
69 Birthday

Friday morning I woke up and got dressed in a comfortable pair of black dress slacks and a white crossover sleeveless blouse on and kept my makeup minimal. My face where the stitches are I put a flesh colored bandage over so it's not so bad. I put on some flats and did my hair up in a bun for now. Ethan should be here shortly, so I got the kettle going for coffee. The bell chimed and I buzzed him in.

Not even fifteen seconds later, a knock came at the door.

"Wow. That was fast..." 

It's not Ethan at the door, it's Derek. Derek holding a bouquet of lilies and roses.

"I didn't realize you were expecting me?" Derek's hypnotic smile has me blushing.

"Oh, I wasn't. I have a friend coming over for breakfast." Just at that moment the elevator opens and out walks Ethan.

"Oh, well I shouldn't keep you long. These are for you, birthday girl." Derek hands me the bouquet and winks. "I hope I'll be seeing you later, neighbor. Have a good day."

"Thank you, Derek." I look at the large bouquet and flush as Ethan walks up.

"Hey Mel. Your neighbor bought you flowers for your birthday?" Ethan quirks a brow at me as I usher him inside.

"Um. Yeah. I wasn't expecting that. Come on in while I find something to put these in." 

After I found a jug to place the flowers in, Ethan and I made our coffee so we could sit and enjoy breakfast. We chit chatted about the food before Ethan inquired about Derek.

"So your neighbor bought you flowers?" He raises a brow at me and glances to the jug with the large bouquet of roses and lilies.

"Uh... yeah. I was not expecting that, honestly. I mentioned it was my birthday to him the other day, but yeah. That was a surprise." I avoid his eyes as I load my fork with another bite.

"Wouldn't that bother Jackson that your neighbor, albeit temporary one, is hitting on you? I mean he has a big enough issue with me and I'm just trying to work on how to be just your friend again. That guy... he doesn't seem to be the kind of guy that just wants to be 'friends'." Ethan sips his coffee as he leans back from his empty plate.

"I .. hmmm.." I purse my lips in thought knowing that it could upset Jackson, only because he's not here though. "The same could be said about me having breakfast with you too. I'm not doing anything wrong. He expects me to trust him, he should do the same for me."

Ethan cocks a brow at me, "Touché." He takes care of his plate and seems to be holding back on saying something.

"Spill it mister. What's on the tip of your tongue?" I ask him as I take care of my plate too.

He opens his mouth and closes it a few times before he chooses to say something, "It's nothing. Don't worry about it. I've got to go to work anyways." 

He opens his arms for a hug and I return it firmly. 

"Happy birthday Mel." Ethan says softly.

"Thank you Ethan. I appreciate you having breakfast with me." I respond before we part.

"No problem. I'll talk to you later, if not, I'll see you on Sunday?" He asks as he heads out the door. 

"Yes, you'll see me on Sunday for sure. Have a good day." I wave and close the door, before turning to take care of the few dishes we had made. 

After I cleaned up, I was left with not much to do. So I decided to start drawing. I just started sketching lines, to see what might come out of it. Instead of Jackson though, I ended up drawing our old clubhouse. The old metal barrels on one side, the wood from the pallets sticking out of one corner from under the tarp, with the branches sitting on top of the tarp and the little coffee can and steel canned chimney we made to have a little fire place. The old tire that leaned against one wall, the 'bookcase' which was just the pallets with different piece of wood we'd stuck in between the planks to hold the books and magazines in. The old jugs we used for water because we could fill those up from our outside spigots.

I remember the way I felt when I decided to burn it down. A storm had come through and had knocked branches off the nearby old oak, taking out one of the walls of pallets. I was leaving for college the next day, with an early time bus departure. My bags were packed, which was not much, as my father barely gave me enough money to buy groceries when my mother left. I stood there, hurting because my best friend had left me all alone but I also felt excited I was leaving this all behind. It hurt to leave this place behind though. Where I still escaped to for peace, for something that I had with Jacks. I was starting off new though. Leaving it behind though... I pulled out the matchbook struck it and tossed it into the pallets and the stove. Soon, it was smoking and then it was burning. I watched it a little bit before walking back to my house, eyes dry. The fire department ended up showing up to put out the blaze so it didn't spread but the clubhouse was gone except for a lot of nails and screws and the old, metal, burnt out barrels.

I remember being shocked to find my father waiting in the living room when I exited my bedroom with my bags to begin walking to the bus station. He was actually somewhat sober. 

"So you're leaving for college?" He grunted.

Not sure where this conversation was going, I nodded and replied, "Yes. I'm walking to the bus station."

His hands shook as he lit a cigarette and puffed on it. "Don't stay on my account." He then cracked open a beer and took a long chug from it.

I should have known better that would be the extent of this conversation. I readjusted my bags, opened the door and took one last look at him.

"Bye. Dad." A tear threatened to fall as I walked out and shut the door, because I'm still not sure if I imagined it or not. I thought I heard my dad say as the door shut, "Proud of you, my girl."

The memories from this drawing tore at my heart and I crumpled it up and tossed it away. 

It's my birthday and I was not going to let those memories haunt me today. I was not going to let him haunt me today. I washed my hands of the pencil lead on my skin and decided to turn on the TV. I lost myself in a series until the evening. I freshened up my appearance and let my hair down. It curled and dipped in all the right places and I thought I looked amazing, even with the bandage on my face. 

I tried to call Jackson but it went straight to voicemail. I placed my phone in my pocket and did one last look at myself before gathering myself.

I could tell that the party was getting started next door, as people could be seen on the balcony for his side of the building. I closed the blinds in the living room before heading next door. 

"Melita, you did decide to come after all. Come in, please." Derek ushers me in and I'm stunned at how stunning he looks. He's wearing a navy blue blazer with white dress shirt and white pants. 

"Would you care for some wine or something stronger?" He offers as we enter the kitchen area, stepping between the groups of people that have gathered here and there or make their way upstairs to the outdoor patio. 

"Um.. water please."

He turns, "It's your birthday!? You must have one drink." 

I pause, "Just one then. Um... I don't suppose you could make a cranberry ginger mule could you?"

He chuckles, "The bar upstairs can, come. I should introduce you to a few of my friends upstairs."

We go upstairs chit chatting about if I enjoyed my breakfast with my friend if I did anything else today until we got to the bar.

Once my drink was made, he brought me over to a group of men with their wives or whatever they may be. I'm introduced to some prominent members in the business world with a few who look familiar that I am trying to recall where I remember seeing them.

One gentleman gives me a calculative appraisal until he, "Ah ha! Now I remember where I've seen you. You were at Claudel's with Jackson Morgan." 

"Oh that must be why you look familiar too."

Derek quirks a brow, "You know Jackson Morgan?" 

I nod, "Yes, I do." That gets a curt nod from Derek before the subject is changed to some of the others talking about other business deals.

"Melita? This is a surprise." A female voice drags my attention and I see Margaret, Eric Dornell's wife.

"Margret. How are you doing?" I smile broadly at her.

"I'm doing well. Oh, Eric told me what that horrible woman did at the office the other day. I don't know why George kept her as long as he did." 

Margaret ends up pulling me with her to introduce me to some of her acquaintances and we find Eric speaking to another business associate. 

"Ms. Xenos! How are you doing?" Eric asks, eyes flitting to my face where the bandage is.

"I'm doing fine, Mr. Dornell." 

"We're not in the office right now, Ms. Xenos, you may call me Eric."

"Thank you Eric, then I insist you call me Melita." I give him and Margret a smile and Margret beams at me. 

"Ah! I see you two have found each other." Derek comes over and joins us by a fire pit. He hands me a new drink and startled I look up at him with a question in my eye as I say thank you. "I forgot you said just one and it was already made." He says nonchalantly.

I nod as Derek and Eric begin talking about a business deal in the making. 

"Well, Melita here is our head for the contract department. She's one of our prides there at DD corp. Her contract are ironclad but she also knows how to work them if adjustments must be made."

I flush at Eric's praise, "Thank you, but I'm really just doing my job."

Derek grins, "Well.. well... and she's humble."

My phone goes off with a text message and I pull it out of my pocket to see it's Jackson.

-Are you at the apartment?-

-I will be in a few minutes.-

I stand up and decide that it's time for me to head back. "Well, I'm going to be leaving for the night. Thank you for inviting me Derek."

"Oh you're leaving so soon?" Derek stands, "I'll walk you out. If you'll excuse me." Derek nods to Eric and his wife who nod in parting to me as well.

"I had hoped you would stay a bit longer." Derek says as he opens the door for us to enter into the apartment and walk downstairs. 

"Yes, sorry about that. Maybe another time when my boyfriend is with me would be better." I smile as Derek opens the front door. "Thank you so much for the flowers by the way. They're beautiful."

Derek shakes his head, "They don't compare to you, Melita. Happy birthday."

He leans forward and places a quick peck on my cheek, catching me off guard. I back up, blushing, and unable to speak just wave as I head across the hall to the apartment. I open the door and enter and shut the door. 

I shake my head at myself for letting Derek affect me so and for letting kiss me on the cheek. Ethan was right I guess.

I make my way to the bedroom, pulling out my phone to message Jackson.

-I'm at the apartment now.-

I send the message to hear the ding of a message received come from the bedroom that's lights are off.

I pause. I didn't turn the lights off before I left.

I send another message to Jackson.

-Please tell me you're in the room of the apartment.- 

This time I don't hear the ding of a message received.