
Chapter 604: Is this girl not getting married in order to celebrate the New Year?

Chen Cang felt that he simply couldn't gel with the group of elders around him at meals.

Each one of them was eating plain broth, under the noble guise of "keeping healthy."

His own plate was piled high with beef, fish, shrimp...

At this moment, Chen Cang inexplicably missed Wang Qian, because only when he was with Brother Qian'er did Chen Cang not seem so much like a glutton!

Why not call oneself a foodie?

Because Chen Cang felt he didn't deserve such an elegant term.

The directors around him were very enthusiastic, seeming eager to put an arm around Chen Cang and treat him like a brother.

Chen Cang was on his guard, cautiously observing everyone's eyes, wanting to convey that he actually didn't fit in, that he was an outsider...

I really didn't use any backdoor connections!

But obviously, nobody believed that.