
The Idea

She doesn't know who is more irritating, her mother or the alarm clock, cause both shouts at the top of their voices at prefect six am. Alarm for her and the shout for her little brother. Although those are different words that she wakes up at eight. Thanks to her dear daddy.

December 15, 2012. Yes, till day, she can clearly remember those days of ten years before. That day too nothing changed in her daily routine. As her elder brother threw the pillow to her face to wake her up, she, with her eyes closed, shouted, "Please don't disturb, let me sleep, it's only six."

It was eight, when her father, before leaving for his office, kept the coffee on the table, and kissed on his dear daughter's forehead.

"Good morning daddy," said Zaira in a cuddly voice.

"Good morning dear," replied Pankaj and after patting Zaira's shoulders closed the doors and left the room.

Zaira sat on the bed, gave out a little yawn, and took the cup of coffee. Gipping a sip to it, she opened the laptop and the first thing that caught her eyes was an email from a trekking company. Curiously she opened it, and found out that they are going to organize a camp for ten days in Manali. Adventure is something which had attracted Zaira since childhood, it's like the word and she are synonymous. And she was very clear about that trip, she had to make it at any cost. Now it might be a dream of many but here comes Zaira, an expert in fooling and convincing her parents. She knew it was almost impossible to convince her mom, so she had to approach her dad and would have to present the matter in such a way that he would be obliged to give her the permission. A quick idea clicked to her mind.

" I know Zaira that you are highly intelligent," she said it to herself, gave a naughty smile and patted her back.