
Where I am ?

A bewildered being wakes up in a room that he himself does not know. Where I am? What was he doing before? That he should...? *Ding* "Welcome soul N°57212, in a coincidence of destiny you have been selected by my goddess to be a worthy candidate for our experiment. Now become the most Outstanding being of this reality. Welcome to the Ikemen System"

Nashi103 · Tranh châm biếm
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126 Chs

Chapter 6: Improving.

Tadano: "It seems that my luck has returned to normal, however now I have caught the attention of lady luck. I am truly grateful for her help but I am still a little afraid of the reaction of the goddess of destiny... *Sigh* well, whatever has to happen will happen.

System: "Please don't cause any more trouble"

With that said the system voice disappeared.

With everything said and done, only I was left in front of the mirror.

On my face a big smile that I couldn't hide.

A raucous laugh came out of me.

The emotion was so great that I couldn't contain it.

I decided to practice my new skill while taking a shower.

I wanted to see how much my [Advanced Chanting] would improve with the [Genius] skill.

That's how I kept singing while I took a long shower.

On the other side of the bathroom door were mother and daughter.

At first they came somewhat worried about Tadano, because of his sudden shrill laughter, which they mistook for a strange scream.

But when the daughter was about to complain about how stupid Onii-Chan scared them, they could hear Tadano singing from the other side of the door.

To say it was Beautiful was to say an understatement.

Neither of them knew that the young man sang so well.

So the mother and daughter pair sat near the door and listened to him sing for a while.

It was strangely calming.

*The next day*

This skill was great. Although I couldn't improve the skill to a higher rank, I was able to obtain new skills.


[Speedster - Initiated]: Upon activating the skill the user will gain an additional 25% of their agility stat, movement speed will be increased by 30% for 1 minute. Cooldown 5 minutes.

[Energetic Body – Passive]: You will unlock the Energy bar. Performing strenuous actions will greatly reduce the bar, however it will recharge itself with time and adequate rest. In turn, the actions performed with the energy bar will be enhanced. Like a faster run when using it in a sprint or a stronger punch when using it when hitting. The skill is associated with Vitality, the bar will be higher as this statistic increases. Warning if the bar reaches 0 you will suffer from the [Physical Exhaustion] debuff, reducing your movement speed by 75%, as well as your Strength and Agility statistics will be halved.

[Cooking - Initiated]: Food prepared by you will have 10% more flavor and a 5% chance to grant a random beneficial effect.


I gained these skills while doing a workout the day before, trying to test my current limits. And the cooking skill I got when I prepared dinner for my mother and sister.

Who strangely I found asleep outside the bathroom when I finished bathing. I took each one to her room and then I did my exercise routine. When I returned, I prepared dinner for them since Mom couldn't because she fell asleep.

They both looked at me strangely when they tried the food.

But then they quickly finished and ordered some more.

It was something nice. And it satisfied my pride a little.

*Itan High School*

Well it's time to start another day. I said to myself as I put on my shoes.

Seeing Komi-San arrive, I greeted her.

Tadano: Hey, good morning Komi-San.

Komi: "G-Good… G-Good… G-Good"

I let out a sigh as I saw how the girl began to tremble and her character [Menacing] began to surround her again.

I placed my hand on her head and said.

Tadano: "Relax a little Komi-San."

I waved my hand and a pink notebook with kitten prints materialized.

Tadano: "Here. For the moment, why don't you write in this notebook what you want to say, at least. Until you are confident enough to say it for yourself. Something like what we did yesterday on the board."

I told her as I handed her the notebook. Next to a pen that had a black kitten as a cap.

I bought them last night while passing by a stationery store while doing my training.

At first Komi was surprised by the sudden appearance of the notebook.

But her attention was quickly caught by the adorable kitty prints on the notebook and the pretty black kitten on the pen.

Her eyes shone and I could see how KomiCat manifested again. Her eyes wandered between me and the notebook with the pen.

I had to give my all to keep a friendly face. And not to throw myself on the ground because of the attack of diabetes that occurred when I saw a being as adorable as her.

Somewhat blushing, she hugged the objects against her chest.

I let her take her time.


"You have deeply gladdened the heart of the main heroine Komi Shouko with your action + 20 Ikemen points"

Although she hoped she suspected it might work, because of the girls' extra points yesterday. Still it is something surprising. What's more, 20 points in an instant. Komi-San is really the biggest Fish. I thought to myself.

After a couple of minutes she opened the notebook and wrote.

Komi: "Thank you very much Tadano-San. This is the first gift a friend has given me. "I will cherish and cherish it for the rest of my life."

She placed the notebook in front of her face, perhaps to hide her embarrassed expression at the moment.

Damn she is very cute.

After calming my feelings I said.

Tadano: "It is not necessary Komi-San, I buy this gift just to make it easier for you to communicate with others. Just like you did with me yesterday, if we practice a little more like yesterday, in no time you will have the 100 friends you want."

I said to finish with a kind smile.

The girl's eyes shone like 2 stars and her cat ears fluttered.

Komi: "You really believe it!"

Tadano: "It's very possible, and we don't lose anything by trying, right?"

Komi: "You're right! I will try very hard to meet Tadano-San's expectations!"

Tadano: "Calm down, let's go little by little, okay? There is no need to rush, we still have a few good years to achieve your goal."

Komi: "True… sorry, I got a little emotional"

Tadano: "No Problem"

The girl smiled when she heard my answer and began to play with the pen and notebook. Admiring the kittens and playing with the kitty cap of the pen.

It was a good picture until the girl suddenly stopped and turned to look at me shakily.

Tadano: "Is something wrong Komi-San?"

I asked a little worried about her abrupt change.

Trembling, the girl wrote in the notebook and showed it to me.

Komi: "S-I'm sorry Tadano-San, I'm a very horrible person… you greeted me so happily. And-and as your friend I didn't greet you back until now. I-I'm so sorry."

The girl seemed deeply distressed by this matter, so much so that I could see tears forming at the edges of her eyes.

Tadano: "Oh come on Komi-San. Don't cry over such small things, it's nothing serious and nothing you should worry so much about."

I said, as she rubbed her head, trying to comfort her.

Komi: "B-but I… I am very rude."

Tadano: "Calm down… everything is fine"

I said comfortingly as rubbed her head.

Tadano: "Now stop crying because you ruined your pretty face with your tears" I said while she wiped away the few tears that formed on the edges of her eyes due to anguish.

I didn't think this little problem would affect her so much. Looks like I'll have to be more careful with Komi-San.


"Your comforting actions and gentle attitude have greatly touched Komi Shouko's heart + 20 Ikemen points."

Tadano: "Are you calmer now?"

Komi: "Yes… thank you very much Tadano-San"

Tadano: "No problem. "Now come on, let's go to class or we'll be late and the teachers will scold us."

Komi: "Yes, let's go then."

Author's Note: Well here's the last one. God I'm almost asleep on the keyboard. well let's see how it turns out for you. I probably published it another day to have it in reserve. Well, whatever, remember that I love you very much and drink lots of water.

its depressive author says goodbye.

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