to stiffen, and he fell to the ground. The girl looked at him on the ground and at the emerging shadow from the cottage. She looked at him with guilt before running into the darkness." Who dares to intrude into my house!" the old man in shabby clothes roared, his voice filled with rage, as he emerged from the house, followed closely by the green monster, who was rubbing its head in pain."What are you doing, ugly creature! Go and find that girl!" he roared at the monster.

"Gorr!" it rushed into the darkness.

"Bastard! You are the one who released my precious subject! You know how much effort I put into finding the perfect subject... but you, you piece of maggot, spoiled all my efforts. Tell me, where can I find another subject in such a short time?!" the old man snarled, kicking the paralyzed Aiden several times."Argh! Argh!" Aiden screamed in pain. he can't understand the old man's language. Gorr, the troll, came with empty hands. 'Where is she?' the old man asked. Gorr hesitated and replied, 'She... can't ...find.' Enraged the old man grabbed the troll by the throat, lifting it into the air. The lift seemed so natural, not straining the old man. Veins bulged in his arms. 'You filthy thing! Can't you manage a little girl?!'"

"Please... mercy... Gorrr.... no... kill," Gorr struggled to breathe."Between gasps, he managed to choke out a plea for help, his voice strained and barely audible."The old man released his grip, and Gorr fell to the ground, desperately gasping for breath. "Carry him inside!" the old man ordered, then turned and walked into the house. Gorr stood up, lifted Aiden, and slung him over his shoulder, following his master.

"Put me down, you monster!"Aiden screamed, but they couldn't understand him.

They descended into the basement, which looked more like a dungeon. basement is very spacious compared to the house. Aiden saw a big prison cell, that could contain hundreds of people. He gulped down his saliva, unable to believe he was being imprisoned right after arriving in this world.

"Throw him in!" the old man commanded.

"What?!"Aiden exclaimed as Gorr threw him into a cell.

"I'll show you what hell looks like," he smiled sinisterly. Both the old man and Gorr left the place. As soon as they were gone, Aiden regained his movement. Slowly, he stood up. "Shit! What the hell is happening here?" he cursed loudly. The dim lamp hanging on the wall outside didn't fully illuminate the darkness inside the prison. He sensed someone or something in the shadows. As he peered into the darkness, scarlet eyes flashed open, looking terrifying. More eyes opened one by one. The thing moved forward, becoming visible in the dim light.it is a ghastly figure, a skinny body. Its skin was a ghastly pale white, almost translucent. It wore dark, tattered clothes that seemed to meld seamlessly with its flesh as if the fabric had become a part of its skin. Scarlet eyes glowed menacingly from deep-set sockets, and when it opened its mouth, sharp canine teeth gleamed in the dim light, ready to tear into its prey. The sight of the figure was terrifying, a blend of zombie and ghost. Aiden had only witnessed horrors like this in movies, never daring to imagine encountering them in real life, not even in his darkest dreams. Yet here it was, before him, not just one, but many of them. Aiden's breathing grew heavier, each breath a struggle as sweat droplets formed on his forehead, ran down his face and fell to the ground. His hands and feet shook uncontrollably with fear. His mind screamed to escape, but his body was frozen in terror, his heart pounding faster as if it wanted to run from his chest. His survival instinct kicks in, and he slams the door. "Help!!! anyone help!!" when he turned around, one of the ghost's face was close to his face Aiden's body was paralyzed with intense fear. The ghost which was very close to him, sniffed him with a ghastly curiosity. It licked his cheek with a long, slimy tongue. The foul and decayed stench emanating from its mouth made him nauseous. Its mouth curled into a sinister grin that revealed four sharp canines. It turned to look at its kin, then suddenly pounced and bit into his neck. The other ghosts joined in, biting wherever they could. "Aaaahhhhhhhhh!!!"Aiden's wail of agony echoed through the house.