
When the Sun and Moon meet

This tale is about the relationship of two boys, their love was so pure but not everyone can have a happy ending. met an end with tragedy, will the boys have a happy ending this time in their new life?

EviehasAnxiety · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

I Made This For You Part 2

Thank you guys for being patience I know I don't upload often enough :)


Nat Chidee

After a short while the waitress come back with our drinks and I have to stay it was so delicious. She left and returned with a Polaroid camera "As we are a small store we appreciate our customers, and I was wondering if you'd mind taking a few photos to keep and one for the wall behind us" she said still smiling.

We looked at the wall it was full of pictures of people. Some were sad, some were young, some were happy, old, and others were just calm not frowning but not smiling. At the same time we all said "Sure." She looked at us then waved her hand sideways as to tell us to pose I did a peace sign and so did Lee, but was shocked me was that Thorn but his arm around me I tried not to look shocked and just smiled.

She took two then told us to change our poses. For this time I don't what was going on in my mind but I leaned my head on Thorn's shoulder he didn't seemed bothered, but Lee was smiling like crazy I already knew that she was planning some way to get us together in her head she's always in her own fantasy world but I can't blame her I like to listen to music and be in my own fantasy world too. For the last one Thorn leaned his head on top of mine.

The waitress placed the photos on the table and said "Each of you please choose the one you'd like the one that's left will go on our wall." Malee chose the one of her doing a heart sign Thorn chose the one with his arm around me and I chose the one with me leaning my head on the shoulder. The waitress thanked us and took the other picture of of me leaning on Thorn's shoulder with his head on top of mine.

I watched her as she went to the back, grabbed a red marker and draw or write something on the photo I couldn't make out what is was she then took the photo and put on the wall. "Ah I almost forgot. Thorn said reaching into his bag, he pulled out 2 white envolpes with gold decorations I hope you guys can make it to my birthday party I know this is short notice.

I opened the enveloped it contained a card that said You're invited to Thorn's 18 birthday on April 16 at 5:30 it is a sleepover you can choose who you want to room with or you can choose to room alone, it will be raining please bring the right clothes for it will be cold there will be adult supervision. "Sure" I said he smiled. Lee then asked who would be there, Thorn replied "Amber,Sara, Pang,Alex, Fin, and Sun. I know what your thinking those boys can be mischevious and will be separated from the girls when it's time."

She thought for a little while then said " If that's the case I'll be going. "How many can room together? " Thorn replied " oh that's simple three people can room together" Malee smirked "well thats settled Me and my Nattie will room with you." I stretched across the and pulled her hands, "Lee stop it."

Thorn chuckled and I sat back down. "That makes sense since I'm the only one you guys know that will there" Thorn replied. Thorns phone vibrated and said "Oh I've lost track of time I need to go and get ready" He got up and placed the money for his drink and a small tip on the table. "Oh before I forget let me get your line, I've never asked for it" "Oh I forgot my phone just add Nattie" I'll add you later" before I could ever move Lee stretched over the table and grabbed my phone.

"Hey, you don't even know my password!" She typed in my phone and unlocked it "I've been proven wrong" she opened the line app and added Thorn. LI'll see you guys later bye shorty" He said and waved us good bye "ooh shorty is that a new nickname?" She said jokingly "Hey that's not funny" I replied "Sure shorty !" "Don't call me that!" "Why because only he can call you tiny huh?" "I'll jump over this table right now."

She sighed "okay I'll stop your no fun. The drinks were really good we should come here more often." I nodded my head you go ahead I'll pay for the drinks." "Okay I'll wait for you outside" then she walked off. I grabbed the money Thorn had left and took and my money to pay for the rest when I walked over the waitress was chatting with another waitress who I believe was her friend when the friend show me approaching she left "Hi! I'd like to pay" "Okay sir your total will be $9" I handed her the money and put $5 in her tip jar "Have a nice day" "You too!" she replied.

As I walked outside I saw Lee waiting for me "sorry bud I was gonna come over but something come up I'll see you at the party tomorrow." I got on my bike and said "That's fine I'll see you tomorrow!" I waved as she started riding I but the bags of stuff I'd had bought on my bike and headed on my way home.

The Present

When I got home my dad wasn't there "I guess he left early." I thought I went to room and put away the shirts I had bought then took out my art drawer I decide to make matching necklaces for his birthday I took out my string grabbed heart beads smiley faces beads. And started making the necklaces I started with putting a smiley face in the middle then a heart on each side of the smiley face then adding regular beads until after I added the clip.

Idea of how the necklaces looked ⬇️


After I finished I took the smaller necklace and put it on for the one I made Thorn. I took a small box decorated it placed the necklace in it done closed the box adding a bow on top of it. As I finished I head the door opening "Pa?" I asked confused "Who else would it be?" He said