
Where Our Hearts Meet

In which three couples are brought together by fate and are torn apart by that same fate because they met at the wrong time. Fate~ Fate is cruel cause our hearts met when I could not love you, when all I could do was break your heart.

LavenderBLOOM · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
2 Chs


Eventhough I've let you go it's obvious that you still own me.

"Love is like ownership, you're mine as I am yours" a pale hand ran down the tanned youths bare chest with a loose smile hanging on his face.

"Wei you belong to only me in this lifetime" his hand coming up and wrapping gently around the other boys neck.

"You can only be mine too, I only have you so you can't leave me either" the youth pinned underneath the pale skinned male smiled, star filled eyes staring up at the other man meeting his deep blue ones.

"Hah, Wei~ don't lie" a poisonous laugh floated through the air as the older male tighten his grip. "You have so many people around you that it makes me jealous, so jealous I want to ruin them... ah" a light moan escaped his mouth as he lowered himself down on the youths member.

"Only then will you only have me"


Bolting up with sweat running down his face the young man hunched over the side of his bed emptying his stomach on the floor beneath. Clawing at his throat hard enough to break skin. Minutes passed before he sat up pushing his hands through his black untamed curls before lowering his hand to wipe his mouth.

"How suffocating, why won't you leave me alone after all these years" he sighed laying back on the large empty bed reaching for his phone, quickly scrolling through to find the only number that brought him comfort.

Ring, ring ...

It took not even two rings for the phone to connect and for a sore scratchy voice to respond.

Closing his eyes he let out a sigh of relief it was as if all of the worries that consumed him a minute ago seemed to dissipate at once, this person was his lifeline the only person who knew his demons and seen them first hand. The only person in his life who ever stayed.

"Let me guess Liu Wei another nightmare"

The young man known a Liu Wei laughed hoarsely, "By the looks of it you can't sleep either" Liu Wei replied opening his tired grey eyes to stare at the ceiling.

"Umm I'm unsatisfied" the other man responded. "Li Jun, I told you not to do things like this without telling me first it's dangerous" Liu Wei said with genuine concern. How could he not worry, Li Jun wasn't as tough as he acted Liu Wei knew first hand that he was the type to hide his pain behind a smile and self destructive methods but he couldn't judge when he practically did the same.

"Ha sorry sorry I'll tell you next time, anyway don't worry I'm on my way." Li Jun said playfully before hanging up leaving the large room silent.

Liu Wei pulled himself up and climbed off the bed, glancing briefly at the mess on the floor before heading to the bathroom. His apartment was basically one huge open box, a space for the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living room the colour theme in others eyes might not seem very wise as monochrome has the tendency to make things seem bigger and emptier than they actually were. But for Liu Wei it was the opposite the room felt too small almost suffocating. Pulling the door open he stepped in only to be greated by a huge mirror, not bothering to turn the lights on he reached for the tissues next to the toilet and for a split second his eyes grazed across the tattoo on his honey tanned back.

Focusing his vision he grabbed a hand full of tissues and left the bathroom not once looking behind him, he returned to his bedroom and quickly cleaned up the mess he made on the floor before scanning his bed. Eyes landing quickly on his hoodie tossed to the edge of his king size bed, grabbing it and pulling it over his head then picking up his phone and making his way over the couch.


Not even an hour had passed before he heard a knock at the door, quickly making his way to it and pulling it open reveling none other than his best friend Li Jun; If you could even call him that they were way closer - like brothers.

"Do not fret your saviour is here" Li Jun teased pushing passed him while skillfully removing his shoes "oh and don't worry i came barring gifts" he added holding up a bag full of beer "University starts tomorrow you are aware right?" Liu Wei said not really caring as Li Jun sprawled himself across the sofa. "Wow, it's only our first year there's no need to take it that seriously, right?" Li Jun responsed pulling himself up and tilting his head to the side rising his eyebrow teasingly. To anyone it would seem cute but Liu Wei knew that face too well, his demons had come out to play.

Rolling his eyes he noded and in a split second Li Jun began to pull out all the cans of beer and wasted no time in opening all of them. Whilst ploping himself down on the couch next to him Liu Wei took this time to take in his friends appearance, his black hair was dishevelled going in every direction, bright eyes stuck out like two big jewels and those too were just as black as his hair. However, they steeply contrasted to that of the rest of his features, that were small like his ears and nose but it fits him as he was just as small only standing at 170cm. Speaking of his nose it was painted red and flushed all the way up to his cheeks because of the cold weather, eventhough it was now only mid autumn the weather had began to turn colder almost mirroring winter but seeing as he came all the way here in a thin jumper it was no surprise that he was cold. Regardless the thing that stood out most on his pale skin was the hickeys that littered his neck and chest.

Turning around Liu Wei pulled the blanket from over the couch and threw it over him. "Huh, aren't you sweet~" Li Jun teased passing a can of beer over to him "Now let's drink the night away, you know they say a couple cans of beer keep the nightmares away." he spoke before chugging his can. Liu Wei stared at his side profile before sipping at his, Li Jun was right he used to do it all the time in high-school (and may or may not have been the one to introduce Li Jun to it in the first place) and eventhough he'd wake up with the worst hangovers they were still way better than the nightmares he was plagued with.


By the time either of them had spoken only two cans were left out of the 15 Li Jun had bought.

"So, what did you dream about this time?" Li Jun asked laying his head on Liu Wei shoulder.

"Who did you sleep with tonight?" Liu Wei fired back tilting his head back on the couch.

"Who knows at this point all their faces blurr into one, but with that response it's probably the same person as always" His words slurred at this point Li Jun was completely drunk to the state his eyes could no longer stay open.

"So you know but you ask anyway" Liu said before closing his eyes.

At least he couldn't haunt him now and even if he did Liu Wei wouldn't remember.

Honestly I hope you really like this beacuse in my head i have it all planned out and it might be worse actually written out like how an outfit looks better in your head than how it look on. However, I think this is gonna be very different from other bl's I've watched or read and might turn out to be better than I thought. Please tell me how you feel so far about it.

p.s our male lead seme will meet his male lead uke in the next chapter if not that then the following.

LavenderBLOOMcreators' thoughts