
53 Out

"Mr. Morgan, your lawyer is here to take you." One of the guards outside my jail cell informed me Friday shortly after noon.

 I wasn't informed of a court date yet. I knew I could beat this false charge but I was told I'd have to stay here until I could prove my innocence. At first this had caused me to doubt and worry. I was in a foreign country, not knowing how laws pertaining to murder and suspects even went or were dealt with. I let the anxiety run wild for a moment, worried about being locked up for the rest of my life for something I didn't do. Then I'd never see Melita again. That alone nearly broke me, but I used it as the motivation to make sure I fully cooperated with the investigators and law enforcement here. I gave them full access to all my emails with the Council period, not just the Councilwoman. I knew as long as I was completely open about it all, my innocence would come to light.

"My lawyer is here to take me? Where?" I ask confused.

"Home, where ever you want to? We're releasing you. You have been cleared of all charges." The sergeant by the door said next to the inspector that had been investigating the case.

The investigator nodded, "We want to thank you Mr. Morgan for being cooperative during your time here. Here are your items that you arrived here with." He hands me a bag and I open to find my wallet, hotel card and cellphone in the bag. He sticks his hand out and shakes my hand as my lawyer comes into the area.

"Hello, Mr. Morgan. I'm here to take you to the hotel and then we can get back to the states." 

I sigh, "That sounds great." 

I knew it had only been a few days, but Melita was probably worried sick. "Did anyone get in contact with Melita as I requested?"

My lawyer escorted me out to the waiting car on the side of the building so I wouldn't have an issue with reporters. "Well, we've sent her several emails, but no one has informed me of a response to any of them." 

I pulled my phone out of the bag and tried turning it on. Nothing. "Do you have a charger in this car for my phone by chance?" 

"Sure." He hands one over and I plug it in. It doesn't even show that it's charging.

"Oh, they told me it was dropped when being retrieved from evidence." 

"Great!" I shout getting pissed off. That's when I see down at the bottom of the screen a long crack.

"Fucking great. Well, guess I'm getting my screen repaired." I grumble and toss it back into the bag.

As soon as we're at the hotel, I take a shower, get dressed and gather my stuff. My lawyer and I go to the airport to head back home, because I'm done with this country. My business is not going to expand any further than what it has there. It's too much fucking hassle to begin with and then this bullshit happening! Like I would sleep with someone who looks like she could be my mother?! If my mother had been sober and took care of herself over the years...

The damn Journo's were spreading all kinds of lies about me and now when we got back, I was going to have to do damage control on all of it. My lawyer had the process started but it was going to take a little bit of time. I was glad no one recognized me once we arrived at the airport. Apparently the police agreed to not release the information on me being released until after I boarded my flight. This was to give me time to escape the journo's and paparazzi that would be waiting if they did. Before the flight took off, I opened my laptop and sent Melita a message to let her know I was out and on my way back to her.

God. I was still a little disappointed in her for thinking I didn't trust her. I trust her just fine. It's Ethan that I don't trust. I've never met the guy and they were in a relationship at one point. Fuck, he was her first love, lover... What would she think if it was me and the girl I lost my virginity to? I just do not get how she can put words in my mouth that I never said.

Thinking about it was only making me upset again and unable to do anything about it for the next nine hours of our eleven hour flight. 

I fucking love Melita. With all my heart and soul. I just didn't want her hanging out with someone who might take advantage of the situation by getting her drunk or letting her drink too much. I know Lita nine out of ten times will not drink, but all it takes is that one time. Drink too much, let her guard down, or worse... FUCK. I just fucking worry about her. She's had enough bad shit happen to her in her life, she doesn't need to experience it anymore. I'm supposed to be there. To protect her. To love her. I'm not there and some fucking shithead who walked away from her because she was having insecurities wants to make his way back into her life?! He had his chance and he fucked it up. Now she's mine. Mine. Damn it. 

Her number was in my phone and my phone only. I had never realized it. Then when people contacted DD Corporation they were directed to HR who said they couldn't give out employee information and would only release an email address unless served a subpoena. They wouldn't even connect one of my guys to her office! What the fuck was that about! I'm doing fucking business with this company and they can't connect my people to an employee?! It doesn't matter now. I'm out and on my way back to her. 

When we land I thank my lawyer as I spot my driver already there and waiting for me. I grab my bag and tell him to take me to Melita's. When I get there I knocked. There was no answer. After waiting a minute, I use the key she had given me to walk inside.

"Melita?" I walk around and it doesn't take long to figure out, she's not here. I look at the clock and it's twelve thirty. She must have gone out to lunch. I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge and grab a water. I take a seat on one of the chairs in the living room and wait. I doze, tired from the long flight and time change. When I hear voices coming from outside coming up the walkway. Then the front door opens.

"Hey! Mel, come on explain it to me, if it's not. Because I don't understand why you would let anyone hurt you that also tells you they care about you?" 

That's a voice I don't know coming from a man I don't know, with his hand on MY woman.

Melita turns to him, heat starting to pour out of her. "So? You don't have to understand. It's a consensual thing that is well discussed before hand between the parties involved. So don't assume anything if you don't know about it." She shrugs out of his hold and sighs. "I'm going to check to see if there is any news about Jackson. Thanks for joining us at lunch Ethan, but I'm fine."

So THIS is Ethan. GREAT.

Also what the fuck are they talking about? She sounds off too. Has she been drinking?

 "As long as you'll be okay. I've never seen you drink that much alcohol before." Ethan's concern for her only flames my ire. So Melita has been drinking? This early in the day?

My blood starts to boil as I stand, "She said she's fine, besides, I need to have a private conversation with her anyways."

I see Melita freeze, her eyes widen as she turns to me, her eyes becoming shiny with tears. That look makes my anger lessen. I've missed her.

"Jackson." She says my name like she can't believe it and rushes up to me and throws her arms around me holding me tight. "You're here. They let you go." She starts to ramble on, "I was so worried about you. I couldn't get a hold of you and all I could go on was the news..."

I wrap my arms tightly around my precious and beautiful woman as she trembles and holds me tighter. "I just knew you didn't kill anyone."

That makes me hold her tighter. I'm glad she didn't doubt me. Guilt starts to build though for making her worry. The last thing I wanted was for her to worry about me.

She pulls back to look up at me with her eyes searching mine. Then I hear that asshole clear his throat to gain our attention.

"Jackson. I'm Ethan. I'll let you guys talk and get in touch with you later, Mel." He turns and leaves, finally. 

Melita just holds me tighter and sniffles, as I hold her to me. However, I need to know what was going on between those two when they showed up. I feel her calming down and I make some space between us.

"Melita. We need to talk." I tell her and take a seat, ready to clear the air between us so I can sweep her up in my arms and make love to her the rest of the weekend.

She stays standing taking a defensive stance, "Yes. You're right. What the hell happened? How did you get framed for murder?! What was this evidence they found of you having an affair with the councilwoman?!" 

I get it she's mad, but those questions doesn't make it seem to me that she 'knew' I didn't do anything.

I rub my face, jet lag still causing me to be tired and sigh, "She picked me up from the hotel and took me to where we were having lunch with the others that were working on the deal with. She gave me a ride back afterwards. I had left my phone in her car, not realizing it. When I was arrested later that evening was when I was informed that the police were using that as 'evidence'." 

She crosses her arms in front of herself, nodding, like she'll just have to take my word for it, which irks me. "So how are you free?" 

How am I free? Really? What does she think I clicked my heels and said there's no place like home?

I growl my response back, "Because they found her husbands body with a suicide note! Plus they finally got the video from the hotels security cameras that proves she was still alive when she dropped me off."

"Why didn't you have anyone call me? Do you know how worried I was?" She starts pacing and I'm confused.

My people did try to contact her, by email. I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. 

 "When was the last time you checked your personal email?" I see something click in her mind.

She pauses, "It's been a few days..." She quickly pulls out her phone and checks it. As I see her face change from confused to remorseful I inform her.

"As you see I did have people trying but as my phone was 'evidence' until they finished looking through it, I couldn't retrieve your number and calling DD Corporation was a dead end, because HR isn't allowed to give out that type of information." Which is something that I will be talking to Mr. Dornell about soon. 

However, I need to take care of this fucking issue with that asshole Ethan. I try to keep my anger under control about it, because it's not really her that I'm angry with except for that last part of our argument about me not trusting her. "Now, you want to tell me why you and Ethan were out together after you knew I would have preferred you wait until I got to meet him? Do my feelings or concerns not matter to you?"

She stamps her foot and starts acting like a bratty child about my question though, "Oh here we go! See I knew you didn't trust me. When every single one of your trips did I ever say anything to you about meeting up with businesswoman and men? Huh? NO. However, now that it's me in question, you can't give me that?"

What the fuck? Really?

I stand up and grip my hair, frustrated at this attitude and deflection and poor attempt at justification on the subject, "That was business, he's your ex! One that I know you still fucking care for!" I growl, this is getting out of fucking hand.

"SO WHAT?! I can still care about him! He's been nothing but a perfect gentleman this whole time! Shit! Go ask Brian and Lance if you fucking want to!" She shouts at me.

Wait... What? 

"They know each other?" I didn't know that.

"They were there at the lunch today! JEEZ-US-MUTHA-FUCKIN.." She screams at me, then growls herself before covering her mouth to dampen the sound. Her hand drops and she shakes her head at me. 

"I knew it. You don't fucking trust me. You know what, that's fine." She advances on me pointing her finger at my chest, "BECAUSE I DON'T TRUST YOU EITHER!" 

What? What the fuck is this? I never said I didn't trust her! She doesn't trust me now?

She screeches at me, "Have fun," pushes me away, "with your fucking whore!" and walks to the staircase.


I rush over to her and stop her by grabbing her arm, "What the fuck are you talking about?!"

She screams at me, "LET GO OF ME!"

So she can run away and not tell me what the fuck is going on? I think not.

"NO! NOT UNTIL...." The next thing I hear is her front door opening and Ethan's punk ass, rushes over and grabs my arm.

"She said let go of her." He tries to act tough, like I was going to actually hurt Melita. How fucking dare he think I would ever do something like that in anger to her?!

"Get your fucking hand off of me." I grit through my teeth.

This fucker has the balls to tell me "I will when you let her go." 

Was this bastard listening to see where he could take advantage of the situation?

"Do you always listen in on private conversations between couples?" I sneer in disgust.

"When you're both screaming at each other loud enough your neighbors are looking out the windows, it can't be helped." He sneers right back at me, making me want to knock his stupid ass out.

I let go of Melita's arm and this fucker lets go of mine before asking Melita if she's alright.

"I'm fine, you don't need to worry, he won't hit me." Well thank the lord, at least she knows that much.

"Are you sure?" Ethan has the fucking gall to ask her. I'm ready to put my hands on this mother fucker right now.

"Yes." She clarifies.

See, Mr. wanna be knight in shining armor? She is fine with me.

"LEAVE." I demand.

"Mel?" He has the fucking audacity to ask her something right now?!

"I'll be fine Ethan. Because Jackson you can leave too. Go spend time with your syphilis whore. I'm sure you two will have a great laugh together later about that." Melita says, her nose in the air and starts making her way upstairs.

I'm really fucking confused right now. Who is she talking about?! There's no way she's referring to...

Ethan decides to open his mouth again, "Try again later man. She's had quite a few drinks."

His snarky comment sets me off, "FUCK YOU!"

My fist fly hitting him across the face, while his come up too late to block just as my left takes another swing at his other side. Instead he takes me down to the ground, grabbing the collar of my shirt and getting a swing right back at me. I roll my legs to gather purchase and rise above him, swinging my free arm back at him.

"STOP! FUCKING STOP THIS SHIT NOW!" Melita's voice bellows from the top of the stairs causing me hold my next punch back.

I growl at him as I shove him away by the collar and stand up, both of us panting hard. He's got swelling along one cheek bone and a busted lip to match my own that I wipe at. 

Melita comes down the stairs absolutely livid. "How fucking dare you!" Her rage is being held back by a thin rope, you can see it in how her eyes flare up as she paces.

"BOTH of you! OUT! Out of my sight! Out of my home! Now! Out!"