
When the Moon and Sun Collide: The Eclipse

Legend says that when the daughter of Mayari, the Moon Goddess, meets the son of Apolaki, the god of the Sun, at the end of the world, the world shall face its rebirth. But when the Bakunawa threatens to swallow the Moon once again, Luna shall find the son of Apolaki quick. With the power of the Goddess and her friend that radiates warmth like the sun, they will travel to save the world, once and for all. The question is, will they have enough time?

Jadeh_Tolentino · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

The Search

"Who is he?" Luna's father, Amos asked. They are currently sitting at a long table in the study room of her father with Luna's parents, the head priest of the table, the city chief, Sonia, the head of security, Luna and Sol.

"He is Sol Asha. A friend." Luna briefly explained. "Papa, this is urgent." But the urgency seems to go past Amos.

Everyone, except Luna and Sonia, is looking at Sol. He's used to the attention. He had eyes all over him the moment he was born. It is not easy having pale white skin in a tropical country, but having albinism is harder.

"I have albinism. I don't have pigment in my skin and hair. I'm fine." Sol explained as well. He noticed that they are not paying attention.

"Papa." Luna called sternly. It seems that it had brought her father back to the discussion. He blinked thrice. Sol counted.

"Ah, yes. Yes. We need to find the son that is blessed with Apolaki, the God of the Sun. How do we do that?" her Father asked the priest.

"We have never encountered or even heard the news about the son. We have waited over a hundred years!" the priests explained, opening a book that is supposed to be filled with prophecy.

"What clues do we have?" Sol asked. He feels really small at the moment. But he is grateful to Luna for letting him join this conversation.

The people at the table looked at Luna's father, then at the priest who was scanning his book. The servants also brought to the table a handle of scrolls and other papers, books, letters, and even maps.

"As stated in the original prophecy, two children will be born on the night of the Lunar Eclipse. One with the blessing of the moon and one with the blessing of the sun. The two shall meet at the end of the world, and it shall be reborn again." The priest read the script.

"So we need to find a boy with the same birthday as me?" Luna asked.

"When is your birthday?" Sol asked.

" February 29th." Luna looked at Sol. He seemed shocked. "Why?"

"We have the same day." he said. Everyone looked at him. "But I was born in the morning. Not the night. The script specifically said the night of the lunar eclipse."

Luna almost stood up at the news but relaxed after the explanation from Sol. They almost had it there. She sighed and scratched her temples.

"Other clues?" she asked everyone. At this point, everyone has something to read, something to inspect. They are looking for more clues.

"I have one here. It says, "In the land soaked in the blood of war, Apolaki shall bless the child of triumph." What do you think?" The head of security said.

"Maybe it means that the son will be born in a war-stricken country?" Sonia suggested.

"Are there still wars until now?" Luna asked. Her father nodded regretfully. "Oh. Then whose countries are that?"

The Head of security called for a copy of all the countries that are actively engaged in war. They made a list. They also called for the national affairs secretary to join them to know the standings of these countries.

They crossed out all the countries that have different religions, countries that had never won a war, and all the other things just to match and shorten their list. After a whole day of deliberation, they ended up with 2 countries. Greece and the US.

"After all these years, the US is still under war, huh?" Sonia voiced out which made the priest shake his head and Luna's father laughed a little.

"But these countries are big. How do we know what city the son is in?" Luna asked. The US alone has fifty states.

"I'll handle that," said the head of security. "I can get the names of their chief soldiers to see if anyone has a son of the same age as the princess. The God of the Sun is a proud god. He will always choose a high-ranking official to bless." The chief of security bids his farewells.

"Meeting adjourned. Let us continue this tomorrow." Luna's father stood up, as well as the others.

"Where do you live, boy?" He asked Sol.

"At the city orphanage. I was also born there but my mother left me." Sol explained.

"Would you like to sleep here tonight?" Luna offered. She looked at her father, hoping he would agree as well. He can't say no to her daughter and she knows that very well.

"You can stay if you want. There is a room in Luna's tower. You can use that." Just as he said that Luna jumped in excitement and dragged Sol out of the study. Luna's father looked at his wife who was quietly laughing on his side.

When she noticed, she stopped and asked, "What? You agreed." Which, Luna's father sighed exhaustedly. Sonia bid her goodbyes as well and followed the two. Her room is in the tower as well.

Sol settled in the room. He can see his attic room in the window if he leans more to the side. A knock came in and the door opened. Luna popped her head.

"Hi. Are you going to sleep?" she asked.

"No, come in. Are you supposed to be still up?" Sol asked and grabbed the chair. Luna sat on the bed and Sol sat in front of her.

"I can't sleep." she crossed her legs. She is wearing her pajamas already. Maybe she tried to go to sleep.

"I was still thinking about what Mayari told me. That I need to find my Sun. Sun? Son? Will I have a son?" She looked horrified by the idea. Sol laughed at her.

"Mayari also said that the son of the sun will rise in the rubble. I think we made the right conclusion to look for him in a country stricken with war. You know, wars have the worst aftermath." Sol added.

Silence filled the room. Both of them are looking for words to say, both guessing what the other might be thinking.

"It's so cool we have the same birthday, you know." Luna said, smiling.

"Yeah. If I was only born at night, maybe I was the one you are looking for." Sol joked. Although Luna liked the idea.

"Come on. You can't even stay an hour in the sun." she joked back. Sol placed his hand on his chest and acted shocked.

"That is a low blow, princess." he pointed at her and squinted. Luna laughed.

Another knock came on the door and presented Sonia.

"Princess, please let Sol take a rest. You should too." she said.

Sol and Luna looked at each other and smiled. They said their goodbyes and goodnights. Both of them slept with a small smile on their faces.

The morning came. At the meeting, the head of security presented ten names of the sons of generals and chiefs of the two countries.

"Invitations will be prepared. We shall see the son of the Sun after one full moon." Luna's father ordered.

By the end of the day, the invitations have been sent. With the intention to look for Luna's husband.