

Just an Idea. What If you get a chance to reincarnate with a system that grants you overpowered powers/Items/summons BUT you can't use them for your selfish desires but you need to act as a whetstone for protagonists across the multiverse polishing them so that they can face a vague unknown threat? or be better prepared in their own world. disclaimer: all props/characters/plot etc belong to their original creators. First world: Marvel.

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Tony's journey into cyber land.

Tony was standing outside an abandoned building in his armor, looking intrigued.

"Are you absolutely sure that there is nothing inside Jarvis?"

"There are no readings for anything from the building, Sir."

'Is this guy trying to prank me?' thought Tony as he started to take off when a blue flash caught his attention. He turned towards it and saw a bot similar to the rescue bots except red looking at him from a window.

"Hi, I was supposed to meet Stone here."

"Follow me," said the bot in an Australian accent, walking into the building.

Tony followed it to a room that was mostly empty except for a chair facing some sort of camera.

"Sit," said the bot pointing at the chair.

"What? is this some sort of an interrogation?" quipped Tony, only to be met with silence.,

"Okay tin man," said Tony, a little confused, cautious but mostly curious as he sat on the chair with his armor on.

"initiating transfer protocol."

"Wait, what?" asked tony getting up only to disappear from the building with the bot throwing his followers into confusion, panic, and hysteria.

Tony found himself in a strange world that was primarily grey with a few lines glowing all sorts of colors lighting up the landscape. The primary light source was a giant sphere of gold, yellow code that occasionally flashed red.

Tony recognized the sphere it was his butler and friend Jarvis, but how?


The sphere stopped spinning, and a lot of red started flashing on its surface as it turned to Tony.

"Virus detected. Initiating anti-virus measures," said a rather extensive line of code on the sphere before it started blasting him with what looked like a giant laser.

Tony's face paled, and he started flying away from what he thought was his friend. In his panic, he failed to notice that he controlled the armor with just his thoughts.

After flying for what seemed like hours, he lost the giant death orb that had been chasing him and was taking refuge in what seemed like a cave.

Tony was wondering what to do when he heard exhausted laughter coming from next to him.

Tony turned to the man and saw an Indian man dressed in a black skintight suit with blue circuit lines decorating and highlighting his muscles.

"Excuse me, I am trying to survive here," said Tony breaking the man out of his laughter. The man simply stared at him and laughed so hard that he started gasping, causing Tony to stare at him with confusion and annoyance.

"What's so funny, Mumbly?" grumbled Tony causing the man to finally stop laughing and take deep breaths to calm himself down and look at him.

"As much of an honor it is to be named after a great detective, I am Pebble-A579. A cyber clone of Stone, and welcome to the Cyberworld," said the clone extending his hand toward Tony, which he shook.

"I am Tony Stark, but you can call me Tony, and what exactly is the Cyberworld?" asked Tony as they shook hands.

"In simple terms, it is the reflection/echo of the world inside technology given form. It spans the entire universe and is mostly unaffected by time," replied Pebble.

"What?" said Tony as he processed what he had just heard.

"Yeah, that was the Mains reaction too when he first discovered this place. Don't worry; you will get used to it, and you might want to deconstruct your armor unless you want the attention of every single anti-virus software to be ever installed in the universe," said Pebble as he started to tap away at a tab.

"and why would I have their attention?"

"Your suit is heavy and doesn't have an address, so it's treated as a virus...Didn't Asura explain stuff to you?"

"What's asura?"

"The bot that sent you here"

"Nope, he only spoke three words."

"Should have sent Prana or Sura, but they both take way too long for even the smallest of things," mumbled Pebble to himself and tapped a few more icons on his tab.

"I will explain stuff to you as we wait for a package to pick us up; for now, just imagine getting out of your armor and will it to happen, or imagine your armor turning into dust," said Pebble.

It took tony a few tries but tony was able to unequip the armor.

"Here wear this it should change your status from <anomaly that needs to be eliminated> to <a harmless collection of lost data> that should keep you safe from most software and AIs," said Pebble as he handed Tony what looked like a black zentai suit.

"AIs?" asked Tony with a raised eyebrow.

"Did you seriously think you were the only one smart enough to create an AI?" asked Pebble with a raised eyebrow.

To which Tony didn't answer causing Pebble to shake his head.

"Well, let me explain the general rules of this place. The main will tell you how to enter and exit this place" said Pebble.

"Sure," said Tony.