
Best Day Ever

"Adam is that you" she uttered as she stared at the young man's face.

"Yes aunt, it is me" answered Adam as he couldn't help but smile and have tears of joy.

All the hardship Adam had been through and everything he had experienced had paid off as he saw his aunt reawaken and she could now see how much he had grown.

"How long has it been," she asked seeing his face and body that looked much older than she last remembered of him.

"We can talk about that later, but let me call the nurses for them to check your body and see this miracle" stated Adam as he avoided her question and pretended to be shocked and overjoyed.

Adam was obviously elated that his aunt had finally awake, but he had to exaggerate and feign ignorance to how she had awoken, so that there would be no suspicion around him.

"Nurses quickly, come and see. My aunt suddenly woke up" called out Adam pretending to be overwhelmed as he dragged Cole inside.