
When the Moon and Sun Collide: The Eclipse

Legend says that when the daughter of Mayari, the Moon Goddess, meets the son of Apolaki, the god of the Sun, at the end of the world, the world shall face its rebirth. But when the Bakunawa threatens to swallow the Moon once again, Luna shall find the son of Apolaki quick. With the power of the Goddess and her friend that radiates warmth like the sun, they will travel to save the world, once and for all. The question is, will they have enough time?

Jadeh_Tolentino · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

The Blessing

Luna didn't have time to think about Sol the moment she started preparing for the ceremony. The servants helped her bathe in milk and very gently scrub her skin. She admits the thought of being offered to a goddess scared the shit out of her. She has a lot of questions.

"Sonia, what will happen later after I pray to Mayari?" Luna asks one of her servants that is scrubbing her back and shoulders.

"The light of the eclipse will fall on you, princess. And then you will receive the blessing of the goddess.

"What kind of blessing?" Luna asks again as Sonia rinses her back.

"It depends, princess." Sonia put the vessel of water down and sat at the rim of the tub where Luna is sitting. She carefully brushed Luna's hair and smiled.

"Some received powers like clairvoyance and healing. Some received money and power over other countries that tried to conquer ours."

"Some died." Sonia immediately slapped the hand of the maid who said that. Luna was shocked. No one mentioned that.

"Died? How?" Sonia just sighed.

"Their bodies can't take the power of the goddess. It was too much for them. They didn't pass away on the spot. But after a few days, they became very weak and ill. And then eventually, their bodies gave up." the servant explained as she poured water on Luna for her final rinse.

Luna is speechless. She was reassured by the servants that she could take it. She is a very strong girl. But she doesn't think so.

Luna is made to wear a long flowing dress. Her hair was made into a loose bun with little strands that frame her face. She also wears jewelry that has been passed down to the next princesses to wear. She looked at herself in the mirror, all dolled up and almost didn't recognize the confused and mischievous girl that she is. It was all covered up by responsibility and courage. She felt powerful but fake at the same time.

"It's time to start our prayer. The eclipse has begun." the priest let her know. She took a deep breath and followed him to the temple.

The temple was dark. No candles are lit up and only the light from the full moon outside gives them guidance to move. She was led in the middle. Once there, she can no longer see anyone around. She knows her servants and other people are there, she can hear them. But it was very dark as well.

She knelt on the cold cement floor, and placed her hands together in front of her in prayer. She should start.

Mayari. Mayari.

Goddess of the moon. Sister to Tala and Hanan.

Give abundance to the land.

Mayari. Mayari.

Goddess of beauty and strength.

Wash our enemies and make them bend.

Mayari. Mayari.

Bless me with your grace.

I am your servant from the human race.

Bless me, Oh Goddess Mayari.

Use me as you please.

Luna will repeat this prayer until the full eclipse. Once it reaches the peak, the people will start to strike their pots, their drums and make loud noises. It is to scare away the sun that is covering the moon.

People of the land. Make the darkness go.

People of Bulan. Chase the evil with your blow.

Give strength to the Goddess

As she fights our enemies for us.

Offer your loudest cries.

Let your voice open the skies.

A few hours have gone by since Luna started the prayer. She is starting to feel her knees ache. She is breaking in sweat and her arms are already in pain. She wants to drink some water.

It suddenly got hot. Her eyes are still closed so she can't see what is happening around her, but the temperature definitely went up. Then the gong was struck. She was startled and her body shook.

She wants water. She is very thirsty. It is very hot.

"Don't drink" she heard a whisper. Ah yes. She can't.

Luna opened her eyes. She raised her head to look at the eclipsing moon right on top of her through the hole in the temple roof. She raised her hands on her side and shouted the second part of her prayer.

It's almost over. That's what she thought. She just needs to endure for a few more minutes. She kept shouting. She needs to repeat it again until the full moon shines on her.

Eclipses happen very slowly. But the second half of the phenomenon seemed to move double time. It felt like only minutes had passed and suddenly, a bright full moon is all Luna can see.

"My child. I am blessing you." Luna hears a voice.

She stopped chanting and looked around. No one is there. Not even her servants anymore. But the sound is all around her. It seems like it is inside of her head.

"You have a very difficult path to take. But be brave, as my guidance will be upon you." The voice felt like soft silk that sent goosebumps and shivers down her skin.

Luna dropped down on the ground kneeling and with her palm facing up.

"I am your servant. Oh, Goddess. I am your child. I am not worthy of your presence. Use me as you please." All the fatigue and questions went away. All Luna can think of is the voice of the goddess filling up every inch of her body.

"I am Mayari. Goddess of the Moon. Deity of Beauty, Strength, and Hunt. Leader of War and Revolution. I bestow the power of healing, the power of light, and the power of wisdom to you."

Lune felt a warm hand touch her head so she looked up. She saw a beautiful lady with long silver hair floating before her eyes. She is wearing the same flowy dress that she has and the light of the full moon is glowing behind her.

"Thank you, My Goddess." Luna whispered.

"You are destined for a mission in this life, child. You are the beginning and the end. Find your sun to protect the ones that you love." the goddess said slowly fading away.

"My sun? The Son of the Sun?" Luna tried to ask but the goddess only smiled at her and then disappeared.

The light of the moon also vanished. It was dark, very dark until Luna heard very small voices. It seems like whispers. Luna opened her eyes, sensitive to the sudden bright light from her surroundings. She raised her arms and placed them in her eyes to cover them.

"She is awake. Call her parents." Luna hears.

She removed her arms and looked around her squinting. The servants are standing beside her bed. She recognized their family doctor talking to Sonia. She caught her eyes and she smiled at her.

"Let me know if something happens." The doctor told Sonia. He then approached her and held her forehead.

"Rest well, princess." The doctor went out of her room. Sonia sat at her bedside.

"How do you feel, Miss Luna?" she asked.

"Lightheaded. And thirsty." Sonia reached out to the side to grab a glass of water. Luna hesitantly took it. She stared at it for a good minute.

"What's the matter? Go ahead and drink." Sonia urged her.

"Where did this water come from?" Luna asked sheepishly.

"What do you mean? I grabbed it from the well early this morning. I personally got it. Never left it anywhere. Don't worry."

Luna smiled and took a drink. She emptied the glass of water and let out a loud sigh after. Her parents came rushing through the door. Her mother threw herself into her and squashed her with an embrace.

"I am so worried, Luna. Are you alright? Does it hurt anywhere? Are you hungry? I brought sweets." her mother frantically said.

"I am alright, Mama. Don't worry. I am not hurting. But yes, I am indeed starving." Luna scrubbed her tummy to make her mother laugh.

"Food is ready. I will ask them to bring it here at once." her father said.

"Thanks, Papa." she smiled and her mother hugged her again.

The food arrived. And Sol was one of the servants that brought her food. She was shocked and flustered and panicked a bit. But Sol mouthed 'It's ok.' to her so she calmed down. They settled the food in her little dining set on the side. The servants helped Luna take a seat, all while she attempted to make eye contact again with Sol.

The servant stayed in her room until she finished her food. Sol and Luna kept stealing glances at each other and Sonia noticed it. Sol mouthed to her, 'Are you ok?'., to which Luna nodded discreetly. He fixes his posture so he stands taller, an indication that he is relieved.

After the meal, Luna went back to her bed. And as the servants are heading out of the room. Sonia called out to Sol.

"You, the boy with yellow hair. I need to ask you something. Would you mind staying a bit?" Sonia spoke with the authority of Luna's head maid. Even Luna, who is confused, got scared. She never uses that tone with her.

One of the other servants grabbed the dishes that Sol was carrying. They closed the door behind him. Sonia gestured to the chair for Sol to sit down. She then ordered the other servants to leave and prepare Luna's bath water. When the servants are gone and the door is closed, Sonia sighed in relief.

"You two, what do you think you are doing all this time?" She said to both Luna and Sol. They both looked confused, but Luna suddenly laughed.

"I'm so sorry, Sonia. I thought no one would notice." she said, half laughing. Sol is still confused but relaxed a bit.

"Fortunately, no one does! The boy might get in trouble because of you, princess." she scolded Luna, who was getting up from her bed, and taking the seat in front of Sol.

"Thank you, Sonia. So Hi." Luna smiled at Sol.

"Hi, princess. Are you alright?" Sol started.

"Why is everyone asking me if I'm alright?" Luna looked at Sol and then at Sonia.

"You don't remember what happened at the inauguration?" Sol asked.

" No? What happened?" Luna looked at him.

A few minutes after the gong sounded, Luna stood still in the middle of the temple with her arms raised in the air. But she was not chanting, she was just looking upward with eyes rolled so that you only see the white parts.

Sol is getting worried something might have happened or maybe she ate or drank anything before the ceremony. But the priest stopped everyone from coming to her, and he still need to look out for the alleged poisoned goblet.

"Do not interrupt the blessing." the priest said.

Then Luna dropped to the ground. The servants and priests rushed to her but she was unconscious. Then a voice echoed from the sky.

"The rebirth of the world is near

When the serpent devours the moon

The Sun will rise from the rubble

The land will meet its doom."

A prophecy has been given by Mayari. All the people went down to their knees, scared of receiving punishment if they didn't. Praises for the moon goddess can be heard by everyone until the light of the moon disappears.

It was still a full moon, but its light was dimmer than what it gave earlier that evening. Luna's father also heard that she had fainted and got worried.

"The blessing of Mayari has come upon us! Let us feast and send our prayers!" The people looked at each other. The prophecy gave them concern as it talks about the end of the world and that it is near.

"Fear not, people of Bulan. The princess received her blessing. The prophecy is a warning and that we should prepare. But the goddess gave it to us so we are ready and the princess will guide us through it. Send our thanks and praise our goddess!" Luna's father assured the people. They rejoiced and the celebration began. Luna's father immediately went to Luna's tower. The doctor is already checking on her.

"How is she? What happened?" he asked

"After the gong sounded, she stood still for a few minutes, not moving at all. Then she fell unconscious to the ground. It must have been the blessing." the servant said.

"She is alright now, just sleeping. Let me check on her again tomorrow morning." The doctor said and bid farewells.

The night passed by, and Luna didn't wake up even once. Although her breathing is stable and her pulse is being checked hourly. In the morning, Luna opened her eyes and relief flooded everyone.

"I received a different prophecy from the goddess." Luna said.

"What is it?" Sol asked.

"I need to find my Sun so that I can save everyone that I love." she said.

"Maybe it means that we should hurry up and look for the Son of the Sun? The one with the blessing of Apolaki." Sonia suggested, standing behind Luna and pressing her shoulders.

"I think it's not that. I think it's something else." Luna said hesitantly.

Silence filled the room. The three of them are thinking, trying to link the prophecy announced to the one Luna had received.

"Ah. It's making my head hurt." Luna said and placed her hands on her head frustratingly.

"I think we should look for the Son of the Sun first. Maybe he received a prophecy as well." Sol suggested.

They looked at each other. Although Luna is still not convinced, her gut is telling her that is not a good idea. But Sonia nodded to her, telling her it is the soundest plan as of now.

"I'll tell my father."