
When the Moon and Sun Collide: The Eclipse

Legend says that when the daughter of Mayari, the Moon Goddess, meets the son of Apolaki, the god of the Sun, at the end of the world, the world shall face its rebirth. But when the Bakunawa threatens to swallow the Moon once again, Luna shall find the son of Apolaki quick. With the power of the Goddess and her friend that radiates warmth like the sun, they will travel to save the world, once and for all. The question is, will they have enough time?

Jadeh_Tolentino · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

The Banquet

The whole city of Bulan knows that the banquet that will be held tonight will be for the search for Luna's husband. Luna, on the other hand, is not really fond of the idea.

"Why do you have to publish it like that? Now all those boys that will come will think that I will be marrying them! We don't know that yet!" Luna is scolding his father.

"It's alright, dear. We didn't promise anything. I said, 'We hope' to find you a husband." his father explained.

"What if they asked me for marriage? What would their parents say if I didn't choose their son?" Luna can be seen fuming while watering the plants in their garden.

Sol is drinking tea beside Serene, Luna's mother. He didn't know whether to console Luna or laugh at her father who is basically panicking with his daughter's rejection of the marriage plan. So he just stayed quiet.

He doesn't like the idea, too. But he figured his opinion doesn't matter in this situation. Although he does wish Luna won't pick anyone. He silently wishes no one is of husband material.

Vian is watching from a tree nearby. She is sitting on a high branch. She finds the scene amusing, to say the least. She finds Sol amusing to be precise. She thinks he shines like the sun. She does wonder if Sol is the missing guy the princess is looking for. It will be a funny coincidence to look so far, only to find the one that is just right beside you.

"Calm down, Luna. You don't want wrinkles for the party later." Serene joked. Her husband sighed in defeat.

"You'll be there, right Sol?" Luna asked as she takes the seat in front of her mother at the square tea table.

"Yes. I would like to personally see these husbands of yours." Sol joked half-heartedly, which was exchanged with a kick under the table and a sarcastic smile.

Luna is beyond anxious. She knows the reason behind this party and that if the son of the sun is indeed one of them, how would she know?

"But how would know if they are the son of the sun? Would they have a sign or anything?" Luna asked as she takes a slice of bread and ate it.

"I think you'll know." Sol assured her. But she actually doubts that.

The banquet is a closed-door occasion. As much as the people of Bulan want to see what is happening, the family decided to keep it private. Luna thinks that she might embarrass herself in front of these boys she will be facing, but at least the city won't know.

"Can I have the list again, father?" They had a list of all ten invitees to the party.

Her father handed her a folder. It includes the profile of each boy, with their pictures and hobbies up to the very first pet they had. You can never underestimate their intelligence team. The thought of maybe they also did a check on Sol crossed her mind. Or maybe she is hoping Sol's profile would suddenly be included in this list. She has seen this over a hundred times to know it isn't there.

Vian, on the other hand, is half irritated, half amused that her picture on that list definitely looks like a boy. She's regretting being a tomboy when she was young. But can't they find an updated one at least for the sake of this project?

"Do you feel anything when you look at their pictures?" Sol asked her as she burrows her eyebrows over the papers.

"None. I don't find them the least interesting." she said answered with a heavy sigh.

"I guess we'll just find everything out later." Her mother said.

A number of important officials in the city are included in the visitors tonight. It is just a simple banquet, much simpler than the festival before. Ten round tables at set up in the garden. The party will start at twilight as the garden lights turn on and create magical scenery in a private celebration.

Vian is pretty amused with the view. She came in her most dazzling fairy dress. As she enters the gate, people are looking at her. Bulan is a big town with very close people. Someone as beautiful as Vian would easily be well-known.

She walks gracefully towards the seat with her name. The seats beside her will be empty as it was supposed to be for her parents. She couldn't care less. She came here to be amused after all. And she is almost fidgeting to see how Sol will turn up tonight.

"You look like a fairy." A little girl tugged her dress just before she was about to sit down. She looks up at Vian with glistening eyes and a slightly opened mouth.

Vian stooped down to her level and lift her pointer finger in front of her lips. She winked and said, "Shh. Don't tell anyone."

The girl's eyes grew bigger. She stood straight and lined her lips with her finger as if forming a zip on them. She then jumped in glee and ran away. Vian could only smile as she takes her seat.

"A lovely evening, isn't it?" Kira approached Vian's table.

"Yes. Indeed." Vian smiled at him and at his Mother. "You look gorgeous, Madame."

"You too, dear. Are you one of the guests?" Cora asked her as they take the seat next to the vacant seat.

"Yes. And I believe your son is one of the special guests?" Vian paused a second before the 'special guest' comment. She doesn't want to sound suspicious.

Cora smiled and touched Kira's arms. "Yes. I believe he is very special."

Vian is amazed that they really did find the son of the Sun despite sending her the wrong invitation. She can sense the warmth in him, a slight glow of light aura coming from him. Ah yes, he is indeed that special one.

It makes her think about Sol. She is a hundred percent sure this guy is the son of the Sun. But why does Sol have a very bright shine on him? Even brighter than this guy's light.

"I'm Vian. I came from Greece." Vian extended her hand to Cora, which is nearer to her than Kira. The mother took it smiling and lovingly held it firm.

"I'm Corazon. But you can call me Cora. This is my son, Kira. We came from the US but I was born here." she explained. Kira also extended his hand to shake Vian's.

"Nice to know you, Kira. I wish you good luck for tonight's event." Vian said. Kira smiled.

Soon the garden is filled with guests. Luna's parents can be seen greeting adults and the parents of the guests. Sol and Luna are still not in sight. Vian started to talk to Cora and Kira. Other people joined their table as well and started formalities and greetings. The night becomes lively.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we thank you for your time to celebrate with us the blessing of our goddess, Mayari, upon the daughter of the Moon. In line with the celebration, we have invited you all to share with you our happiness. Without your support, we couldn't have been here where we are today. We have also invited delightful young men from different countries to join us today. Let us show our famous hospitality and warmth to them for the length of their stay."

Everyone raised their glasses and nodded in the direction of the said guest. They are easily spotted, as they are foreigners, and also because no one really knew who they are. Bulan is a tight-knit city, after all.

"Let us welcome, the Daughter of the Moon, Luna Almazan." the host presented.

Luna emerged from the entrance of the garden, wearing a silver long dress with thin straps on her shoulders. The bodice is embroidered with gold laces with symbols of the phases of the moon. A thin fabric attached to the bodice serves as long sleeves but left the shoulders bare to give it an off-shouldered look. Layers of silver tulle and satin form her long skirt that brushes the ground when she walks.

Her hair in braids tied up in a loose bun leaves thin strands that frame her face. The silver streaks on it complement well with her dress, the light from the lamps giving her a warm glow.

She is walking slowly, taking each step with caution so as to not tip over and embarrass herself. Sol holds her hand, catching her weight and supporting her anxious steps. His other hand is resting a little over the small of her back, careful not to touch it but close enough in case she needed assistance. The frequent touch of his hand on this part makes the hairs on both of their back stands.

Sol is wearing a white tux with yellow frills as accents on his shoulders and yellow lines on the cuffs of his coat. He has a black tie inside and his pants fit perfectly on him. His yellow hair gives off a warmer tone because of the lamps, but his small smile brightens his image. A welcoming, warm person that you want to hug in the cold dawn of the day. Or at least what Vian is thinking.

Kira almost stood up, his mouth slightly ajar and his eyes twinkling with awe. He had never seen a more beautiful woman. His Mom held his hand to stop him. She gave him a warm smile. Her son was smitten at the first sight.

"May the blessing of the Moon be with you all. Our generous goddess has shared her wisdom and power with us, to be the strength of our people and to spread kindness and love. Receive the blessing of Mayari and may we all have a pleasant evening." Luna said in her speech.

She closed her hands in front of her chest, bowed down, and closed her eyes as in a prayer. Then she separated her hands and a small blue light formed in between. As she moved her hands away from each other, the light grew bigger and brighter. She then raised her hands above her hand and released the light. It flew up in the sky and exploded, forming big blue fireworks. Little fireworks exploded after the big one until all the light is gone.

Everyone was in awe and applauded the show. The power of light. Luna had proven she is indeed the daughter of the Moon and Mayari's power is within her.

The food started to be served. Delicacies from all over the country are on the table, inviting the locals and visitors. Luna tried to eat as slowly as possible. It is because, after dinner, the boys will be presented to her.

"Mr. James Williams, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Williams" The family bowed to Luna and so does she. The guy laid his hand in front and Luna hesitantly gave hers. He kissed it. Luna is grossed.

"You are as lovely as the moon, Princess Luna." James is a thin boy, shorter than Luna, especially now she is in her heels. Luna can also see the crooked nails on his hand and a stain on his coat colored green and yellow. Whatever that is, she is not enticed.

Four more boys came forward to her. Each has a bravado different from the others. Some made her laugh, some were more awkward than her. She breathes a sigh of exhaustion.

"Uh…" The hesitant remark makes Luna look at who is coming toward her. It's a lady!

"Ms. Vian Galani." Vian bowed in front of the confused Luna. She smiled.

"There seems to be a little confusion with my gender. I am Vian Galani. I received your invitation but unfortunately, friendship is all I can offer." Vian said with her sweetest smile.

"My sincerest apologies Ms. Galani." Luna said frantically.

"Don't worry about it! I had a pleasant time here." Vian bowed again and took her to leave, but not before giving Sol who is trying hard to conceal his laugh behind Luna.

He gave her a smile, too. He definitely shines brighter when he smiles.

Luna is boiling in embarrassment inside and her father can feel it. But she kept her smile for the next boy.

The last one to present himself is Kira. He took off his hat and bowed. Luna thought he looked like a knight in his military suit. His shoulders can be shown evidently with his uniform. And Luna instantly knew who he was.

"Welcome. And thank you for grazing us your presence, son of the Sun." Luna bowed very low, almost kneeling on the ground.

Kira and Cora were taken aback, but not as surprised as everyone else around them.