
Chapter 6

"Morning Amelia."


"Yo Amelia."

Everyone in class greets me when I enter. Life has been good ever since the drama which took place on the day of the school festival. Ninnon and I were much closer than we already were. Ethan and Pierre became my best friends as well and the four of us were always together. I wasn't completely healed. It's not possible. I don't think I'll ever be able to feel 100% happy again, but I've begun to take baby steps.

The whispers in the school subdued and no more stares directed to me. I video chat with my friends from back home every single day. Nothing was out of place anymore.

Except for him.

The guy who had always been sticking out for me, even if he's a major annoyance, stopped talking to me altogether. He didn't come to fetch me during lunch breaks and so I eat in class with the three of them. Adrien is never home when I go back from school. I rarely see him these days. If not for school and him being the vice president, I wouldn't be seeing him at all. I don't get it if he's ignoring me or relieved that his babysitting job is finally over what with me being in good terms with everyone in class now.

Just thinking about him makes my head hurt. I sigh aloud unaware Ninnon had been staring.

"You good? That's quite a sigh at the beginning of the day." She asks.

"Yeah, all good. Was just thinking about Adrien."

Shit. Big mistake.

"Oh ho ho? Is it now? Adrien huh?" She teases winking at me playfully. I grab my textbook and try whacking her with it, only to have it get pried off of my hand.

"Hey!" I holler when my book is grabbed. Theodore was standing with my book held high up.

"No violence. Oh, and the Student body President asked for you." He said nonchalantly like its no big deal.

"Say it sooner!" I push him out of the way, and rush outside the class and run towards the student council room on the second floor.

I almost bang my hand on the door, but remember my manners and stop in time. Taking a deep breath I knock lightly and hear an "Enter" from inside.

"Oh, Amelia. Come in, come in." Evan says when I pop in my head. Esmee is seated on the couch while he's at the big table, papers scattered everywhere. She gives me a smile and a nod.

"What's up? You called for me?" I ask and he motions me to close the door before speaking up.

"Have you heard anything from Adrien, Amelia?" Evan inquires which makes me frown.

"Adrien? Isn't he in school right now?" I say and this time the two of them frown confused.

"School? You mean he left for school this morning?" Esmee speaks up, getting off the couch and standing beside Evan now.

"That's what his Mom told me this morning when I asked her where Adrien is. She told me he left early saying he had some unfinished work at school." I explain to them. Evan rests his chin on his clasped hands and thinks deeply.

Adrien is not in school? What's going on? Where'd he go wearing the uniform?

"I've been meaning to ask you two. But has something been kind of strange with him lately?"

"Strange? How so?" It was Esmee who inquired.

"Well, to begin with. He's rarely home. He looks dead in the school. There are dark circles under his eyes. And most of all he hasn't come get me for lunch ever since the festival ended."

Esmee gives me a smile. Evan has a playful smile stuck on his face as well.

"Isn't that just you worried he's not spending time with you?" Evan says teasingly. Esmee chuckles. And I blush furiously.

"Huh!? Wha... why would you even think that? I-I don't care if he spends time with me or not!" I mumble in a rush which makes the two of them chuckle further at my bemused state.

"He's a strange one, Amelia. Leave him be. He'll come back to his senses sooner than you think." Evan says getting up and grabbing his bag off the couch. Esmee does the same.

"I don't care. Let him be a douchbag all his life. I'm late for class. Have a good day." I say and sashay myself out of the room before embarrassing myself any further.

I quicken my pace and stride towards the first floor. But then stop.

Something doesn't feel right. I'm sure of it. I just couldn't figure out what it is.

I slide the door open. Miss Valerie is already present and had started the class. I excuse myself and plop myself onto my seat. Ninnon raises a brow at me and I look at her, telepathically trying to convey to her that I'll explain everything to her once class was done. She seemed to get what I meant, gives me a nod and faces the front of the class before we get pulled up for talking.

As the final bell rings, I grab my bag and stash my books and pencil case inside and zip the bag close.

"I'm heading home sooner today. Text you later Ninnon." I say turning to face her. She was still stacking her books and organizing her bag. She gives me a thumbs up.

I turn back and wave at Ethan and Pierre. Ethan gives me a nod while Pierre looks like some lost puppy.

"What?" I ask and his pout furthers

"I thought we could grab a cake and some coffee." He says

"We'll do it tomorrow. Don't worry." I say and his face glows like he had never been sad in the first place. Weird guy.

"See ya" And I quickly walk out waving at Theodore and Florence along the way.

Since Uncle Cam's place wasn't too far, I was lucky to get home soon. I open the door and is immediately welcomed by the sweet aroma of Aunt Felicity's cooking.

"Welcome back sweetheart. Adrien arrived just five minutes back." Aunt Felicity calls out from the kitchen

He's home!

I strut upstairs in a hurry and quickly get changed. Then I walk across the hallway and knock on his door.

Since when have I been decent with him?

There's no reply from within. So I knock again.


"I'm coming in," I say, turning the knob and opening the door slightly ajar. The curtains were drawn and the room was quite dark except for the doorway which was lighted with the light spilling in from the hallway.

I hear slow breathing and find Adrien slumped on his bed fast asleep. Still clad in his Uniform, the blazer thrown on the floor.

"Adrien?" I call out but get no response.

I walk further in and stand beside his bed taking in his tired face. He looks so vulnerable.

His bangs were tickling his nose. Afraid he'll wake up, I move my fingers to brush them aside.

Big mistake.

He suddenly grabs my hand and pulls me with such force I tumble and fall on him with a shout.

He must have done so while half asleep, with me screaming so barbarically he blinked his eyes rapidly and now stared at me wide-eyed.

"Is everything alright up there? Amelia?" Aunt Felicity called out from downstairs.

I panicked.

"Tell her you tripped you fool." Adrien snarls.

"Everything's alright Aunt Fel. I slipped." I call back and she shouts back to be careful and everything goes silent once again.

Adrien pushes me aside and gets to his feet, messing his hair with both hands in frustration. He switches the light on and shuts the door.

He was a sight to see. The dark circles had gotten worse and his face was latched with fatigue.

"Are you..."

He cuts me off.

"The fuck are you doing in my room?" His voice sounded so venomous.

"I- I knocked. You didn't respond. So," I stammer.

"Then you should have left. Not barge in." He says with the same tone as before.

The hell? Be a little nicer? I was worried for shit sake.

"What's gotten into you? You've been weird lately Adrien. Weirder than usual. You even missed school today. Evan and Esmee are worried." When I mentioned his friends' names he stared at me in shock.

"Did you tell them anything?" He demanded.

"Not really. There was nothing to say. Just that you're never home and act strangely these couple of days." I say with a shrug. I mean its, not a big deal?

"Esmee was present when you were talking to Evan?" He asks me carefully. I raise a brow at him curious.

"Uh yeah? I just said so. Evan and Esmee are worried."

"Get out."


"Get the fuck out of my room, damnit."

I didn't need to be said twice. I got to my feet and strode past the sick guy, I couldn't recognize anymore. I banged the door shut after me. I heard crashes from inside his room but didn't bother.

That night Adrien didn't join us at the dinner table.

A week past and things remained the same. If not worse. Adrien got into trouble with his parents for always sneaking out of the house late in the night. He would never explain himself. He snapped at his juniors and even the seniors. Didn't pay attention in class and was called to the principal's office.

Uncle Camille loved his one and only nephew to death, so did Adrien. He was very fond of his uncle. But the past few days they interacted less and less.

"Amelia, would you mind going over to the principal's office please?" Miss Racheal, my P.E teacher said coming into the classroom disrupting mine and Ninnon's conversation.

"Everything alright?" Ethan asks coming over and standing beside me.

"Yeah. I bet he wants to ask me about his stupid nephew." Saying so I leave the classroom. It was free period so I could talk with Uncle Cam leisurely. The timing was perfect. I've been meaning to have a talk with him in private.

His Office was on the second floor annoyingly. I prayed I didn't have to cross paths with a certain jerk face.

Wow god must surely hate me. Cause right before my eyes walking in my direction along with the President and Secretary was none other than the guy I wanted to choke to death.

Adrien walked past me without batting an eye. I did the same without glancing his way.

I felt a sudden pull from within. Why am I sad? If he's going to be an ass to me, I need not be any less than a bitch to him.

I knock on the office door lightly.

"Principal Andreas? Amelia here. You called for me?" I speak out louder so he could hear me.

"Come on in Mily." I hear his voice and so walk inside shutting the door behind me.

"What's up, Uncle Cam?" I ask as I take a seat at the table. Being acquainted with the principal is a privilege.

"What's going on with Adrien, Mily?" He gets right down to business.

Sighing I look around the room before looking back at his face.

Uncle Camille was quite the handsome man, being in his mid-thirties. His dark hair and green eyes made him look even younger. He looks identical to Aunt Felicity. And so Adrien taking up his looks from his beautiful Mom, looked closely like his uncle.

Which is why I didn't want to look at uncle Cam right about now. He reminded me so much of that jerk.

"Mily?" He called out to me.

"I'd like to know what's going on too Uncle Cam. He's been a shithead for a while now." I don't care if Uncle Cam is offended. That's how I see his nephew.

He sighs and rubs his tired face and tousles his hair.

"That kid. He's a troublemaker but has never been so troublesome in all his life. It's like he's a whole different person. Fel is worried sick. I don't know what we're going to do with him."

I remain silent pondering over his words. True, Adrien is like a delinquent but his actions were never this bad. Something is definitely wrong here.

Like I care though.

Who was it that was kind enough to cook you your favorite meal when you were feeling down?

My consciousness spoke up.

I'm sure it was a coincidence he happened to make my favorite dish exactly in times when I was feeling down in the dumps.

Who fetched you to lunch every day to avoid any conflicts in class?

He was just being bossy.

Those times when he panicked for you. Worried for you. Came running looking for you. Who made you feel secure in a school where everyone was a stranger?

Stupid consciousness! But it was right.

Adrien had always, and I mean always been there for me. Even during the festival, he had come rushing in search of me. He had been standing outside my classroom waiting to pull me out if something was to go wrong.

I get to my feet and push the chair back in place. Uncle Cam who had been deep in thought looks up at me.

"Don't worry. I'll figure something out to bring back the idiot to his senses." I say reassuringly. Where'd all this confidence come from?

A smile appeared on his distraught face and he let out a sigh in relief.

"Thank you Mily. I'll leave everything in your hands then." He said and I give him a solemn nod and leave the office.

Now then.

How in jinxies sake am I going to take care of everything!?