
Chapter 10 pt.1

The palm of my hand had a cut revealing nearly sliced veins and tissue. The nurse came in with a package of gauze, a syringe filled with rubbing alcohol, and a few q-tips.

She held my hand outward, squeezing the syringe contents onto my wound. It stung but the numbness of my hand kept it from excruciating pain. A pair of tweezers was searching for glass shards that had caught in my hand. After continuously opening up the surrounding skin she unpacked the gauze and wrapped it.

"Nevna, why would you break the mirror with your hand?"

"I don't know."

I hadn't recalled hitting the mirror, instead, it shattered itself. It was a hallucination of some sort and I hadn't realized that I was the one who broke it.

"I'm going to have to report this to the health department."

She walked into her office section and unlocked a draw filled with files.

I hunched my back over, speed walking to the door. Once outside I ran through a couple of hallways and stopped to catch my breath outside the library.

On the walls, there were large posters displaying a young girl. It read Student Council Member Annie Olsen.

Why was this girl so familiar even though I had not remembered meeting her. Painful sensations struck my head.

Part 2:

Vivid images played of a blonde girl on a rooftop throwing rocks and soon after retreating. And a male student pulling me into a side entrance.

These events were rather confusing since I hadn't known these people. What if this boy knew what was going on with me or this place?

"Corridor 4 level 1, we have a run away. I repeat we have a run away!"

The loudspeaker kept repeating the message, the voice hurried. There was no time now since it was a dead end.

I knew something just didn't add up in this place, and to discover what it is, I have to blend in.

I faced the hallway that now had several guards including the nurse.

"Apologies I was eager to join my class and I have no directions in this building."

"Grab her."

The men walked in unison, vests strapped tightly on their bodies and helmets secured. My arms were grabbed and I was pulled along.

"Make sure you follow these routes we are walking now, this leads to your room."

They waited for me at the entrance of a large door. I walked into a small room that lacked any color besides a simple white. Everything was relatively the same color, only outlines had made it easier to see.

I remained not provoked to misguide my watchers, creating false characters that once were trapped here. The room felt like it kept enclosing in on me, making the air in my lungs dissipate.