
Angry Jade

"Jade?" Lair was shocked when he came inside the house to find Jade sitting in the living room. When one of the maids had come to the inform him about a visitor who was waiting for him, he had thought it would be anyone but Jade. Not that is was awkward of Jade to visit his house, it was just that, this was the first time she was visiting since his return, except if the night she brought Amy home counts.

"Surprised?" Jade asked when she saw the surprised look on Lair's face.

"Of course I am" Lair replied with a smile as he walked closer and pulled the now standing Jade into a hug. "I missed you suchka" Lair said hugging her tightly.

"I know you do" Jade said hugging him back.

"Why didn't you call before coming?" Lair asked pulling away from the hug.

"Then it wouldn't be a surprise visit" Jade replied.

"Well I like it, and I'm sure Amy would be happy to see you"