
When the Moon and Sun Collide: The Eclipse

Legend says that when the daughter of Mayari, the Moon Goddess, meets the son of Apolaki, the god of the Sun, at the end of the world, the world shall face its rebirth. But when the Bakunawa threatens to swallow the Moon once again, Luna shall find the son of Apolaki quick. With the power of the Goddess and her friend that radiates warmth like the sun, they will travel to save the world, once and for all. The question is, will they have enough time?

Jadeh_Tolentino · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

The Plan

It was a long evening. The sun is now peeking from the horizon and Sol is watching it slowly rise. It was the same moment that he was born, as the sisters in the orphanage told him. His mind traveled back to his younger days. The days of being bullied because he looks very different. Crying nights and eating alone, without friends and no one to talk to.

"My son." Sol heard a silent whisper. He looked around his room but he is certain he is the only one there.

He settled down. Maybe it was just his imagination. He must have been exhausted from the night before that he s starting to hear things.

"You are my son. The son of the Dawn." He stood up because he heard the voice again. This time it is not a whisper anymore. It is a real voice.

A bright light came from outside the window. Sol looked closer and saw a figure of a woman floating in the front of his window. Her flowy dress is all over the place and her yellow hair is floating away from her. She gave a glowing light coming from her.

"I am Hanan, The Goddess of Dawn. Your mother offered you to me in prayer. I have been looking over you ever since your birth. I know your struggles, my dear child. And today I will bestow to you my blessings."

Hanan entered the window. She held Sol's face with her hands, and kissed his forehead, his two cheeks, and his nose. Sol stood frozen in place, all in shock, fear, and respect for the goddess in front of him.

"I give you warmth. You shall never be cold again and you will share this warmth with all. I touched your dreams with the power to see each day. You shall use it in all the ways you want. Your kind heart deserves the control to use your blessing in all ways you desire." Hanan moved away and looked at Sol like how a mother looked at her son proudly, or Sol thought that is how it should look. He never had the chance to know.

Sol blinks and realizes that a goddess is in front of him and blessed him. He quickly knelt on one knee and bowed his head.

"I am honored to receive your gift and blessing, My Goddess of the Dawn." Sol said.

"Can I ask you a favor, my child?" Hanan said. Sol lifted his head to look at her.

"Anything." Sol answered.

"Please help my sister and brother. Mayari and Apolaki have been guarding this world ever since. A threat looms in their way. This is the only way I can help them. I am not as powerful as them." Hanan said.

"What can I do, goddess? I have never had a role before. All these things are new to me. I am praying for your guidance once again." Sol pleaded. As much as he wants to help Luna, he doesn't have the slightest clue how.

Hanan smiled at him. She approached closer again and touch the top of Sol's head. Sol bowed and closed his eyes. When he opened it again, the goddess is gone. But he knows what they need to do now.

They are in the meeting room once again, but this time they have Kira and Vian with them. Kira is the son of Sun, so of course, he will be in the meeting. Vian, on the other hand, said she just wants to help. She still hasn't disclosed her identity as a fairy yet. If needed, she will tell them soon.

"I hope you two are feeling better." Luna started by addressing Kira and Vian.

"We can't thank you enough for your hospitality. You saved my life. I am grateful, Luna." Vian said.

Kira stood up and bowed really low, almost hitting his forehead on the table.

"I sincerely apologize for all the trouble I had caused." He sternly said. Everyone was shocked at him bowing like that, especially since he is the son of the sun.

"No. No. No. Please don't apologize Sir Kira. We know it is not your fault. No one wanted that tragedy." Luna's father approached him immediately to straighten him up.

The snacks came. It is a few hours after lunch. Fried bananas covered in caramelized sugar were served on plates with banana leaves. There were tea and coffee as drink choices.

"Today, we will discuss the next step we would take. The Bakunawa is still there. Mayari had confirmed it in my dream." Luna took the lead to open the discussion.

Sol raised his hand. All eyes turned to him. Everyone, except Kira and Vian, should have known Sol as the quiet boy who when speaks, everyone listens.

"I actually received a new prophecy. I think you would need to hear it." He said. He looked at Luna, which nodded in approval.

"Prophecy from who?" The head of the guard asked, but it fell on deaf ears.

"Please take the board, Sol." Luna's father said.

Sol smiled and stood up. He is no longer that boy with yellow hair, without parents, and looks weird. He is now the son of the Dawn, with the power to see the future within the day. Hanan had asked him to help and he will do his best to prove he is worthy of who he is now.

"I am proud of you." He heard Hanan's sweet and small voice inside his head as he approach the whiteboard of the meeting room.

"As the original prophecy said, when the daughter of the moon and the son of the sun meets at the end of the world, the world shall see its rebirth. We thought that Luna and Kira shall find each other and simply meet." Sol started, scribbling Luna and Kira's names on the board.

"But during Luna's inauguration, we received another prophecy saying that the end is near. Mayari told Luna to find her sun." Sol pointed to Kira. " We found him."

"But in the other prophecy, it was said that when the serpent devours the moon, the sun will rise from the rubble. I think we all know that the serpent is the Bakunawa at this point. And it said that it will eat the moon. And it possessed Kira." Sol continued, writing Bakunawa's name, making circles and lines connecting the stories together.

"Now it is making sense." Luna's father said. "So what are we going to do now?"

"This is the prophecy I received. Kira and Luna need to go to the end of the world. An island called Mavulis Island. There is a church there and they need to wed under the eclipse."

Sol wrote the date of the eclipse, it is exactly sixty-six days from now.