
When the Moon and Sun Collide: The Eclipse

Legend says that when the daughter of Mayari, the Moon Goddess, meets the son of Apolaki, the god of the Sun, at the end of the world, the world shall face its rebirth. But when the Bakunawa threatens to swallow the Moon once again, Luna shall find the son of Apolaki quick. With the power of the Goddess and her friend that radiates warmth like the sun, they will travel to save the world, once and for all. The question is, will they have enough time?

Jadeh_Tolentino · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

The Hike

Breakfast was served and everyone is preparing to leave. They can no longer bring heavy items with them. Only tents, some camping gear, food, and water. Vian already told them that water would not be scarce, so they can simply bring one canister per person.

"We really had a fairy visit us last night. I almost didn't get to sleep as another one might visit us again." Kira, so full of energy despite him saying he didn't sleep well, said.

They are eating their breakfast outside their accommodation. The day is cloudy with a big chance of rain. Some of them even started praying for good weather as climbing a ruthless mountain like Mt. Madyaas will be more dangerous if the rain will also adds to its elements.

"Luna, are you okay?" Sol noticed Luna is abnormally quiet. She hesitated a few moments, like trying to form the right words to say.

"Say, Vi, Do you know any legends relating to Bakunawa in these areas?" Luna asked.

"Yeah. There is one. It's also connected to Sidapa actually. Why'd you ask?" Vian answered while taking a bite out of her apple.

"Can you tell us about it?"

"Yeah, sure."

Visayan legends are separated into three realms: The upper world, the Middle world, and the underworld. Sidapa is the ruler of the Middle World. He lives at the highest peak of a sleeping volcano, Madyaas. He is the one who manages the souls of the Visayan people. The souls travel through the roots, branches, and leaves of his tree, connecting the upper world and the under world.

One day, he saw the seven moons in the sky and was fascinated by them. He orders the flowers to bloom for them and for the birds to sing lullabies. He even fights with other deities just to get their attention.

The youngest of the moon deities, Bulan, notices Sidapa and started playing with him every night. Bulan has a form of a young skinny boy, the total opposite of Sidapa's bulky figure and huge golden horns.

But the serpent Bakunawa is also mesmerized by the moons and he wanted to eat them. Just as Bakunawa was about to devour the young moon, Sidapa snatches Bulan to save him. People of the land say that up until today, you can still see Sidapa playing with Bulan at the top of Mt. Madyaas.

"I think I saw that scene in my dream last night. Although, I am not quite sure why." Luna said after hearing the legend.

"What scene?" Sol asked.

"The scene where Sidapa saved the moon from Bakunawa and then vanish." Luna stated

"So are they lovers?" Luna asked.

"No, Sidapa has a wife or partner. Maybe they adopted Bulan as their child. Legends say that his partner left the tree and never came back again, though" Vian explained

"Why do you think I had that dream? Why me?" Luna is confused, is there any relation to her particularly?

"Maybe it's just so you can have a connection with Sidapa. After all, Bulan is a moon and you have the blessing of the moon goddess." Kira pointed out.

Before the four of them can even think of a reasonable answer, one of their companies called them to let them know that all is ready and that the tourism office is already open. They head out to register and have a quick orientation about the dos and don'ts while climbing up the mountain.

"Picking of plants and ruining rock formations is strictly prohibited." It is just one of the rules.

After the orientation, they went ahead to the police station to list all the names of the people who will be taking the trek. They are a total of twenty people. They took the bus for a twenty-minute ride toward the main path up the mountain. The first part is the farmlands.

"We are your friends. We come in peace. Please guide us towards the realm of the god of death."

Four tour guides, Vian, and Sol are leading the group. Behind them are the staffs that came from the province, then Luna and Kira. The others follow their paths slowly. As much as they don't want to think about it, common people are afraid of mischievous fairies.

Vian can see a lot of the fairies squirming around them, looking at each of the people in their group. She even has a few conversations with them, answering their questions about their objective and why they seek the god of death.

"My head is spinning with all these fairies coming back and forth, flying around me." Vian whispered to Sol as he give her a hand with a step. He chuckled.

"Well, please bear with it Ms. Fairy. Without them, we might miss a wrong step and end up without a head instead." Sol joked. This time, Vian laughed a little and slapped him in the arm.

The farmland is wide with a lot of upward and downward steps but one can already feel that the land is slowly inclining. The rice terraces gave them a higher ground so they are able to see all the crops that are being harvested. As the entrance of the mountain looms before them, they carry their bags until they reach their first resting spot, the Kamandiga Village.

The sun is already perching on top of the hikers. As it was a resting hut, they decided to have their lunch and refill their water canteens. Although it is noon, the cloudy skies gave them cover from the scorching heat of the sun. Luckily, no rain seems to be coming anytime soon.

"We'll be taking a narrow ridge on the way up starting from here. Our goal is to reach Bantang River before it gets dark so we can set up camp." The guide instructed.

They didn't rest for too long. After all, it is better to end the day early than be lost in the middle of a thick forest at night. After everyone has done eating, they started the trek again. Trees started to form thickly around them and you can feel the cold air in the surroundings. The terrain had a sudden switch from level lands to steep inclines.

The farmland fairies are no longer with them. Forest fairies and some dwarves can be seen taking a peak at their group. They gave instructions on the way sometimes and even shared a few stories with Vian. The other party members can't see them, but they sometimes catch a glimpse of them in their side vision.

It took them a rough six hours from their starting point to reach the Bantang River Campsite. It was a narrow hike up and an unforgiving trek down as they had to hold on to big roots and tree branches to avoid slipping and falling down the hundred-foot drop on the side of the mountain. The sight of the flat land and the sound of the gushing water gave relief to the hikers.

"Let's set up camp here for the night." Sol announced.

The water spring from a formation of rocks that gushes ice-cold water from beneath the earth. The team started preparing their tents while others gather dry wood to start the fire. The guides took the rest first, as they will be the ones to watch for the night.

"I can't do this anymore." Vian exclaimed as she slumped herself on the ground.

"Yes. I second the motion." Luna crawled beside her. "I can't move my legs anymore." She spread out her legs in front of her. Sol and Kira are just laughing at them.

Kira trained to be in the military and Sol's work include running around the city. Although they can't deny it, this is really taking a toll on their body as well. It was almost a non-stop hike in an upward direction. Not to mention, all the slippery steps and sharp stones throughout.

"Alright, our dear princess and fairy. Stand up there and take a rest inside. We'll call you once dinner is ready." Kira said.

He and Sol extended their hands toward Luna at the same time. It took Luna a quick second to hold on to Sol's hand. He helped her stand up. Left hanging, Kira moved his hand towards Vian. The latter is also staring at the two people in front of her. Kira noticed a weird expression on her face before she grabbed his hand with both of hers and stood up.

"Actually," Vian coughed. " I'll go ahead and charge myself from one of the trees here." And then she vanished like a gust of wind.

"That is so convenient." Kira whispered and shook his head.

Everyone rested well. Dinner was served just as the sun has set. Vian is also back from her rest among the trees. Some have already gone to bed while others are still eating. They are then in charge of cleaning after dinner and preparing their things for tomorrow.

"What would be the best time for us to start the next hike? Can we leave when the sun has already risen?" Luna asked.

"Most hikers prefer to move along once they have already rested. Some even start by one in the midnight." The guide answers.

Luna thinks that part is much more dangerous. Even though they are in a rush, she believes that safety should still be the priority.

"Actually, Luna." Vian cut the conversation, mouthing sorry to the guide. " Let's go there for a bit, I need to tell you something. Sol, Kira please." Vian called out.

"Please excuse us." Luna said and stood up.

The four of them went inside a tent, like four kids planning a prank on their parents. Kira had a mischievous smile on his face as if remembering something from the past that he shouldn't have done.

"While I was away, I got to talk to one of the heads here in the mountain." Vian started.

"Is it that Danapolay dude?" Kira ask. Vian looked at him like he grew an extra head.

"What? I told you a fairy visited us last night." He explained.

"Anyways, yes. It is Danapolay. He is the head of the deities here. And as it turns out, we don't need to climb all the way up to the summit to meet Sidapa." Vian said excitedly.

"Is that true? If that's true I will give everything we have as an offering to him." Luna said.

"Yes. This is also the reason why a fairy visited these two last night. He is waiting for you, daughter of the moon. After all, you are a niece to Bulan." Ah, yes. Bulan is one of the seven moons.

The seven moons are not technically sisters to Mayari, more like Mayari is their mother.

"Here's what we need to do."

They looked for the largest tree near them, making sure that the guides won't see them. They let the other member of their party know about what they will be doing just in case something happens.

The four of them formed a semi-circle around the tree. Extending their arms, each of them is touching the bark of the tree. Vian started chanting, invoking the spirits around them.

God of the earth

judger of souls

We call upon your name

Sidapa, king of your realm.

We are your servants

Humble from thy power

Guide our souls to you

Bless us with your wisdom.

Their surroundings started glowing. The fairies around them lighted, making them visible to the naked eye. All of them seem like praying, just like them.

The wind blew, making the trees rustle around them. The smell of burning wood filled the air and the bark of the tree glowed from within the tree.

"Kneel! Keep your head low." Vian instructed them in a very low voice.

Kira didn't close his eyes. He witnesses the ground turn from the soil with dry leaves into large roots that crawl all around them.

"Welcome, children. The realm of souls opens its doors for you."