
Where I am ?

A bewildered being wakes up in a room that he himself does not know. Where I am? What was he doing before? That he should...? *Ding* "Welcome soul N°57212, in a coincidence of destiny you have been selected by my goddess to be a worthy candidate for our experiment. Now become the most Outstanding being of this reality. Welcome to the Ikemen System"

Nashi103 · Tranh châm biếm
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96 Chs

Chapter 92: Game Making part 1

*Next Day*

Ai: "I don't want to! Take me with you!" she said in a spoiled tone, clinging to my waist.

Tadano: "Come on, little star, I can't take you..." I said in a helpless tone.

Ai: "I don't care! I want to go too!" she said stubbornly.

I looked at Yamai beside me; she shrugged.

I sighed and gave in.

Tadano: "Alright... I'll use my ability to hide you, but you have to promise to stay quiet, okay?" I said sternly.

She nodded happily.

Ai: "YAY ∼ I'll go with Tadano-nii," she said, laughing sweetly.

Tadano: "*Sigh* My god, girl, you're only a few years younger than me... Why do I seem like the adult here?" I said, exasperated by Ai's childish behavior.

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard a giggle behind me.

It was none other than Yamai, looking at me with an amused expression.

Yamai: "You know, with how tall you've gotten lately and how small Ai is, I wouldn't doubt that you're father and daughter, hehe," she said playfully.

I rolled my eyes at her comment.

Then, I placed my hand on Ai's head.

With a shimmer, her hair color and features changed, becoming very ordinary, so much so that you'd pass her by if you didn't pay attention.

Since many people are often absent for one reason or another, there are always empty seats in class, and relying on Ai's good acting skills, there shouldn't be any problems.

Ai took a mirror and checked her appearance.

While she was entertained, I went to the kitchen to prepare the bentos.

After packing them, we headed to school.

*Itan High School*


As soon as I walked through the door, a shadow jumped on me.

Surprised, I raised my arms to catch my attacker.

It was none other than Shouko-chan.

Apparently, my influence had made her bolder lately.

I heard they had a lot of fun when they went shopping.

I even heard that yesterday, Shouko, along with the other girls, went to sing karaoke.

I was happy to see the progress of this little kitten.

I couldn't help but place my hand under her chin and pet her like a cat.

When I realized it, I wanted to withdraw my hand, but I was surprised she liked it.

I could even swear I heard her purr.

Shinomiya: "KomiCat..."

Tomoya: "She really is a cat..."

Nagisa: "Neko-san desu∼"

Tadano: "Did you miss me?" I asked with affectionate eyes.

Shouko: "Yes∼"

Tadano: "I'm glad to hear that ∼" I said while scratching under her cheek, making her purr sweetly.

It was cute to see her react like a kitten.

The class was surprised at first, but when they saw it was me, they quickly stopped paying attention.

While Shouko was still revered as the school's madonna, she no longer seemed so unattainable to others due to my continuous closeness to her and the many friends she had made over time. This made people slowly approach her more.

Although Shouko is still shy about speaking with her voice, she can now have a normal conversation with others using her notebook.

What is fortunate is that the sensation she conveys using her notebook is so natural that unless you are paying full attention, you rarely realize she is using it.

This phenomenon is not just at school.

According to Agari, Shouko can talk to people on the street if she uses her notebook.

This naturally filled me with joy and pride.

Joy at seeing my cute and shy kitten getting closer to achieving her dream and pride at knowing I was a key part of making it all happen.

Tadano: "Alright, before I forget... here you go ∼" I said, handing her a bento.

Shouko looked at the bento and then at me.

She continued like this for a while until tears formed in her eyes.

Shouko: "Uuuu... I thought you didn't love me anymore..." she said, whimpering.

Hearing her pitiful sob, I could feel countless dagger-sharp gazes pointing in my direction.

Tadano: "Haha, sorry, Shouko-chan, I forgot to give your bento to Yamai... It was my mistake, so please don't cry. I'll make it up to you, okay?" I said, somewhat embarrassed.

The truth is I had prepared Shouko's bento, but in a slip of the tongue, I forgot to mention it to Yamai because I was distracted with Ai.

Certainly, this is a sacrilege considering my identity, so I would focus on pampering this little kitten today.

Shouko: "Really?" she said, looking at me with those deep obsidian eyes.

I smiled kindly and nodded.


After a while, I introduced Ai to everyone.

They were all surprised to discover the reason for my absence these past few days.

Shouko smiled at Ai and offered her a sweet.

Ai took it and looked at Shouko with her big eyes, which had six-pointed stars.

In an admiring tone, she said.

Ai: "Shouko-nee is really beautiful. Even if I fully mature, I don't think I can match you..." she said, somewhat dejected.

Shouko panicked upon hearing Ai's words and seeing her subsequent reaction.

Shouko: "N-No... That's not true... I'm not t-that beautiful. I think Ai-chan is cuter," she said, worried.

Ai smiled upon seeing Shouko's concern.

After this small interaction, the girls and boys gathered to interact with Ai.

While all this was happening, I was in a corner writing the Fate script.

I was thinking about how to get the voices.

Tadano: "The original Seiyuus shouldn't exist in this world..."

Shinomiya: "Since you know the tone, why not use the ability to mimic the voice?"

Tadano: "Good idea..."

While having my internal discussion, I felt a head rest on my shoulder.

Kaede: "Uhmm... what's this? Fate Stay Night?" she asked curiously.

Tadano: "Curious?"

Kaede: "Yes ∼"

I smiled at her enthusiastic response and kissed her cheek.

She smiled in return and waited for an explanation to her question.

Tadano: "This is the script for a game I plan to make..." I explained.

Kaede: "Oh? Are you planning to enter the amateur game contest?" she asked, interested.

I nodded.

Kaede: "But you don't have a computer... do you want me to buy one for you?" she said, lifting her phone, ready to buy one, and surely it would be the most expensive.

I rolled my eyes at her action and stopped her.

While later games would need a specialized computer, the Visual Novel of Fate Stay Night didn't require a top-of-the-line computer to be created.

The school's lab computers would be more than sufficient.

Tadano: "I'll start working in the second period, want to watch?" I asked.

Kaede nodded and wrapped her arms around my neck.

Kaede: "Anything you do will be very interesting to me∼" she said before kissing my cheek and then rejoining the rest of the girls.

I touched my nose, seeing how flirty my turtle girl could be.


*Some time later*


I was in the labs entering lines of code into the computer.

I had spent 50 Idol points to get the Visual Novel's source code, so the progress was fast.

As for the art, I didn't worry much about it.

My ability had finally reached the professional level.

[Drawing - Professional]: "Your art has reached an unprecedented level. You can easily imitate any artist's style just by seeing it once. Your strokes are so light and smooth that anyone who sees them will recognize you as the author. From now on, every time someone appreciates your art, you will gain 1 Idol point. You also gain a 75% efficiency boost in drawing."

I smiled, knowing I wouldn't need to spend so many points to get Mangas.

Some time ago, I had finished the novel's art and uploaded it to the computer.

The physical sketches were being held by Kaede, who was flipping through them curiously.

At this moment, it was just the two of us.

The girls had taken little Ai on a tour of the school, and the boys... who, as a man, wants another man to watch him work? Isn't it better for a beautiful girl like Kaede to watch instead?

I thought this to myself as I entered the lines of code.

Author's Note: "Hello guys... I know it's a bit late, please don't hit me! It turns out I've had a lot of schedule changes and this author has been dead tired these past few days, as well as dealing with some paperwork. But now I think I'm okay, so I'll bring updates more frequently. That said, remember to drink lots of water and that I love you very much. Sincerely, your favorite depressive author."

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