
25 Gray's Girls

"Thank you, Scott. I am very well aware of Ms. Gray's character though. Please refrain from speaking about the members of the board in that manner too. It doesn't matter if there is truth to it or not, I don't condone gossiping and bad mouthing employees. We all can come to our own conclusions and judgements of others." I give him a warning, even though I know he was just warning me but do not want him to think I approve of speaking ill of colleagues.

"Yes, of course. My apologies Ms. Xenos." Scott says quickly, straightening his posture.

"I understand and appreciate your opinion and candor however, let's not a make a habit of sharing it, okay?" I offer a reassuring smile and he nods, knowing I'm giving him some slack. 

"Thank you Ms. Xenos. I will remember that." 

We step out of the elevator and I head to my office and take a seat. I check my phone and see a text from Jackson.

-I can still taste you from earlier, it's making me ravenous for you again. Did your employee fill out the paperwork?-

I feel the heat spread throughout my body at his message but quickly clear my throat and respond to him.

-Patience, dinner is not too far away now. I just returned from my board meeting so I have yet to ask her. I'll send them as soon as I receive them.-

I send it and look out to the cubicles where my team members are working. The cubicles are low enough to see if someone is in there, but high enough so no one is a distraction to others. I particularly didn't care for them, but I could see Anna sitting at her place clear as day, typing away with one hand and filling out paperwork with her other, pausing only to read the paper before filling it out. I check the clock and see there's not much time left of the work day.

I start pulling up my messages and check for anything important that I needed to handle today. After I took care of forwarded copies or replied to a few of those messages, Anna came in and handed me the paperwork. 

"I got it all filled out, Ms. Xenos. I don't know how to thank you for helping me." She holds back tears but I merely nod and smile to reassure her.

"Just take care of what you need to and use this reprieve to your advantage so you can get back up on your feet." I start scanning the paperwork to send it to Jackson when a thought pops in my head.

"Oh! Also," I grab a notepad and start filling out information for her, "this is the motel you can stay at while the paperwork is being processed. I'm also going to give you some cash so you can do laundry or get something to eat if you need to." I explain, handing the paper over and grabbing my purse.  I pull out a hundred and a few twenties that I had and hand it to her. "That should hold you over for a few days at least." 

"Ms. Xe... Melita.. You're already doing so much for me. I.."

I cut her off, "Will take this so you can at least buy some groceries for the small fridge in the room. If you're smart about it, you should be able to make this last until next month's salary is given." I say firmly, not willing to let her pride get in the way of her eating. 

"Thank you, Melita." She says, lowering her head and accepting the money.

"Anna, I'm not looking down on you and I do this not to make you feel small. So there is no reason for you to lower your head, so please pick your head up girl. Accepting help is not lowering yourself, it's taking the helping hand so you don't fall." I remind her.

"Yes. I'm sorry, Melita. It's just humbling that you think so highly of me to help me in the first place. I will take what you're saying to heart though. Thank you." 

I nod and send her back to work, sending the documents to Jackson's email and get back to work myself. My phone goes off with a text and I peek at it, seeing it's just a thank you from Jackson. 

"Ms. Xenos, I uploaded the Morgan contract and sent it to all departments for you. Here's the original copy for your records." Scott hands the contract to me as he approaches my desk.

"Thank you, Scott. I appreciate it." I take the contract from him, letting him leave before I open my office safe for important documents and place it in there before closing and locking it. My phone goes off again and I pick it up to check it as I grab my purse. 

-I'm waiting for you downstairs in the car.-

My heart starts beating faster. He's waiting for me in the car.

-Which one?-

-Same as earlier. Are you on your way then?-

-Yes. I'll be there soon.- 

I head down, the elevator growing with more and more employees ready to go home. I grip my purse and my phone like it could save me from feeling compacted like a sardine in a can. A few people get off on a lower floor, giving a little more breathing room. The next floor Sybil Gray steps on to the elevator as well.


She stands near me, smiling politely. 

Crap. I know that look. The bitch has her damn hamster running in her head. 

"Ms. Xenos, thank you for having a copy of the Morgan contract sent to my office." She's trying to get a conversation started.

"You're welcome. Ms. Gray." I reply as my phone vibrates and I check it.

-Ms. Xenos. I'm leaving the contracts that are finished being edited in your after hours box. Enjoy your evening.-

I read Alices message and type a thank you response and send it.

"So Ms. Xenos, are you seeing anyone?" Sybil leans towards me to ask, acting like that would make her question private in a full elevator.

I take a breath and compose myself and in my most professional voice possibly respond, "Why do you ask?"

"Just curiosity." She leans back giving a short, breathy laugh, "I'll be going to dinner with some of our potential clients and would need a shrewd mind to help me with the negotiations. I wanted to ask you."

In other words, she wanted me to be the piece of meat she dangles for clients to chew on.

"That's an offer I believe you should extend to someone qualified with experience that is working in your own department, Ms. Gray." I smile, "I am quite content where I am and my role here. So I would appreciate if we no longer discussed your offer."

Thank goodness the elevator opened at that moment, "Enjoy your evening, Ms. Gray." I say quickly, letting my feet move me with the others making their way out of the elevator and out of the lobby. I walk as fast as I can without beginning to jog and get outside the building, scanning for Jackson's car. 

I spot it and make my way to it, opening the rear door and climb inside. 

"Is everything alright?" Jackson looks at me then out the window of my door. 

"No why?" I ask slightly breathless.

"Because there is a Ms. Sybil Gray approaching my car." 

"Shit! GO!" I rush out, glancing out my window to see she's only about twenty feet away. 

The driver pulls out into traffic before she gets to the door and I breathe a sigh of relief. Jackson snorts into his hand and tries to cover it with a cough.

I shoot him a glare and take a breath before something hits me. I turn in my seat to look directly at Jackson, "You know Sybil Gray?"

Jackson clears his throat, "When it comes to to doing business, there's very few of us in my position who do not know who Sybil Gray is." His nose twitches like he's trying not to grimace.

"So does that mean you've...?" I trail off as now he does grimace.

"Ew, hell no. Sybil 'Syphilis'  Gonorrhea- Gray is the last person I'd want my worst enemy to stick their dick in, let alone myself." He shivers as I break out into laughter.

"Wow!" I exclaim, "That's a hell of a nickname, has a catchy melodic quality though." I remark, noticing the sing song effect. 

"So why was she after you? She's worse than a blood hound when you stir her ire." Jackson reaches for my hand and takes it in his, kissing my knuckles.

I give him a demure grin with a flutter of my eyes as I inform him, "She wants me to join her department or help her by joining with her dinners when she talks to clients." I roll my eyes.

"She wants you to be part of her Gray girls?" Jackson cocks a brow before barking out in laughter. "What did you tell her?" 

My chin lifts as I recall what I said, "I told her that her offer should go to someone within her department, as they have the experience she's looking for and I no longer wished to discuss the topic. But what do you mean by Gray girls?" I'd never heard that term either.

He shifts in his seat uncomfortably, "Because those are her morally grey ladies...." he sighs, "the ones she makes sleep with men to get the contract signed or to get blackmail to use against them."