
While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Did I reincarnate? Or was I transported to an Isekai cultivation world? To be honest, I have no clue! What matters is that I turned from being useless, bullied, and trash, to fully-fledged garbage in my new cultivation world! But what is this strange bleep that keeps ringing in my ears? Is this some kind of system? Oh God! Did you gift me such a cliché, right at the start of my journey? Wait, why are you trying to kill me? Did I do something to you? Stand back or I will be forced to use unstoppable Exhudia! Tell me, what did she do for you to treat your significant other in this way? Let me show you how girlfriends should be taken care of! Wait, everyone was always telling me that demons are bad, so why is this demonic queen trying to seduce me? Wait! KEEP YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM MY PRECIOUS SWORD! I just came back from a mission and was promised at least a half a year of break. Why are you bothering me again with something as silly as subjugating a devil general? ********************** Discord link: https://discord.gg/pJTVGZZ ********************* DISCLAIMER: I do not own the cover. It was made with the help of fellow author(ess?) with the usage of possibly copyrighted images. If you own the rights to any part of the cover and want me to take it down, please, inform me on my discord or comment.

MotivatedSloth · Huyền huyễn
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641 Chs

Convincing Eve

While my actions are justified by the insane line of events, for Eve, they might be startling! How could she understand my sword suddenly able to cut things from afar, right after being made?

With curiosity taking the better of me, I turn my head to where I placed the girl before only to see her peacefully dozing off! While this initially ticked me off, in the end, I sigh with relief. It is better for her to miss this unbelievable sight!

But there is no way I will be able to hold my urge of testing my new weapon as soon as possible! Walking to the girl, I prod her arm to wake her up.

"Hey, Eve, are you awake?"

"I-I am fineeee"

Half-asleep, she tries to answer but isn't very successful in properly doing so. Only after rubbing her eyes her sight recover a faint sight of clarity. Seeing my face lowered over hers, she flinches before covering her head with her hands.

Noticing how she is still overly conscious of me after the previous sensual events, I distance myself from Eve to allow her to recover her composure.

"Could you repeat your question? I dozed off and then you startled me like that…"

While she tries to pick up the conversation, she tries to lower her hands, only to raise them back up with only a slight moment of hesitation. Maybe because of my eyes firmly locked on her covered eyes or maybe because of the system introduced improvements to my body, I'm still able to notice how red her face is!

"At first, calm down. What just happened is only normal. We didn't even cross the line! And I asked about what were you doing in the forbidden forest when we first met? I can roughly fathom the answer, but still need to confirm it."

When my adventure with the Bonger on my side begun, she appeared on a mouth with a sword and fighting spirit. What else could she be doing in such a dangerous place if not train or to challenge herself?

"The place you call a forbidden forest is considered a training ground for our sect. Depending on your cultivation level, there are different areas that you are allowed to enter. To be honest with you, I broke the sect rules and entered the area reserved for Soul Hazard cultivators. That's why your low cultivation and strange manners put me on edge almost resulting in our fight. Yet again, I'm deeply sorry about that!"

After saying her piece, Eve bowed her head to me. Well, all was good as long as she didn't suspect that I was the one who started the avalanche of events that led to all the latter troubles that we encountered there!

"While I didn't expect the last part, the rest goes just as I thought it will. Cutting to the point, I wish to test my new weapon. Would you be so kind as to offer me a tour through the different areas in this forest then? I will be able to check how much of my strength did I manage to regain!"

Considering how long we spent in the smithy, the day might be ending already, but there is no way that I will hold myself for an entire night! Even if we will visit the safest parts of the training grounds, I will get my chance to test out my weapons. I can only hope that the last traumatic experiences that Eve went through there won't hinder my plan! Taking into account that she just received a sword that came out of my hand, even if she is unable to properly measure it awesomeness, she still is probably itching all over to test it out as well!

"I don't really think it's a good idea to venture into the forest now. After all those strange events that happened there the last time, the sect master already ordered a strict investigation of this place. The farthest we could go right now would be only the area for surfacing realm cultivators. Considering how you managed to tend to yourself in the more dangerous part, is there any profit in going there?"

While her words were against my idea, from the anxious looks that she kept sending to her gifted weapon, she is keen to go there as well! If not for the potential rebuking from her master, she probably would agree right away!

"I understand your worries, but looking at how popular you are, there might be people trying to find trouble with both you and me in the near future. If we won't get used to our new weapons, we might fall in deep trouble! This is also the reason why I'm not even asking about a sparing range!"

I had to find a way to convince her! Looking back at the events that happened in the sect, flaunting the image of the arrogant young master from back when I regained my consciousness in the sect while tempting her with the idea of testing our weapons is my strongest line of attack!


Clearly hesitating, Eve was unable to make the decision even with all my logical arguments! I had to push even further!

"Come on! While I didn't hold back either, during our small… 'encounter' before, I went with the flow for your sake, won't you bend the rules a bit to help me out now? Please?"

Looking at her with upturned eyes, I do my best to prevent myself from showing a devious smile! Seeing how unflinching her determination was, only a poke at her shyness could make a crack in the wall of her conviction!

"I hope I won't regret it later…"

Giving up to my oppression, Eve drops her arms in surrender. She loses her look of someone defeated in just a moment, drawn by the excitement of testing her weapon out!

"If we are to go, we should use the last bits of daylight. This way, we shouldn't meet with any troubles in there! Let's go!"


Discord link if you have an idea You want me to implement into the story:


Here goes the second chapter for today!

As soon as I finish my matters, I will try to upload one more, but I can't guarantee it!

With this chapter done, the smithing mini-arc is done, and we will head out to the forbidden forest to take a look at Bart's sword awesomeness! Stay tuned!

As always, thanks for your support for this project. With every collection, vote or comment that I receive, my motivation bar is restored!

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