
Chapter 570 Not an Accident, but Man-Made

The car stopped in front of an antique shop.

Shirley tried to push Antwan but was rejected.

"Wait in the car, and the driver can push me in."

He didn't want his surprise to be found in advance, that would be a waste of effort.

"Okay, I want to see what kind of surprise you can make."

With strong curiosity in her heart, Shirley watched the driver push Antwan into the antique shop.

She was lying in the back seat of the car. She was a little bored. Seeing that the time was just in the afternoon in Seatle City, and the two little guys should be out of school, so she sent a video call to her brother.

The strange thing was that the elder brother who usually answered the phone in seconds, had not been connected today. She had tried several times, but he didn't answer the phone.

"What happened?"

Shirley immediately frowned. She had a bad premonition.

She immediately called May, and May answered the phone quickly.