
Invincible Jump Build

Origin: Magic Enhanced

Age/Gender: 17/Male

Location: Chicago, Illinois (Summer 2022)

Time: The day that Mark Grayson first uses his powers; when he accidentally throws a bag of trash into the stratosphere while finishing a shift at work.

Race: Half-Viltrumite


Comic Book Pretty (Free):​ Wow, you look like you walked off the pages of a comic book. Luckily for you it was a realistic one so while you are rippling with muscles, or while you may have amazing curves, those muscles are not the size of watermelons and the curves are not beyond human. Essentially you have been made to be stunningly attractive, in a fashion that you desire to be. You're at minimum a 9.5 out of 10 for those who don't like your type, and off the charts for those who do.

A *th Sense (Free):​ Sometimes the magic that imbues you reacts. It jolts and seems to highlight items in your vision or alter the way that you hear things. Over time you have learned that these reactions indicate the presence of other magic around you. These bursts of information and awareness appear in the way that is most convenient to the user but processed through the senses they already have.

When you are looking at a magic pendant you could see the way the magic moves, you would feel the tingle as a ghost sneaks up on you, the wards laid on a building would show up in all their glory with a buzzing sound. Regardless, you are able to sense magic through your normal senses and never mistake the sensation of magic for anything but.

A Lover that's Out of This World (-100 CP): ​ You are capital S, seductive my friend. Regardless of how you look, you have the instinct needed to seduce anyone of any persuasion into bed with you given a chance to talk with them. More than that however, you have the skill and stamina to keep them there for hours, and then bring them back, and back, and back again as you wrack their bodies with pleasure. Let's hope your bed doesn't knock on the wall or the banging will keep your neighbors and guests up for the entire night.

Spy-Man, Spy-Man, Does Whatever a Spy-Man Does (-100 CP):​ You are very skilled in espionage. Able to lose a tail, sneak through security measures, disappear in a crowd, hack with the best of them and more, you are skilled at pretty much any skill that can be considered to be crucial to a spy like you.

Charisma Isn't Your Dump Stat (-100 CP): ​You my friend have charisma, a certain ​je ne sais quoi​ that surrounds you and your actions. Maybe it is the way you speak or the way you hold yourself.

Regardless, something about you draws other people in, it makes them pay attention to what you say and at the end of the day helps cement their loyalty to you. You have charisma like very few others, a presence that is so powerful that you would be able to get elected as the president on charisma alone.

This knowledge of how to interact with other people is not just in you alone but something that you can channel into your speech writing and delivery. Allowing this writing to impact people so powerful that centuries later people will present what you said as eloquent, respectable, and simply amazing.

Fantastic Minds (-200 CP): ​You have a fantastic mind. One could even say it is like a steel trap. You have a perfect memory and mind, with limitless capacity and instant recall of anything you have ever thought or perceived. In addition to this you have an innate ability to dull unwanted memories and no-sell any outside attempts of altering your memories in any way.

Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex (200 CP):​ *CRACK*, you broke something again, this super strength is definitely taking some getting used to. At least it was. For some reason when you woke up this morning it seemed like something was working perfectly in your brain and now your powers are modulated to whatever you desire. If you had super-strength enough to destroy planets, now you can juggle Faberge Eggs without fear of breaking. You might be able to manipulate fire on par with stars but now you find you can use it so finely that you could light the head of a match on fire. Use your star shattering telekinesis to manipulate an atom, why not?

It doesn't matter what you do but now you have perfect conscious control and modulation of any and all powers or abilities that you possess: even in things that may be considered unconscious actions, you may consciously control how fast your heart beats, your core temperature or the strength of rapid muscular contractions. That said this doesn't let you do things with your powers that you couldn't normally. If your "star shattering telekinesis", for example, couldn't normally control or affect things on an atomic scale this perk wouldn't change that. This is just control and refinement when using your powers in ways they can already be used, it doesn't actually expand what your powers are capable of.

Robert the Builder (-200 CP):​ You can seemingly build and organize anything with far less hassle and for greater results than most would experience. You are able to be the driving force behind projects large enough to affect entire countries or maybe even the world in its entirety.

Somebody 'glassed' Las Vegas? Don't worry, you could lead a project to turn it into the world's largest and most efficient solar farm that can provide cheap electricity to Half of America. Some super villain messed with the tides the world over? You, with the help of some geniuses, would be able to successfully direct the building of a secondary artificial moon to set the tides to right. Truly, the sky itself isn't a limit.

The Bored and the Corrupt (-200 CP): ​ Maybe it is your long life? Maybe it is the essence of character? Whatever it is you find you have this strength of will in abundance, such abundance that it is unlimited. No matter what you do and what you face you will always have more than enough willpower for what you need. This pool of willpower that you possess has influenced you in several ways; not only do you find yourself never getting bored or distracted, you're able to live thousands of years of life and without ever losing yourself, always able to love as if it was your first, and move past the grief when it ends. This willpower causes you to not be corrupted by the items you use or the powers you wield: their influences wash off the bulwark of your being like mist on the bow of an icebreaker.

Not as Easy the Second Time Around (-300 CP): ​You don't exactly know what it is, maybe the curse that empowers you doesn't play well with others, or maybe it is the bulwark of your being? Either way you find that when faced with unwanted magic or other esoteric energies they do not find purchase with you as they do amongst others.

Curses that would cause death wash off your skin as though they were never there, constructs of energy seem to lose coherence upon contact with you if undesired. While you may not be able to wander through the flames of hell itself you will last longer than any, other than the demons that reside there.

Yet, those magics you allow are embraced and enhanced by your being, healing that would be focused to a specific area invigorating the entire body, enhancements that are limited, becoming more potent and longer lasting.

Capstone Boosted: ​Something about these atoms from the future has resonated with the empowerment of your being, enhancing your connection to the here and now. Where once your resistance applied solely to magic now its purview has been expanded. You need no longer fear the effects of reality warpers, time paradoxes, the deletion of yourself as a concept, or other such effects for you are rooted within yourself as well as in the here and now.

You're rooted so deeply in fact that it may as well be considered an unchangeable cosmic fact. And to those who warp or alter time, space, or the nature of reality itself, you are.

You Have Been Reborn (-400 CP):​ You have somehow been caught in a time machine accident, and have been reconstituted with molecules from millions of years in the future. Thanks to this you have become better than you once were, far better.

You have gained slightly beyond peak human physical and mental attributes, and neither your body or skills ever degrade in any way due to the passing of time or lack of exertion. Given time and effort you could easily win the entire Olympics if you'd like, break world records daily, become the greatest Chess Master in the world, these are all now possible for you. Beyond this however you have gained a minor ability to use Telekinesis. Able to use Telekinesis to lift a maximum of 10 lbs currently, though should you train enough this ability will quickly grow seemingly without limit. Given a year or two, you might be able to lift houses with no effort.

More than this however these future atoms seem to have had an interesting effect on your existing abilities and will operate as a Capstone Booster on all capstones.

As Purebred as a Pureblood (-400 CP):​ I don't know what it is about you, but you are virile. You could breed with anything and have a baby. More than that you can consciously choose to give or withhold any of your traits from your future offspring. Should you choose for the trait to be passed on (or held back) you can choose the level to which your child will inherit them. If you decide to pass on a trait to a child you can also control how they learn to express their abilities as they age.

Through your control your child could automatically activate their powers at your designated age, or potentially after they pass certain milestones that you have laid out in advance. The one caveat to this is that once your child activates a power it is their power, and it is beyond the scope of this perk to remove them. If you want you could choose for your child to inherit all of your perks, powers and abilities, or on the other hand you could hold everything back and leave them solely at the standard for their other parent's race.

Weaknesses? I have no weaknesses (-400 CP): ​Something interesting happened when your powers activated for the first time, the weaknesses that normally plague those like you seem eerily absent. You now find that the specific weakness that your powers suffered from are conspicuously gone. The limitations of your powers are all present and accounted for, but the things that could bypass them entirely no longer can. A Viltrumite would find that sounds that would normally cause pain, and potentially death among their kin do not affect them at all. A werewolf would find that silver no longer hurts them, though they may still be reliant on the Moon depending on the specifics of their curse. Someone with a weakness to a specific type of radiation, or even wood, would find that they no longer have anything to fear from those things. Have fun turning the tables on those who thought they had you boxed into a corner.

This is intended to remove specific weaknesses of powers but not sources, limitations, or requirements for their use. For example, with this a Kryptonian would be immune to kryptonite and red solar radiation but would still need yellow/blue sunlight to have powers.Without those as a power source depending on the continuity the powers vanish after a few days to weeks. A Vampire could walk in the sun, but would need to continue to ask permission to enter a house, and would still need to drink blood. This does not remove costs of powers, nor does it allow powers with explicit cooldowns to happen faster.

And Where to Find Them (-600 CP):

You are beyond all doubt a super genius. You are a creative and intuitive genius that could build futuristic projects, make armours capable of fighting veteran Viltrumites to a standstill and reverse engineer or better alien technologies that are centuries more advanced than you are. You are also quite skilled at cloning technologies and enhancing normal people far beyond their original limits through cybernetics, genetic modification and incredibly sophisticated gear. Without a doubt you are one of the most intelligent individuals in the world, with a knack for the physical and mass production sides of science. While you can go beyond the more physical sciences, it may take you about fifteen years to properly create a time travel device or a device that would allow you to hop between universes.

Capstone Boosted:​ Screw being one of the smartest beings on the planet you are without a doubt ​the​ smartest being on the planet. Master time travel technology, hop between universes before brunch, build incredible FTL drives. You alone could catapult the Earth into being a major player in the galaxy through technological prowess within your lifetime. Screw reverse engineering alien tech, aliens now want to reverse engineer your tech.

This perk gives you intelligence on par with Robot Rex, for those unfamiliar with the series that is basically the level of Tony Stark in Marvel Comics or Mr. Terrific in DC. The Capstone boosted version of this pushes your intelligence forward to be on par with juggernauts of intelligence like Reed Richards, Dr. Doom, Brainiac, Rick Sanchez, Lex Luthor(at his smartest), and others of seemingly infinite intelligence.

Never Gonna Keep Me Down (-600 CP): ​You can heal from anything, anything at all. Given time and basic support your body will always regenerate to 100%. You could have your guts ripped out of your torso and all it would take would be to shove them back in, and make sure you have nutrients to survive (if you still need those sorts of things, I don't know you), and you would be able to heal in a few months at worst without a scar to show for it.

You are never at risk of infection, never get sick and left to your own devices you could live for millennia without succumbing to old age. Luckily for you this healing works on seemingly everything, from brains to hearts, though you must remain alive (at least barely) for the healing to kick in.

The sole issue with brain damage is that when you heal, while you retain all of your previous memories, you may not make any new ones during the healing process if your brain damage remains too severe. Which means you might get injured and then suddenly come-to months later without any memory of the intervening time period while your brain was healing. This is just by default of course, if you have other powers or abilities for continuity of memory then this won't override or stop those from working. While this does not really increase the speed of your healing it does ensure that you will heal completely and that the healing will not result in scars.

Interaction with being a Viltrumite, this perk alone allows you to live for millennia as does being a Viltrumite. The two together operate exponentially and if both are taken would allow you to live for millions of years.

Capstone Boosted:​ Those atoms from the future seem like a vigorous bunch. Now whenever you heal from an injury your body takes the chance to rebuild from it stronger. Get nearly killed and once you heal watch your strength catapult from the level of young Viltrumite to the level of a veteran Viltrumite (assuming you were a Viltrumite, of course). Regardless, every time you heal you become stronger than before.

A bone that was broken causes your skeleton to strengthen, a ligament pulled would increase durability and elasticity of tendons and ligaments around the body. If one day you were burned, the next you would be flame resistant. Without any outward change in appearance you find yourself evolving and growing to deal with the scenarios the world throws at you.

Powers: (+300 CP For This Section)

Required Secondary Powers (Free):​ You have the secondary powers inherent to a superhero, when you move extremely fast the air around you does not catch on fire, when you lift a building it does not crumble around the area where you picked it up. Essentially you can operate under 'comic book physics', although you are able to turn this perk ​off​ and on​ at will.

Angstrom Levy (-600 CP): ​You were born with the powers to open portals to step between realities. You can open portals to travel within the local multiverse of every setting you enter and can simply move from one to the other. The only problem with this would have been that while every setting has this local infinite multiverse and you're able to open portals to travel through it, you do not know where you are in the multiverse or where you are precisely within each universe. However thanks to the grace of jumpchain you now possess the equivalent to knowledge to what Angstrom Levy would attain through gathering up all of his copies, that of knowing innately where you are in both universe and multiverse as well as the general features of the universe in question. Thanks to this the portals that you open to parallel realities no longer have to be in the exact same physical location as where you are standing. This knowledge updates in future worlds. You are also able to open portals to other parallel dimensions should they exist naturally in the setting, such as the Never Never in Dresden files, Heaven and Hell in DC, or parallel realities in Marvel for example. You are limited to the local multiverse until post-spark, upon which you can go anywhere. Although you will have to build up to this level of freedom.

This power gives access to the local multiverse and similar pocket dimensions. In Marvel it would allow you to access all of the parallel realities but also dimensions like Asgard. In worlds where a multiverse is not present or explicitly stated, this power fiat-backs a local multiverse for you to access. This power cannot be used for in-universe teleportation, only between universe teleportation. However you can take multiple jumps to effectively move through your original universe.

Half-Blood Viltrumite (-600 CP): ​You are a Human-Viltrumite Hybrid. As humanity is very close in nature to the Viltrumites and that Viltrumite DNA overwrites lesser species, you can grow to be just as strong as any other Viltrumite out there. You will have super strength, super speed, super durability, and the power of flight. While you do not have super senses 'per se', your sight is comparable to a hawk, and somehow manages to operate perfectly no matter how fast you move (even if that is beyond the speed of light). Viltrumites have hyper-evolved and efficient bodily functions such that, holding a single breath of air is enough to last you for two weeks of vigorous physical activity, and you are immune to any and all diseases and ailments bar those that have been enhanced by something comparable to super or hyper science and tailor made to affect Viltrumites. Something like this would take the best scientists of an advanced alien civilization years if not decades to achieve.

Viltrumites grow through stress and conflict, so you are able to train your physical abilities or improve through being damaged and healing from it at a comparable rate to if you had trained vigorously during that time. 

Viltrumites can heal from almost any trauma imaginable, able to get their guts ripped out or being ripped in half, with all it takes to put everything back together is for your bits to be in approximately the right place to heal perfectly, given the time. Due to this healing factor Viltrumites live for millennia, with their aging being comparable to humans until they reach physical maturity at which point it slows dramatically. The only issue with this healing factor is that if the heart has about 50% of it destroyed the healing factor does not work, and while it can heal brain trauma (including memories), it caps out at about 1⁄3 of the brain destroyed. Also, as good as this healing factor is, it won't replace lost limbs. Either reattach them or get a prosthetic.

With age Viltrumites remain semi-comparable to humans as their hair changes slowly to white, though they never get wrinkles, and are able to grow glorious facial hair. Although culturally Viltrumites limit themselves to a beautiful mustache. Finally Viltrumites have a single inherent weakness, the complexity of the ear canals that evolved to allow them to balance while flying in space, this complexity means that the right type of sonic pulse could cause immense pain to a Viltrumite and potentially even death given a long enough exposure.


No two Viltrumites are created equal. Their powers come from their extremely potent and dense tissue, and can be improved through their lineage or simply training. When you buy this perk you start off at the level of a young Viltrumite, able to hold your breath for hours at a time, and move or fly at hypersonic speeds. You are strong and durable enough to give and receive attacks powerful enough to shatter skyscrapers and break mountains. Given around a decade of natural growth (or less provided you train) you grow to the level of a veteran Viltrumite. Meaning you, with the help of a couple others of similar strength, could shatter somewhat weakened planets and receive similar attacks all while being able to move at well beyond the speed of light, although they tend to limit themselves to hypersonic speeds while in an atmosphere. They are capable of flying between habitable planets within a couple of weeks at their top speed, with the stamina to remain awake and aware through the flight.

Given enough time and training you may even eventually be able to make it to the level of a Regent Viltrumite, though something like this would take about a couple decades (or equivalent) of dedicated hard work, and many life or death battles. Being healed to be better than before by someone with powers like Atom Eve may shorten this time further. A Regent Viltrumite is so strong and durable that a veteran Viltrumite could literally cause their own arms to explode into a bloody pulp from striking a Regent and have the Regent be completely unaffected. A Regent is so quick they could move without a veteran Viltrumite even seeing them, and so strong they could literally cut a veteran Viltrumite in half with a casual swing of their arms, like a hot knife through butter. Regent level Viltrumites are powerful enough that they could fight inside a sun, albeit while taking massive amounts of damage to the point of death or near-death if they stay there for about a half an hour or more.

As a half-blood Viltrumite, you get an added degree of control over your backstory, you may choose to be Nolan Grayson's (Omni-Man) child and Mark Grayson's (Invincible) sibling. Or you may simply be the product of a government experiment using the blood Nolan left at the scene of a fight, or something else that fits thematically.

Items: (+400 CP For This Section)

Durable Super Suit (Free): ​ You have a beautifully designed super suit tailor made for you so that it fits perfectly. This suit is extraordinarily strong and will even hold up during super powered combat without ever disintegrating. While it is durable, this suit does not increase your defenses: it simply survives through combat.

Secret Lab (-200 CP):​ You have a full kitted out secret lab, hidden in a warehouse of your choice. You own this warehouse outright, and for some reason it continuously gets utilities without you ever paying. The most important things that this warehouse comes with is a fantastic high tech lab and refilling resources. It comes equipped to be fully utilizable by a super-genius to make high tech objects. It has refilling resources sufficient to make and maintain about a dozen drones or suits of armour on par with Robot Rex's. This warehouse can be added into any new jump or world that you travel to and retains all upgrades.

Tech Jacket (-300 CP): ​Created by the Hyper-Intelligent Geldarians, it is the 'most powerful weapon in the universe'. The tech jacket is an extremely advanced and potent piece of technology. This suit of hyper-advanced armour is capable of flying, reaching FTL speeds, giving its user the ability to develop advanced weaponry and tools as the situation demands, in addition to enhancing their physical abilities and taking care of all of the user's physical needs in perpetuity. This armour allows a normal human with no real training to take on a Veteran Viltrumite and emerge victorious, though it would not be an easy fight. This tech can self-repair in real time and has unlimited stores of energy, along with seemingly the entire repository of Geldarian tech. The jacket is able to generate new technology based on its users knowledge, and is unhackable by anything in this universe. Whether the jacket has an A.I. or not, as well as its personality is decided when this item is purchased.

When the full armour is not desired it can shrink down to a small patch somewhere on the user's body, and become weightless. Normally due to executive decree 574-3 the jacket can not be removed, however, by the grace of CP this jacket can be removed, and put back on when desired.

In case it wasn't clear, this is basically along the lines of the Blue Beetle Powered Armour in DC Comics. It can basically adapt to any situation and can essentially achieve anything tech based.

Full Viltrumite Database (-600 CP):​ You gain a full Viltrumite Empire database that adapts to be readable on any computer or similar device. Contained in this database is a copy of every piece of information ever developed by the Viltrumites or any of their slave races. This includes space tech, medical knowledge, history, and even the most classified of military secrets. It even holds the new invention of how to cure species specific super plagues, and lesser diseases.


A Picture will Last Longer (+4,000 CP): ​ For those who wish to stay longer, they may take this drawback. You will have your time here extended past the 10 year mark, to another significant point in the story. You may stay until; the final climactic battle between the Viltrumites and Robot Rex is complete, the final chapter of the comic centuries in the future when Mark Grayson is finally at peace as he leads the reborn Viltrumite empire on missions of peaceful expansion. You may even stay until the far flung future, where The Immortal rules the Earth and has slipped into insanity (egged on by the brain of Robot Rex) until his final decapitation at the hands of a young and time displaced Mark Grayson. With every tenth  purchase of this drawback, increasing your time here by a half year.