
Prologue [PREVIEW]

Breena stared blankly up at the dragons in front of her, her crystal blue scales glittering like ocean waves in the sunlight. She brought her head back under the salty water and popped back up again. She examined the dragons in front of her.

"Hi!" the brown dragon - a Suxuthyes if she remembered correctly - said as he approached her. He had brown, green, gray, and white scales; his brown scales the color of dirt, green the color of moss, and gray and white the colors of rocks and crystals. He had thin legs that ended in thick, flat feet and it looked like he had a miniature mountain on his back. He lashed his crocodilian tail excitedly.

Startled, she swam back a few finlengths but kept her head above the water, keeping her eyes trained on him. Though his big brown eyes were friendly and the moss - like tuft atop his head gave him a drakeish look if there's one thing she learned from her mother it's that you never truly know who to trust.

Noticing her reaction he stopped in his tracks. "Woah, it's ok," he said. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm Malachite. What's your name?"

She hesitated, contemplating whether or not she should give him her real name or a fake one. She couldn't think of a fake name right off fin so she chose her real name.

"Breena," she finally responded.

"Wow," Malachite said, his eyes widened at the mention of her name. "That's such a beautiful name!" Without thinking he took another step towards her before a pale dragon tail shot out in front of him, stopping him in his tracks again.

"Stop it," the ice dragon said sternly. "Your scaring her!"

Malachite and the strange ice dragon stared at each other for a moment before being interrupted by Breena. They snapped their heads to look at her.

"Th - thank you," she stammered, blushing at his compliment. "Malachite is a beautiful name too!"

"S - so," Malachite stammered, his face flushed a deep shade of mahogany, unsure of how to respond. "What are you doing here?"

That was a good question. Truth be told, she didn't have a single clue.

"I don't know," she answered truthfully. "I just felt like I needed to come here."

Malachite glanced around at the other dragons around him. "We don't know either," he answered truthfully.

"MALACHITE!" One of the other drakes shouted and slapped his shoulder.