
Where Were You

I never thought I would ever see him again. Jackson... We were best friends from five to twelve. Who was I kidding? He was my only friend. The only one I could rely on, the only one who was there for me... Until he suddenly was not, when I needed him the most. Now, after all this time, we've both made something of ourselves and now my job was asking me to be friendly with him again to try and secure the contract that was worth hundreds of millions of dollars. If I fail, I could lose my position and my job, something I've worked harder than anyone I've ever known to work for. I can do this. I can swallow the resentment and put on a smile until we get the contract. I will not lose everything I've worked for because of him. He has already caused me enough pain and suffering, he's not going to give me anymore. Not if I can help it. *R-18* WARNING PROFANITY, ADULT CONTENT BOTH SEXUAL** AND NON, ADULT SITUATIONS, PHYSICAL AND MENTAL ABUSE DOES OCCUR. PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO THESE TOPICS AND SITUATIONS* **Lots of it ALL SCENARIOS AND CHARACTERS ARE FICTIONAL

Mara_Heller · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
90 Chs

14 Forgive

"Thank you, Lita." Jackson finally rasps out.

"I'm sorry I slapped you." I quickly say, lifting myself off of his chest.

"No, I deserved it." Jackson avoids my gaze for a moment, "Please don't do it again. You have one hell of a back hand."

That's when I notice a darkened area of his cheek under his cheek bone. It's a bruise in the shape of two fingers.

Gasping, I lean back and cover my mouth in horror. "Oh my god, Jackson! I ..."

He collects my hands from my mouth and pulls me back down towards him. "You could always kiss it and make it feel better that way."

He smirks and winks at me as I giggle and scoff, "You're really trying to use those sympathy points you just earned immediately?"

"You're damn right I am." His eyes playfully sparkle at me and I am caught up in their depths. I find myself looking at my best friend again, who I have missed.

I lean forward and softly lay a kiss on his bruise, watching as a ripple spreads across his skin and feel it run through his body.

"Did that hurt?" I lean back and read his features.

"A little bit. Maybe you should kiss it again?" He turns and offers his cheek up to me again.

I let out a snort of amusement and lean forward again, closing my eyes to kiss it. Instead of a cheek my lips are caught by his lips.

His lips beg me to let him continue, teasing mine open for better access with his wondering tongue that slides over my lips to taste my mouth. When I allow him to kiss me, he rolls me onto my back taking control of the kiss, deepening his exploration, and I succumb to it. I follow his lead, letting him speed it up and slow it down as our lips part to gasp in a quick breath, but like magnets we're back together again.

My hands roam, gripping, pulling, touching, caressing, wanting to be closer to him, not getting enough like he's an addictive drug. I'm pulling at his shirt, forcing buttons open, just so I can feel his skin under my hands.

Jackson presses his body against mine, every inch he touched, my body becomes alive and aware. It makes me whimper against his lips, pulling, needing him to continue touching me. He groans and pulls back from my lips.

I open my eyes in confusion, lips still puckered and open ready for him to continue kissing me.

"Oh .. Melita..." Jackson scrunches his eyes tight like he's in pain before he opens them and their is a darkness in his eyes that's terrifying and alluring. Like a predator that can't decide whether it wants to fuck or eat you alive. It sends a shudder of anxious desire to blanket my body and I roll my body against his.

He's breathing heavy, his chest rising and falling against me, staring at me before he groans and buries his face in the crook of my neck. His hot breath on my neck sends more shivers over me, my nipples hardening to points that hurt they're so tight.

When his lips and teeth start grazing my skin, I whimper in need.

"Jacks, please..?" I beg, loving this teasing but I need him to touch me, to give my body release from this mounting desire. This need to feel wanted. "I want you..."

"I know you do.. I want you too. I just ... need to control myself..." He pants against my skin, laying kisses over my collar bone.

"Why control yourself...?" I move my hand to touch his length and he moans as his cock twitches in response to my touching. He pulls back from my neck with clenched eyes and I know from the tension in his body that he's ready to devour me. "Please don't hold back." I smile, gripping him harder through his clothes.

His eyes snap open and there is that hungry predator in his eyes that causes my heart to go crazy and my legs reflexively rub against each other.

"I don't want to scare you Lita." He groans, reading my face.

"You don't scare me, Jacks." I reach up and nip his bottom lip, playfully. I start undoing his pants releasing his cock from his pants and feel his rock hard member and it's velvety texture.

He pulls back from me, sitting back up on his knees and starts to take off his clothes, standing to remove his pants while I quickly slip out of my own.

"Keep your underwear on." He says before I can unclasp my bra.

I listen and sit back on the bed, not sure why he's requesting it.

He gets back on the foot of the bed on his knees and strokes himself. "I want you to touch yourself. Touch yourself over your underwear at first."

"What? Touch myself?" Really?

He nods and strokes his cock for my eyes and the sudden heat that it causes low in my belly...

"Okay." I softly say.

A little shy about it, I hesitate before sliding my hand between my legs and begin to touch and rub my self. I try to make it look good but Jackson shakes his head.

"Touch yourself like I'm not here. Think of how you want me to touch you."

I close my eyes and begin to think of how I want him to touch me. I use one hand to grip my breast, squeezing and palming it through my bra as my other hand presses over my mound, stimulating my clit. I imagine Jackson rubbing his body up on mine, pressing hard into my crotch as my hand presses harder too. I think of how his mouth felt on my breasts, nipping at my nipple with his teeth. I pull my breast out of the top of my bra, pinching my taut nipple hard, as I slide my hand under the band of my underwear.

I hear Jackson take in a sharp breath as my fingers slide between my wet lips, the sound of my wetness is heard as my fingers start to move. I make circles around my clit, rubbing it with my wet fingers as I continue to pinch and roll my nipple between my fingers. My breathing is becoming heavier as my movements speed up and my legs spread open farther allowing me full access to touch my self. I slide my fingers into my hungry hole, the sound of my arousal growing louder as I finger my entrance.

I'm panting, making little noises when I pinch my nipple harder and take my juices up to smother my clit in them. I lift my hips to meet my fingers as I slide them back inside me deeper. I push my underwear down farther to go deeper, wanting Jackson's cock to replace them.

The thought of him ripping my underwear off right now and shoving his cock in me and taking me roughly has me calling out to him.

"Jackson!" I feel my orgasm coming on as I circle my clit again, my eyes popping open as I watch myself pleasing my hungry womanhood. My eyes take note of Jackson, watching me like I was a goddess performing a miracle in front of his eyes. Something about the way he's looking at me has my body tensing and my climax takes ahold of me as our eyes meet.

"Oh, god!" I cry out, never breaking our gaze as I come undone from my own hand.

His breathing catches in his chest as I convulse on my fingers, his eyes dilate, his nostrils flaring, before he groans, hearing the wetness between my legs grow louder.

I'm panting as I come down from my high, humming when my body's aftershocks run through me.

His voice is low and husky as he licks his lips, "Now lick your fingers, taste yourself for me."

I bring my fingers up to my mouth and stick them deep into my mouth, letting my tongue circle them both before doing each one individually.

He hooks a finger into the crotch of my underwear, swearing when he realizes that their dripping wet. He pulls them down farther, my legs coming together to let them slip off over my feet. I spread my legs open for him, letting him take in my glistening sex that I just realized I can see in my vanity mirror. It feels even more erotic now than it did before.

"Jackson.." I whisper, needing him, "please, can't you see I want you?" I beg and begin to touch myself again.

Jackson approaches me, shuffling closer in between my legs. He takes a finger and slides it into my hole and I start to remove my hand from my clit, but he catches it with his other hand.

"No, continue." His firm voice demands and I feel nothing but the desire to do as he says.

I circle my clit, his finger moving slowly at the pace I set. I speed up and so does he, when I rub my clit directly, he curls his finger up and strokes a spot inside of me that drives me wild. I lift my hips to meet his finger, moaning and begging with my body.

"Oh fuck..." My eyes start to roll back in my head, another climax building in me.

Jackson slides another finger in side and curls it up and I let out a moaning cry. "Yes... Jacks.. Please..." I move my finger faster and he twists his fingers, fanning them out inside of me and begins tapping my spot.

"OH FUCK!" I cry out, shaking out of control as my orgasm floods my body in pleasure.

Jacks is still tapping my spot, my body going nuts as he continues to make me cum.

My legs clasp together when I feel like I can't take it anymore. "Jackson!" I squeal as he continues, smiling down at me.

"I'm just getting started Melita. I don't plan on stopping until you can't take anymore."

My eyes widen, my body caught between delight at the thought of being pleased so thoroughly and tense because he means every bit of his words. However, I daringly decide to tease him.

"Prove it."