
When the Story Ended...

Princess Astraea Violet de Alynthi, the only Royal descendant of the Alynthi Empire. She had a perfect life with perfect parents. But, it all turned upside down within an instant. One day, an incident occurred and she realised she had a past life. On top of that, she reincarnated into the ending of the last novel she read. Her parents were the main leads of the novel - which she thought made sense because they were so perfect. However, she remembered there was a second book to the novel and her character's name was mentioned. Feeling uneasy not knowing of the events of that novel, she seeks to find out what unfolds in the second novel. "What is this rubbish!" Wanting to burn the book and deny the reality, she was furious to see the despair that fell on her family and her. "I will save me and my family!" With her strong will and determination, she started changing the course of the future, but surprisingly, the characters who were supposed to hate her ended up liking her. They even fought over her. She also ended up meeting the pitiful second male lead and vows to support him to not fall into unrequited love. What will happen on her journey to change her fate?

BlueAmethyst · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 1

Once Mary, my nanny, brushed my hair with a pretty bow, I slowly descended from my seat and walked outside my room. It was difficult going down since I had short stubby legs. I was only five, so I still had a lot of room for growth.

I caught a glimpse of my appearance in the long body mirror and was satisfied with the pretty dress I wore.

As I walked, my dark purple hair brushed my shoulders, tickling me. I did not like the length of my hair, but I couldn't do anything about it. I wanted it to be long and silky like my mother's, but she always told me that it would grow if I waited. Since my mother knew everything, I obediently listened to her and decided to patiently wait for it to grow.

I walked along the corridor with my personal knight following behind me. His name was Kaine Chamillet. He was a handsome young man with long silver hair and light brown eyes. He was the second son of Duke Chamillet, so he had a powerful family background. Being the personal knight for the only Princess was a good position, which was why there were many candidates. My father decided on him because he was an excellent swordsman despite his young age – of course, my father would always be the best.

As I crossed the hallway, I waved at everyone who passed by and gave them my best smile. They all cooed and exclaimed as I walked past them. They bowed their greeting with smiles on their faces as I went. I felt happy seeing them smile. Praise would make anyone smile.

It was a great day. The sun was shining, and the skies were clear. It was a perfect day to have tea with my mother. Well, tea and dessert. Just imagining the dessert made me drool.

I snapped out of my daydream as I went closer to my destination. My legs were getting tired from all the walking, but I pushed through it. I mean, what kind of Princess would I be if I could not even walk for this long.

When I came closer to the large double doors, I beamed at the guard standing outside.

"Hi, Dewek!"

I managed to say with my bad pronunciation.

"Greetings to your Imperial Highness the Princess," he greeted me.

"Is Daddy inside?" I quietly asked.

"I am afraid he is not. But his meeting should be finished by now, so he is probably on his way."

I smiled when I found out my father's office was empty.

"Me being here is secwet," I put a chubby finger to my lips.

He smiled and nodded.

Hurriedly, I ran with my little legs and hid underneath the desk.

"Kaine, hide!"

Kaine bowed before hiding out of sight.

My hands covered my mouth as I waited in anticipation.

I heard the second hand on the clock go by and heard the beating of my small heart. I was brimming with excitement.

Breaking the silence, the door opened, and I spotted a pair of shoes coming inside the room from my line of vision.

Counting the seconds, I carefully listened to the footsteps.

"Boo!" I jumped out.

My father widened his eyes and placed a hand on his chest – although I knew he wasn't scared that much.

"Oh my! Why is it not my little princess? I didn't think you would be here."

I giggled.

"Did Astwea scare daddy?" I smiled.

"Of course! Daddy was surprised to see his princess hiding," my father gave me a warm smile.

"Yay!" I cheered.

He bent down and picked me up with a swift movement before planting a kiss on my chubby cheeks.

"Why is my princess here?" he asked as he effortlessly walked to his chair and sat down with me on his lap.

"No weason. Just wanted to be with daddy," I shrugged.

"Are you busy daddy?"

"It's okay. I always have time for you," he said, making me happy.

"Don't worry. I just want to sit here," I patted his leg and smiled.

"Okay. You can sit here as I just sign some papers."

I nodded and got comfy on my father's lap.

"Kaine, you may wait outside," my father used a different tone when talking to Kaine.

"Yes, your Majesty."

Kaine bowed before leaving the room to stand on guard.

Father then rang a small bell and a maid quietly came inside.

"Prepare a light snack for Astraea and a strong tea for me," he ordered.

The maid bowed and left.

It didn't take long for the snacks to arrive and my eyes sparkled at the snacks. They were all my favourite. There were double chocolate chip cookies and delicious velvet cupcakes. There was a glass of chocolate milk and besides all of that was a strong herbal tea for father.

Since my arms were short, I couldn't reach the desk, so my father handed me a cookie. I nibbled on the giant cookie as I looked at the papers in front of me. Although I was young, I was gifted and was able to read perfectly. It was probably from my good genes.

All the documents read properties and titles. Although I couldn't understand everything, I made sure to take notes.

When I bit into a chocolate piece, I was so happy at the creamy deliciousness that spread on my tongue.

"Is it yummy?" I saw my father looking at me.

I frantically nodded with my cheeks filled with the cookie.

He smiled before pinching my cheeks.



"Daddy mawwied mummy because you woved her, wight?" I asked.

"That is correct. I love your mother a lot, so I married her."

"Then I want to get married!" I exclaimed.

I felt my father's body freezing.


"Yes! To cookie!" I smiled.

He tilted his head out of confusion.

"Daddy said he mawwied mummy because you wove her. I want to mawwy a cookie because I wove cookie. It's dewicious!" I grinned.

My father let out a small laugh.

"You love cookie that much?"


My father was lost in thought for a moment before he looked at me.

"What do you love more, me or cookie?" he asked me with an innocent expression.

I halted in my excitement at that. Instantly, I frowned as I thought about it.

"That's difficult."

"Really?" he said with a sad expression.

"I-I love both. I love daddy and cookie," I quickly said, not wanting him to be sad.

"How about me or your mother?"

"Of course mummy!" I innocently answered.

He shook his head.

"Well, I can't blame you. I love your mummy a lot too."

We both smiled, meeting a truce with accepting our love for my mother since that was more than everything else.

He gave me a warm smile before stroking my hair.

"You can't marry a cookie Astraea," he then started to explain, making me sad.

"But I can promise to always give you cookies whenever you want," he added on, making me look at him with excitement.


"Of course. The head chef loves baking for you so it would be an honour for him to always make you dessert."

"Yay!" I excitedly jumped up and down.

Father made sure to keep me steady so I didn't fall as I jumped in joy.

"Are you that happy?"

"Yes! I wove daddy more than mummy now!" I hugged him tightly.

My dad laughed out loud.

"Did my Astraea say she loved daddy more?" I heard a melodic voice enter my ears out of nowhere.

I have finally decided to just drop the first chapter. I have been busy and I have this thing where I constantly look for mistakes and tweak my chapters, so I finally thought I need to stop and release it. Hope you like it!

P.S she's not going to be a child for a long time.

BlueAmethystcreators' thoughts