
When The PlayBoy Meets The PlayGirl

'She looks like a pure flower who is blooming beautifully.' thought Dylan as he saw the girl in front of him.  'Hmm….this guy he looks good but at the same time looks like the guy who would get a girl at the very last moment.…that too somehow..' Diana thought as she saw Dylan in front of her.  Their thoughts about each other are contradictory to their personalities. What will happen when they find out each other's true personality? 

Pakohoshino29 · Thành thị
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20 Chs

New City

To expand the buisness in City I, Mr. Edward Jones was moving there with her daughter, Diana. Most of the moving was done in their new house now just some things were left so they were taking them in the car. After a 5 hour drive, they reached City I and their new house. 

City I, Golden Valley, Mansion 17. 

The new Jones residence in City I. 

Just when Diana and her father were about to get out of the car, her father's phone rang. 

"I have to take this." Her father said. 

"Hmm, okay. I will pick up the boxes." Diana said.

"You sure?" He asked.


Her father went outside the car and took the call, while Diana opened the trunk of the car and bent down to pick up the box. Just when she was about to stand up, due to the box she got imbalanced and was about to trip and fall on the ground but...a muscular hand held her and stopped her from falling. 

"You okay?" The guy asked. 

She got away from him and kept the box on the ground. 

The guy was tall, dusky brown, black hair, brown eyes and was wearing jogging clothes. 

"Oh, I'm perfectly fine! Thanks to you of course." Diana said. 

"Oh, that's fine. I was lucky I was here when you were about to fall." The guy said. 

"I should be saying that. But anyways, thank you for not letting me fall." She said as she gave a genuine smile. 

"Hmm, I will accept that thank you only if you let me help you with those boxes." the guy said. 

At first, Diana was not really happy with her moving to City I but now it looks like she is feeling good for moving to City I.

"Looks like I got no option but to let you help, huh?" Diana said 

"Yep. And oh! So rude of me! My name is Brian Decker." 

"Diana Jones. Nice to meet you Mr. Decker." Diana said as she walked side by side with Brian. 

"You can keep them here now." Diana said as she entered the living room with Brian. 

"Okay, Diana I'm…." Her father entered the living room but he was a little startled to see a guy with her daughter just right after they moved into the new city.

"Oh, dad this is Brian Decker and Brian this is Edward Jones, my father." She introduced them real quickly.

"I have worked with your father Mr. Decker." Diana's father said.

"Yes, so..um my work's done. I'll take my leave now." 

"Have a cup of tea before you go." Her father said. 

After a while, the tea was served. Three of them took a seat and sipped their tea in silence. 

"Are you going to the BMC party today?" Mr. Edward asked.

"I have an importabt meeting today, so no sir. I won't be able to go there." He said.

[AN- BMC stands for Buisness Members Committee, its committe for all buisness associates. The party is held every 3 months.] 

After having the cup of tea, Brian left Diana's house. Diana too picked up the boxes and went into her room. She first admired her new room, after admiring it nicely she thought to open the drapes. As she opened the drapes, she caught such beautiful sight of Brian, who was half naked right now. 

"Oh, my, my a real chocolate?" Thought Diana. 

But when she still was in her thoughts, the guy was not there anymore and that somehow disappointed her. Keeping her disappointment aside she started to unpack those two boxes. 

Just when her unpacking was done, her father came into her room and told her that she should be ready at 7:30 PM sharp. 

Evening, 7:30 PM 

Diana was ready in her long slender black dress. It had three fourth sleeves. The dress highlighted her curves in an elegant way. Her hair were tied into a beautiful bun. She was wearing light makeup and delicate jewellery. 

And as usual, her father was wearing a black buisness suit. Just what a buisneman needs. 

After a 20 min drive, they reached White Star hotel, which was the most luxurious hotel in City I. 

Diana entered in the hotel with her father holding his arm.

As soon as Mr. Edward Jones spotted Mark Smith, the most influential buisness man in City I, he went to him and initiated a conversation with him. 

"Who is this young lady beside you, Mr. Jones?" Mark Smith asked. 

"This is my daughter Diana." He said with a smile.

"Oh, you'd get bore here, wait a min. My son is here too." Mr. Smith roamed his eyes around the big hall and in a min spotted his son in the open bar. He waved his hand towards him and called him. 

After some seconds, a guy walked towards them who was wearing semi formal in complete black. The guy was tall, fair, had honey coloured eyes. 

"Dylan, this is Diana. Mr. Jones' daughter. Go, show her around this party." Mr. Smith said. 

'She looks like a pure flower who is blooming beautifully.' thought Dylan as he saw the girl in front of him. 

'Hmm...this guy he looks good but at the same time he looks like the guy who would get a girl at very last moment.' thought Diana as she saw Dylan in front of her. 

Dylan gave a genuine smile and forwarded his hand. Diana gave her hand and they both went away from their parents.

Hello dear readers! So, this is the first chapter of When The PlayBoy Meets The PlayGirl. I hope you like it. Next chapter will be dropped tomorrow.

For now, I will update 3 times in a week.

Hope you enjoy my story and show your love to this book!

Love ya all!


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